Our family is in decline

Chapter 842 Scarlet Courtyard (3)

Even so, Lance did not feel the most obvious sign of nobility from the monster's pretentious appearance, that is, the family crest and clan seal. If it were a noble, he would have wanted to stick it on his face.

It can be seen that these guests invited by the ancestor are just so-called celebrities, also called gentlemen.

Under the feudal aristocracy system, the title of gentleman is a kind of dignity and respect, awarded to people with high social status and aspiring to become knights, especially landlords or wealthy businessmen who are above gentlemen and below knights.

In simple terms, it is a placebo, but it is also enough to be a stepping stone to enter the circle. Just like when they were invited by the ancestor to come here, they are basically gentlemen and celebrities in Hamlet and its surroundings.

However, even those noble nobles fell into the clutches of the scarlet curse, and this title could not bring them any effect. It is obvious that these gentlemen were also infected.

No matter how they dress up, affect and inflate themselves for their frivolous cruelty, when the bloodthirsty instinct prevails, they have almost no dignity, showing the real monsters hidden under their complex appearance.

The blood that Lance had just deliberately dripped awakened the monster trio, but it did not quench their thirst for blood. Instead, they attacked Lance with hunger.

The last gentleman seemed to want to maintain his last dignity. He drew out the rapier he carried with him and stabbed Lance over the blood beggar and the servant.

Long stab back!

In the era of popular duels and competitions, even gentlemen would practice it specifically, and the movements and postures showed his gentlemanly elegance, and he might really be able to do a few tricks.

But the one in front of it was Lance...

He blocked it with a single-handed swing of the sword, and a casual sword was an unbearable weight for these gentlemen.

But the interesting thing was the actions of the servants who followed him at this time. Even though they had turned into blood descendants, they still subconsciously imitated the behavior of humans, allowing them to still use their bodies and plates to protect their masters, thereby helping their masters.

Dedicated service!

The servant rushed forward and raised the plate to block it, but the blood-drinking magic blade easily cut the silver tray and the servant together.

Instant kill!

The blood beggar who was squeezed at the back finally found an opportunity at this time. The tick head on his head opened his mouth and spit disgusting liquid at Lance the moment he rushed forward.


That is the method used by insects to inject digestive fluid into the body of prey to dissolve the flesh and blood. Obviously, there will be no good end if they touch it.

Even Lance was forced to retreat and dodge by the disgusting digestive fluid. He didn't want to stick to it at all. He shot back and hit the shriveled head of the tick directly. Unfortunately, these guys have strong vitality.

However, even Lance did not expect the next scene.

The servant was cut open by Lance to protect himself and died in front of him, but when the blood splashed on the gentleman, the hunger and thirst could no longer be suppressed. The gentleman actually grabbed the servant like crazy and bit him, sucking his bones and blood.


Even Lance was a little surprised by the crazy look, because after sucking blood, the so-called gentleman could no longer maintain his body shape and began to mutate.

His mouth was full of fangs covered with blood and flesh residues and he opened it as hard as he could. His spike-like mouthparts became longer and longer, and his limbs mutated and grew insect-like sharp legs. Two torn pants popped out from his waist, forming a four-legged body with the mutated legs, and his buttocks became a mosquito-like tail sac.

However, the blood beggar who was shot back by Lance could not escape. He was pounced on and sucked the tick's buttocks wildly, and the gentleman's tail sac was swollen and full.

The gentleman who finally swallowed the blood and showed his bloodthirsty form had no way to suppress the madness. He left the blood beggar who was sucked dry and attacked Lance.

Evil transformation stab!

The four sharp legs quickly pushed the body forward, and with a sudden jump, the arms that turned into sharp legs stabbed over.

Lance swung his sword and chopped off the two thorns. He didn't expect that the two feet born from its waist would stab out flexibly.

Front leg stab!

Lance retreated to avoid it. Even if it entered the bloodthirsty state, it could not keep up with the speed of the demigod. He raised his sword and chopped it out while retreating and advancing.

The slender sword body brought a larger attack range, and it was easy to cut it off when it passed. The growing shells could not stop it at all.

It can be said that if it were not for Lance's observation, they would not have had any time to transform.

