Our family is in decline

Chapter 829 Farm (5)

"The owner of this necklace has retained a little consciousness and not fallen due to his love for Miller. It is guiding us."

Lance handed it to others to check, saying something that others did not understand. Finally, he passed it back to him and added, "This is a piece of equipment full of love, but now there is only an obsession."

Others did not understand a little bit. They did not know who Miller was, but they still had reasoning ability.

"So this is a strange area formed by Miller's obsession?"

"Maybe finding Miller can solve the problem here."

"But where is Miller?"

Everyone began to think, and Lance searched here briefly to make sure there was nothing missed, and immediately took up his sword and walked outside.

"You will know after fighting."

Everyone followed him out without doubt. Sure enough, the scene outside changed again. They were not thrown into the chaotic space. Although they were still in the farm, they were one step closer to the mill in the center, even in front of them.

Finally, I could see that the mill seemed to have been penetrated by something, and the upper part was largely reduced to ruins. The windmill was also torn apart, and the debris flew everywhere.

Looking inside from the damaged area, a large number of thick crystal clusters grew out of the collapsed buildings, reflecting a strong and weird color on the entire dilapidated mill.

Under the power of the crystal, a large number of bricks, beams, and even the broken parts of the windmill blades were suspended in the air, as if the moment when the comet penetrated the mill was preserved.

Originally, they should have been some distance away from the mill, but after walking out of that place, they appeared here directly. This situation was too different.

However, the bigger surprise was still to come. The rubble outside the mill was suddenly pulled and quickly pieced together into a very exaggerated monster.

More than two meters tall, this guy wore a broken tall hat, had white hair and a long beard, and his body was petrified like a shrunken monster, with many broken marks. The flesh and blood of his body disappeared, leaving only petrified bones.

In its hand was a scythe for harvesting grains. Although it had long been broken, it was now glued together by the power of the crystal. It emitted a more condensed fluorescence, and the light from its empty eye sockets seemed to be really looking at the enemy in front of it.

If its strength was judged by the power emitted by the crystal, then this guy was more terrifying than all the monsters encountered before.

"Is it Miller?"

"It has the same necklace around its neck!"

And their emotions were not panicked by the appearance of the monster, but rather excited. Because everyone had just seen the photo of the necklace, they instantly recognized the origin of the tall figure holding the scythe.

Perhaps ending its obsession was probably the key to solving the weirdness here.

Unlike Mildred, who was silent in the barn, the miller appeared full of hostility. He raised his hand and a brilliant light emerged from him.

Master calling!

Under the power of the crystal, an ordinary farm worker soon appeared in front of the miller as honestly as if he was called in his lifetime.

As soon as the farmhand appeared, he raised his hand and scattered the tiny crystal fragments in the direction of the crowd.


Lance was the leader now. He directly summoned a large shield to block the strange breath in front of him. He took a look at the tiny crystals growing on the shield and realized that these "seeds" would "sprout" if they fell on flesh and blood.


With a roar, Boudica rushed up from the other side and rushed forward with the gun pointed at the miller.

However, the miller waved again and summoned the second farmhand in front of him. He came out and waved the hoe at the attacking Boudica.

Unremitting work!

Faced with this sudden move, Boudica still did not dodge, but hurriedly swung the axe and the hoe collided with each other, making a sound of metal clashing.

Alhazred used the [Hand of the Abyss] to control the miller, but who knew that it was fluorescent and the explosive power could easily eliminate those shadows.

The flying knife thrown by Amanda was also blocked by it with its scythe. Its reaction speed was completely different from the stiffness of other shrunken monsters. It was ridiculously fast and powerful.

Perhaps the continuous attacks made it feel a sense of crisis. After blocking the flying knife, it opened its mouth and blew towards the first farm worker summoned in front of it.

The breath of winter!

The tiny crystal fragments spewed out from the miller's mouth fell on the farm worker like snow and wind, and crystals grew on his body the next second.

