Our family is in decline

Chapter 836 Starry Sky Monster

In the depths of the undeveloped wilderness, the farm that was once destroyed by an alien comet.

Now it is divided into two parts with the pillar of that celestial body as the boundary.

The outside is swallowed by the nature with strong vitality, while the inside is eroded by unknown crystals, and then dragged into the chaotic time and space, turning into a dead land full of shrunken monsters.

With the death of the ancestor, the isolation rituals gradually became ineffective. Lance entered the farm from the weak point of the ritual in order to explore the farm before, which means that the things inside can also run out.

So after Lance went back, he immediately sent two guards to garrison here, and also to monitor this area.

Lance directly sent a batch of supplies here, and there were countless woods here. The guards quickly built a solid camp in this winter.

Their daily task is to walk around the border of the ritual, determine the power of the ritual, and be vigilant against the spread of crystal pollution.

There were no problems during this period, until a heavy snow last night. After the snow stopped, the patrolling guard today found a strange mark and hurriedly called his teammates to come over.

Two untied hounds were excitedly wagging their noses around. They seemed to smell a hint of prey. They hadn't hunted for a long time.

Compared to the excited hounds, the guards who had gathered were not so optimistic, because the traces left by the inexplicable existence were really weird.

"Why does it feel like a palm handle? Could it be the trace left by a fall?"

"To be able to leave such a footprint on the snow, the weight is no less than that of a wild bear in the wilderness. How can ordinary humans leave such a trace?"

"I can't tell what kind of monster it is..."

Even the knowledgeable guards found it difficult to find the corresponding target in their own experience and the monster illustrations they had learned.

"No matter what it is, we should find it, and we must not let the things that run out of it run around."

Soon everyone agreed and began to chase the unknown thing with hounds.

The hounds that were selected into the guards were definitely the best among the hounds that were captured. They were not as spiritual as Figos, but this simple task could still be completed.

Not to mention that there were also traces left on the snow. The guards were not only good at fighting and killing, but also had a higher learning intensity. They had to learn everything and specialize in one or two things. There was a trace master in the team.

And they soon found the monster wandering in the wilderness under their pursuit.

Crystal blocks that were so big that they made people shudder!

They had seen the rotten corpses controlled by fungi in the wilderness, the ugly pigmen in the sewers, the hideous fish-headed monsters wrapped in mucus, the deformed bodies of the cultists who were out of control and twisted, and even the shocking flesh and blood creatures in the depths of the dungeon.

But now the appearance of this monster also made them feel a bit of indescribable weirdness.

The whole body seemed to be spliced ​​together by various corpses. The most conspicuous thing on it was the half body transformed from the deer corpse, because the thick crystal column on the horned skeleton deer head extended from the lower jaw, and the position of the other arm was more directly a hoof.

One of the legs that allowed it to stand was actually supported by a human crawling half-body, and the lower half of the body was integrated into it. On the other side, several bones that could not be seen were glued together by festering flesh and blood, and the two supported the huge and terrifying body.

The intestines were exposed on the chest cavity, and the whole body was covered with various animal and human organs, with clusters of crystals growing in it, just like a pile of rotten corpses thrown together until the crystals glued them together.

And the head was still human, but the crystals broke through the top of the head and grew out, declaring who was the owner of this body.


A sudden bark woke everyone up. Just when the guards were silent, the two hounds had become restless and rushed up to bark without waiting for the master's order.

This is really not their fault, because they have been trained like this since childhood in the hands of those nobles. When they encounter prey, they go up and shout to harass and attract the attention of the prey, creating opportunities for the nobles.

Even if they were captured and brought to Hamlet to be tamed by William, a short period of transformation could not make them change this instinct.

However, this was a disaster for the guards, because the crystal monster seemed to have noticed the newcomer.

Such a huge and ugly monster has such a small lower limb. Anyone with a little discernment can see that it can't be fast, but the magic of supernatural power is that it is completely unreasonable.

Cross-time and space biting!

The monster's head suddenly opened its mouth, and a fleshy mouthpiece like an abyss worm stretched out from it, and fluorescent liquid spurted out from it.