Lance sacrificed the corpse, and this time he finally got some spirituality.

"Gentleman... Humph! It's just a fly-and-dog-dog."

He continued to move forward with the sword, and the fork in the road began to appear. The only thing that remained unchanged was the large number of insect nests and cocoons, and of course the annoying buzzing that seemed to never stop, as if the fog covering this place was made of mosquitoes and was endless.

Until Lance encountered a mysterious figure among the eggs, wrapped in rags, not quite a human, not quite an insect, kneeling on the ground, but not attacking Lance, just raising the hand with the marks of mutation as if craving for something.

Lance knew what the bloodline wanted, but Lance was more curious about how it could resist the bloodthirsty desire and not attack him. He wanted to pick up the rag with the tip of the sword, but at this time he heard it make a mysterious murmur mixed with deep fear!

The next second, it stood up and wanted to escape, but was directly chopped by Lance's sword.

Afterwards, he was found to be more like an incompletely developed deformed child. No wonder he was expelled from the group and lived alone. It was lucky that he was not eaten by others. It seems that the hierarchy within the bloodline is strict.

A small episode did not stop Lance. He chased the mosquitoes not for these. He found a large number of cocoons attached to the dead tree heads in the surrounding area, and a large number of mosquitoes were buzzing around.

He went up and stabbed the cocoons with a sword and drained the vitality of the cocoons. Suddenly, the guarding mosquitoes attacked Lance like a plague cloud.

Lance was not afraid of those seemingly endless plague insects at all. On the contrary, he liked to hit mosquitoes the most. He raised the Holy Grail to explode them all and absorb blood. He let the insects rush to him, but when they got close, they exploded directly and turned into imperceptible blood.

As the number of mosquitoes increased, even the Holy Grail could not keep up with the refining. The thin blood mist gradually became thicker, attracting more mosquitoes, and then continued to explode!

Lance only needed to stand there, the blood mist merged into the cup and condensed into drops of bright red. Listening to the explosion sound was like popcorn, which was inexplicably relaxing. It was more fun than cutting blood descendants.

He held up the Holy Grail like an angel sent by God to purify the filth of the world. When he was done, a thick blanket of mosquito corpses accumulated around him.

Then he burned it with fire and watched the flames devour it. Only one word could describe his feelings at this moment.


Keep moving forward until you break into a low-lying area. Geological changes have caused most of the man-made buildings here to sink into the swamp. The surrounding area is full of common aquatic plants such as cattails, rushes, and reeds, which block the environment below. No one knows what they are stepping on.

The difference is that there are no insect nests and cocoons everywhere, and no blood descendants thirsting for blood everywhere, as if this is a rare quiet place.

But is it really like this?

Lance's eyes wandered in the reeds, and suddenly he took out a grenade with a smile, lit it and threw it out.

When the explosion sounded in the puddle, it immediately startled the monster lurking in it and caused the reeds to ripple.

How could there be a "big fish" in shallow water?

Large areas of cattails were affected by the movement and fell down. The hiding guy was easily dragged out by Lance and showed his hideous face.

The whole thing looks like a crocodile, with a signature crocodile head, and the most terrifying thing is that there is a high bulge on its back, which is densely covered with irregular holes.

It looks similar to the insect nest burned along the way, but one look can drive people with trypophobia crazy, because it grows in flesh and blood, inside a living body.

No longer crawling on the ground, the front half of the body is raised like a mantis, because the limbs have grown insect-like limbs, and the forelimbs are specialized to appear longer and thicker, with sharp ends. The hind legs of the lower abdomen are alienated to form short and thick spikes and even have an extra pair of supporting body shape.

A hybrid of a crocodile and a mosquito. It seems that the scarlet curse not only infects humans, but also nature.

However, this thing did not attack frantically at the first time, but moved cautiously in the swamp, but its eyes were fixed on Lance, showing the fluctuation of extraordinary power.

The fear of dormancy!

Even the action of moving forward revealed cautious temptation. Could it be that the blood descendants transformed from beasts are calmer than those transformed from humans?

But Lance felt more like he retained the hunting habits when he was still a crocodile. He liked to pretend to be stupid and approach, and then suddenly attack when the prey was paralyzed.