From the chest to the eye sockets, even the brain was stretched out, and it couldn't stand steadily. It was all supported by the growth of crystals. The farm worker who could still move stood directly on the spot like a corpse frozen by the snow and wind.

"What is it doing?"

This scene was difficult for everyone to understand, but the attack did not stop. Lance took back the shield and raised the sword. The speed was not slower than the miller, but his target was the worker who seemed to be frozen.

The crystal distortion was too weird, and no one knew what it was, so destroying it first was the best choice.

But he didn't expect that the moment he approached, it was as if he had touched a trap. The frozen worker moved without any warning. The violently growing crystals rubbed and collided with each other, and the mixed sound of the shell stretched out sounded like mourning.

Hollow wailing!

The crystal that had been sticking out of the eye socket actually completely broke through the head at this time. Not only crystal clusters emerged from the cracked head, but also the mucus-like fluorescent fluid was spewed out.

Seeing that it was about to fall on him, Lance used his left hand to make a big shield appear out of thin air to protect him and block most of the mucus.

Although he didn't know what the effect would be, he had to know that Lance had a slight mysophobia. If that thing fell on him, it would drive him crazy.

Fortunately, Lance was always on guard against its explosion and was prepared, otherwise he would have been hit.

He flashed close to it and swung his sword to cut it down. The crystal touched by the sword quickly shattered, and in a blink of an eye, it was like glass shattering on the ground, directly cutting the frozen worker.

He didn't even stop Lance and raised his sword to stab the miller.

Unexpectedly, the miller's reaction was not slow at all. He actually waved his sickle to block it. The broken sickle was condensed by the power of the crystal. Even against this demon sword, it was not at all inferior. On the contrary, it revealed a solid collision sound.

But the gap between the weapon masters has already been revealed. How can a miller who farms compare to a war lord who has experienced hundreds of battles?

The miller is fast, but Lance is faster than him. He knocked away the sharp edge of the sickle and swung his sword. Although he could not activate skills after absorbing the thin blood of the Deep Diver, the blood-stained scarlet blade has a unique charm. It is thirsty for more blood!

It’s just a pity that it has been a hard life since it caught up with Lance. It can be said that it has never eaten anything good. It’s either the Deep Diver or the crystal. One doesn’t have much blood, and the other is more abstract. It’s good that it didn’t get a stomachache.

So the collision of this sword didn’t tear the miller’s body apart. It just broke a small piece, but it gathered again under the power of the crystal in the next second. The only effect was to push it back a few steps with the additional force.

But only Lance could feel from the touch just now that the blade just approached and felt a resistance repelling. The force field made the attack on the miller weaker, which had nothing to do with the weapon.

However, this sword also made the miller swing the sickle without stopping.


As the sickle was swung, a blade-like fluorescence swept through the air. However, the terrifying thing was that the sickle tore through the space. Under the influence of the strange force, Boudica and others who were dealing with the summoned farm workers were hit by this attack beyond time and space.

This method of ignoring space made everyone bear the injury of the sickle before they could react.

Fortunately, they were not ordinary people. When the sickle appeared out of thin air, Boudica's fighting instinct took over her body, and her muscles reacted instantly to swing the axe gun to block the most fatal blow.

Amanda also seemed to sense the turbulence of time and space. Even though it was sudden, she still turned around to avoid the most fatal blow. Only the tip scratched her back. The broken blade cut an exaggerated wound, and the flesh turned outward, and blood gushed out.

Spellcasters like Alhazred were the most unlucky and could not react at all, but he had a lot of things on him. Lance had purified the coral for him and also gave these spellcasters a gift from the fishman, [Deep Sea Fish Scale].

At this time, the scales formed by the power of the deep sea blocked the attack, but they were also broken in an instant and knocked down by the force, and at the same time, they lost a life-saving item.

Lance just wanted to raise his sword to block, but the strange thing was that the necklace in his pocket seemed to be affected by something, and a force blurred the space to block the attack.

In other words, in the end, Lance, who was closest, was not hurt by the harvest!