The weird thing is that the guards are still a distance away from it, but the thing seems to ignore this, causing time and space to overlap at a certain moment.

Anyway, even if the guards are strong, it is difficult to dodge such unreasonable attacks. They only have time to raise their hands to block their faces before they are directly splashed.

"Take off your coat quickly!"

But the teammates next to him noticed that the fluorescent liquid began to grow tiny crystals when it fell on the clothes.

The man who was hit was still an experienced and ruthless man. He did not panic because of the attack, and quickly took off his warm coat amid the shouts of his teammates.

It has to be said that the weather was cold, so everyone wore thick warm clothing, which also helped to resist the initial attack.

At this time, the monster has moved its huge body to attack. If you thought the other party was a target before, now it is full of pressure.


The crowd is not ordinary people. Their mission is to prevent the spread of crystal pollution. Now they must kill this monster.

"Be careful of the grenades!"

With a shout, one person threw two grenades at the beginning, which was a test and a response to the attack just now.

The teammates also started to move, loading the rifles on their backs.

They are guards, and they all have strong melee skills. Some even specialize in melee, whether fighting or not, but it does not mean that they have to rush up to melee. They can kill the opponent remotely, so why do they have to get up and take the risk of casualties?

In fact, what is more important is that the enemies they face are very dangerous, and there is also the risk of pollution.

At this time, two explosions exploded beside the monster. Neither the power of the explosion nor the flying fragments seemed to have much effect, but the flickering luster and the undulating liquid on the crystals that were broken or scratched by the fragments seemed to have some effect.

However, before the monster could react, the guards had already finished reloading, and they fired without any nonsense.

They all knew that the monster's weakness was the crystal, and those who were sure aimed their guns at the monster's head, and those who didn't aim at it aimed at other parts of the body.

The bullets fired sporadically, and the sound of the ten rifles echoed in the wilderness, and the smoke of gunpowder lingered in the air for a long time.

The lead bullets fell into the monster and immediately caused obvious scars. There was a gap on the protruding head, and the crystal on the head kept bursting out fragments. Even the monster subconsciously raised his hand to raise the crystal column to block it.

If it weren't for its huge body, this move might be enough to cause serious injury, but unfortunately this move seemed to anger the monster.

I saw it suddenly let out an indescribable roar, and then the crystal on its body became dim, but it was covered with a layer of electric flash.

Return to the starry sky!

I saw that the monster's injuries stopped instantly, and then a piece of crystal broke out, and it grew as soon as it fell to the ground, but in the blink of an eye it formed a cluster half a person's height.

"Kill that crystal!"

Although they had never entered the farm, they had heard from the lord about the behavior of the shrunken monsters. They had to be careful of the distorted crystals, otherwise it would be troublesome if they developed.

Another round of gunfire rang out, and the crystal cluster was blown up, but the lead bullets that fell on the monster seemed to be blocked by something and had no effect at all.

However, the monster's counterattack was far more than that. It raised the crystal column on its deer bone arm and thrust it forward fiercely.

A fatal blow!

The crystal column was surrounded by fierce flashes, and as it stabbed out, it was like a lance in a charge. This blow ignored the time and space distance and directly stabbed the guards who were shooting outside.

The pure damage, a direct move made the man fall to the ground. Fortunately, the man reacted in time and held the rifle horizontally in front of him. The rifle in his hand suffered some damage, but the power could be seen from the fact that it broke in two in his hand.

However, the monster did not stop the rhythm of counterattack at all, and opened his mouth again, but this time it was not mucus that spit out, but crystal fragments with strange power.

Paralysis fragments!

A strong fluorescent light glowed from his mouth, forming an exaggerated beam of light. Under the force of that power, the crystal fragments turned into shrapnel-like power and attacked everyone.


There are many trees in the wilderness, and everyone knows what to do without shouting, but one of the guards was unlucky and got hit.

The fragments lost most of their power when they penetrated the heavy coat, but the power of scratching the flesh also made the guards feel like electric shocks, and the whole body was suddenly paralyzed.