Lance did not want to go into the water, so he took out his gun and fired a round to provoke it to the shore.

The bullet landed on it, and the pain caused by the tearing of flesh made the monster remove its disguise and immediately launch a counterattack against Lance, but the method was a bit bizarre.

Corrupted insect swarm!

There was a stir in the insect nest on the back, and countless tiny mosquitoes flew out of it and attacked Lance.

Lance raised the Holy Grail to take the mosquito away, but the crocodile's strange limbs gave it a good speed, and it took this opportunity to rush forward.

Tear, scratch and bite!

The crocodile opened its long mouth full of sharp teeth and tried to bite, while the alienated forelimbs waved to try to grab the prey and drag it into the swamp.

Lance was not surprised at all, because he was waiting for this moment. He swung the sword and slashed. When the blade landed on the crocodile, Lance felt a different touch.

The crocodile's body was tougher than those human-transformed blood descendants. This sword did not cut it off, but only left an exaggerated scar on its body.

This scared the crocodile, and it turned around and went into the reeds.

Dive into the swamp!

But the movement was too big, and it was impossible to cover it up. You can see that the body that was originally raised up is lying on the water surface, mostly buried in the swamp, and after a short breath, the wound began to improve slightly thanks to the strong vitality of the blood descendants.

Lance didn't want to go down at all. The sword in his hand disappeared, and he took out the spear with a barb and threw it over there.

Whale hunting hook spear!

Under the surging force, the spear instantly sank into it and pierced the bulging back.

The pain of the hook spear drilling into the flesh made the crocodile struggle, and the sound of struggling against the water surface was heard, and then the rope suddenly tightened.

Lance stood still, pulling the rope with one hand to wrestle with the crocodile, constantly turning the rope around his wrist like fishing, and dragging it out of the mud again.

The crocodile, realizing that it couldn't escape, completely gave up escaping, and even took the initiative to attack, rushing towards Lance in the most ferocious posture.

Ferocious hunting!

It completely abandoned the sharpness of its insect limbs and opened its bloody mouth. Once it bit something, it would spin its head wildly. During the long time, it dragged countless things into the mud.

But why did it think it could withstand the second sword swung by Lance?

The disappeared blade fell into its hand again, and this sword directly cut off half of its head from the corner of its mouth. When it jumped onto the shore, only the twitching corpse was left.

Even if the crocodile skin is tougher, it is only relative.

The first monster Lance encountered was more likely to sacrifice to see if he could get some equipment, but the spirituality given by the gift made him a little disappointed, so he turned around and left this low-lying area.

Those nobles back then really knew how to enjoy themselves. Lance had been wandering outside for so long, but he was only in the outer area. The most common ones were mosquitoes and various insect nests and cocoons.

As for the blood descendants, they were the blood beggars and servants, or the exiled deformed monsters who were thirsty for blood.

After crossing the depression where the crocodile appeared and walking further in, there were more buildings left. In other words, he finally passed through the outer garden area and entered the core of the courtyard, that is, the mansion area.

Here he finally encountered two new enemies, and they showed the influence of the scarlet curse on different humans.

A mosquito, without too many weird deformations, but its torso can be as thick as a thigh, and with drooping limbs and wings that keep buzzing, it looks like half a person's height.

Lance thought that the fist-sized ones he encountered before were already outrageous, and now this mosquito, which is even bigger than a falcon, feels like it can suck a person dry in one bite.

It is obvious that it has been infected and become a blood descendant like the crocodile. The power of the curse has given it an extraordinary body size, and of course the ability to spread the curse.

Although the second type should be a blood descendant transformed from a human according to classification, it is just that the degree of alienation is too high. Gentlemen need to suck blood to completely change, and it has already shown a very exaggerated appearance.

Most of the body has grown black carapaces, and even the head has no flesh and blood. It has a similar ferocious face, but there is a pair of antennae on the forehead, and the head looks like a locust.

The arms have transformed into two exaggerated sharp claws, but the body has become like a fat silkworm, with countless short legs extending from the chest to the tail, but this structure requires it to rely on some building debris to stand.

It can be said that it does not look like a human at all. It can only be vaguely identified as a knight from the tattered clothes and the hairstyle. (End of this chapter)

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