However, Lance could not care so much, and activated the reconstruction of flesh and blood to smooth out the injuries of the other three, but the breath just now stimulated the miller, who accelerated and swung the sickle at Lance's head.


Under the power of the crystal, the huge body moved at an amazing speed and was full of oppression. The sickle chopped down as if Lance's head was the crop he had worked hard to cultivate and wait for harvest. However, even if he was distracted to heal his teammates, Lance could block it with one hand.

The blade collided with the sickle, and as the tilted sword body drew a string of sparks over Lance's head, the miller still failed to collect this "pumpkin".

Instead, Lance, who had saved people, began to fight back. Even if the power of the sword could not kill it instantly, it could suppress it. The rough power attached to the big sword knocked open the miller's already broken body. Even if the power of the crystal was constantly re-condensing, the broken body was still broken.

Whether it was waving the sickle or summoning those shrunken monsters, it was useless. On the contrary, as Boudica and the others reacted, they also joined the hunt in one fell swoop.

Alhazred did not attack either. He just summoned tentacles to entangle or cursed to weaken its strength. Amanda had the same idea, constantly weakening it through throwing weapons with rituals, so that the force field supported by the crystal was weakened.

The battle between extraordinary people is based on information gap. As long as you know the ability, you will be prepared, and the effect is naturally not good.

Lance rushed to the miller, but he did not swing the long sword, but took out Mildred's necklace and pointed it at it.

Sure enough, a woman's phantom appeared out of thin air, and the miller raised the sickle inexplicably, and his petrified face inexplicably gave people a strange feeling.

Love is mutual. Mildred's love for Miller made her endure endless pain and still maintain her sanity without collapse. Similarly, Miller's love for his wife can also make his fallen soul temporarily break free from the control of the crystal.

To outsiders, it seemed that the miller had stopped inexplicably after seeing the necklace, the fluorescence on his body flickered, and his huge body seemed to be fighting for something.

Immortal true love!

He fell to his knees the next second as if he had lost control. It seemed that sadness could be seen in his empty eyes, and the way he looked up and wailed but could not make a sound was full of tragedy.

But Lance did not have the habit of appreciating other people's sadness. Now all he could do was to fulfill his promise to Mildred and give Miller a quick release so that he could be reunited as soon as possible.

He finally held the hilt of the sword with both hands, sacrificed himself and swung it with all his strength. The swift blade was even invisible at the moment it was swung out. Only Lance felt that the repulsive force field that originally enveloped the miller disappeared.

This made the slash show a stronger lethality. It was not a destruction of flying debris, but an extreme silkiness, and it did not even shake the whole.

Because there was no obstruction at the moment the blade passed, both the body and the crystal were turned into powder and brought out an arc of light, which showed the trajectory of the slash.

Lance also passed by and turned his back to the miller, but before everyone could react, he turned his back and swung his hand to strike out with another sword.

This time everyone finally reacted and saw, because the miller was cut in half from the head, and the effect of the first sword began to show under this force, and he was directly divided into four pieces.

Even the miller could not bear the power of the cross sword, and the fluorescence dimmed. After losing the power, the whole body began to disintegrate and dissipate.

Lance stood with the sword in his hand and put away Mildred's necklace, as if to prove that he had completed the task entrusted to him.

As expected, he picked up a similar necklace from the place where the miller disappeared. When he opened it, there was a photo of a woman and the name engraved on the lid - Mildred.

Finally, they found eternal rest in this land where they had worked hard but to no avail...

"Why is the boss not moving?"

Boudica's voice brought Lance back to reality. As expected, looking around, it was still a brilliant light.

The miller was not killed as expected, his obsession was eliminated, and then he broke through the illusion and returned to reality. Instead, he was still here.

"Have you noticed that after we kill a certain number of monsters, the green crystal will disturb time and space, and we will enter another space to continue this cycle, but every time we come out, our position is closer to the center.

In short, this piece of time and space is chaotic, and the miller is also a victim affected. The real core is here."

Lance said, looking at the mill in front... (End of this chapter)

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