Compared to these, the interference of the crystal on the will is the most terrifying, and it bears huge pressure in an instant.

However, the guards were blessed by Lance, and each of them had a strong master and champion physique, and they were still resistant to various abnormal states, and they resisted the paralysis in an instant.

The guards, who also took "iron will" as their slogan, would never easily succumb to the fear brought by the crystal.

After reacting, they simply cleaned the wound, applied powder, and bandaged it, and continued to prepare for the battle, without a word of nonsense.

The sense of oppression brought by this monster is too strong. Since the formation of their guards, they have rarely been suppressed like this.

Of course, it was also because of the environment. The heavy snow last night left a thick layer of snow. They had to sink into it whenever they stepped on it, making it difficult to move flexibly.

As well as being unfamiliar with the monster's abilities, they used rifles and no heavy weapons, otherwise they would be smashed after a few shots.

However, after several battles, the guards quickly understood the situation and entered the state. Knowing that there was no way to avoid it, they immediately decided to take ruthless action.

They took out a few glass bottles and threw them at the monster. The glass shattered when it hit the monster, allowing the turbid and sticky fluid inside to flow.

After a few bottles, it almost stained its entire body. At this time, a torch was thrown out. When it landed on the monster, the flames instantly burned and turned it into a fire.

The only thing Lance agreed with the church was - let the flames purify everything!

The force field constructed by the crystal can resist attacks, and the power of the muskets is reduced to the same as throwing stones, but facing this kind of pure real damage, even the monsters from the starry sky can hardly bear it.

Return to the starry sky!

The burst of power actually extinguished the flame, but the burning marks left by the flame were difficult to conceal, and the remaining liquid only needed a little spark to reignite.

The premise is to withstand the monster's counterattack. Being injured makes it even more crazy. The light emitted from the crystal is flashing faster, just like a heartbeat.

Weak fragments!

Piercing fragments!

The monster opened its mouth and spewed out fragments with strange power. Some people who were shot fell into weakness, and some crystal fragments with destructive power fell on the body and easily tore horrible wounds.

The whole person directly lost most of his combat power. It was no longer a simple hemostasis bandage. In order to save his life, he drank the healing potion directly.

The negative state + severe pain plus the erosion of the crystal tortured their will. Fortunately, the potion was really powerful. As long as it was not a broken limb, ordinary flesh wounds were easily healed. Even if it could not be completely healed, it could stop the drive for deterioration and save his life.

But even if someone was hit, what would it matter? We have many people.

One or two injured did not prevent others from counterattacking. Soon the flames ignited again on the monster, forcing it to interrupt the attack and clear its own negative effects.

"Brothers, give me a few grenades!"

At this time, someone simply dropped his heavy coat and took the opportunity to rush up with a cluster grenade made of several grenades.

Weight brings power, but the price is that you have to get close enough to throw it out, and it is obvious that he seized this opportunity. When the monster returned to the starry sky to eliminate the flame damage, he didn't care about the guards who were approaching until the thing was thrown under the monster's feet.

Fatal blow!

The monster reacted and immediately stabbed the crystal column to kill the enemy in front of him, but the man didn't stop at all and turned around and ran after throwing it, and then jumped as far away from the explosion as possible.

However, he didn't dodge this trick, and he happened to dodge it, which is enough to prove that these skills that distort time and space are not necessarily successful.


The monster wanted to move, and at this time the grenade was triggered, and an explosion several times more exaggerated than before sounded. No matter how strong the monster was, it was affected by the violent explosion, and its huge body fell uncontrollably.

At this time, the waiting teammates rushed up again and stuffed the grenade in their hands into the monster's body.

"Go, go, go!"

Everyone ran out with shouts, and then quickly fell to the ground.

The monster didn't even struggle, and then all parts of his body exploded.

The crystal was broken, the intestines were directly blown up and splashed, and even the open mouth was filled with it. When the explosion happened, the whole head and the crystal inside were blown off.

Destroyed, cut, and the fragments were scattered in the wind! (End of this chapter)

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