Our family is in decline

Chapter 846 Scarlet Courtyard (7)

"This is an exhibition room, those nobles..."

When those nobles have fun, they naturally have the need to show off. They may not bring vulgar things like gold coins, but it is common to bring some artworks and other treasures to show their strength.

In front of them, they entered a casino, and the gold coins in it filled the small treasury, and many leftover objects and even extraordinary equipment were found here.

The blood descendants lost interest in these, and although Lance said he didn't care, he still collected them...

"I feel a strong breath over there, it should be the noble blood descendants left over from that year."

Yulia swung her sword to kill the last blood descendant, looked up and looked forward, the blood slid from the long sword in her hand but did not drip to the ground, but turned into blood mist and merged into the holy grail in Lance's hand.

Lance didn't care about her words at all, but was just curious about a question that he had been puzzled about for a long time.

"Why are the blood descendants of the nobles stronger?"

"Because the infection method is different, and the infected objects are also different. Drinking the blood of a powerful blood descendant directly is more effective than a bite from the blood descendant, but most people can't bear this power. Only those with strong will or some strong obsession can persist.

There are also those who can keep rational under the impulse of hunger and thirst, so as to control the mutation, otherwise they will become those things that are neither human nor ghost."

This can explain why all the people I see are small fish. It turns out that not all nobles can be transformed into that. The more priority the infection is, the more power they gain, and the greater the price.

Only strong desire can hold on. The baron who turned his hand into a whip is an example. The inferiority complex has long distorted his will and made him complete the transformation, although it is degraded.

However, Yulia's words seem to explain something, but Lance feels more like her experience.

When she introduced it before, she easily passed over the experience of losing everything and coming back in the end. Now it seems not so simple.

It can be guessed that the scarlet rose infected her to control her, but who knew that Yulia did not sink into the thirsty desire, and the strong obsession of revenge made her maintain her self.

Maybe the plot was that the ancestor pretended to die like the Countess, then resurrected and escaped, hiding in the wilderness to practice, and withstood the erosion of the curse on her, but controlled the power to complete the transformation. Only she knew the hardship.

This is also a "protagonist" character, but Lance has no hobby of exposing people's scars, so he did not dwell on this topic, and instead gestured to take action.

"Then kill it, it's just a bug blocking the way."

The two continued to go deeper, and they found something wrong. Those blood descendants did not appear near this place. It can be said that they have entered the "territory" of some existence.

"In front is the restaurant. The banquet could last for several weeks, but there was never a shortage of food."

When he pushed the door and broke into the restaurant, the first thing that caught his eye was the huge stone table and the countless corpses on it. Now Lance knew why there were no blood descendants around, and they were all on the table.

There are also countless corpses wrapped in strange red mucus that looks like flesh and blood, and then hung on the roof, which reminds people of the way insects store food.

Among these smelly and corrupt garbage piles, there is a blood descendant whose body is not huge, but the upper, middle and lower parts are very strange.

It can be more than two meters tall, and the whole head has been completely insectized, with a black chitinous face, protruding big black eyes, and a mouth full of fangs. The tattered coat can be seen in the upper body, and a napkin is stuffed in the chest.

The hands have not been transformed into insect limbs, but they also look thin and sharp. One hand holds a knife and the other a fork, just like a gourmet.

The abdomen of the baron in front is a big mouth, together with the cocoon behind, but this one is different. The abdomen is full of fallen cysts, just like many layers of fat belly, but it has many overlapping, which looks very disgusting.

However, the lower part is a fat and short shape, with a large area covered with black shells, and the lower abdomen can be seen to be bulging with full red due to congestion or fullness, just like a flea that has eaten too much.

The image of the monster reminded Lance of a viscount who was addicted to eating and crazy in the diary of the ancestor.

The banquet and carnival will last for several days or even weeks. During this process, the restaurant will continuously make rich delicacies, and the participants will eat until the food becomes bland.

Not eating does not mean that there will be enough food for the banquet. A large amount of extravagance and waste will cause these rich foods to deteriorate over time.

At this time, a greedy gourmet happily suggested that everyone should taste this smelly and corrupt garbage dump!

This proposal was naturally rejected by everyone as being unhealthy, and no one paid attention to it.

But a few days later, he was found giggling wildly in a pile of stale food, licking his fingers with joy...

A viscount who called himself a gourmet had endless greed and hunger for food, and of course distorted the definition of food.

This concept was not forgotten after becoming a blood descendant, but became even crazier.

No wonder there were no blood descendants around, it turned out that they were all caught and eaten by it, or turned into reserve food.

When they came in, the viscount found this fast food delivered to his door, and immediately raised his knife and fork excitedly, jumped up, and came directly in front of them and waved the table knife.

Exquisite side dishes!

The action of attacking was a table knife, but the real attack was the blade-like forelimbs waving towards the two people.

Lance retreated behind him, and Yulia did not waste any words and directly confronted him, raising the big sword in front of her to block. She could vaguely see the blood-colored phantom that was aroused and enveloped her.

Iron Maiden!

At this time, the crisp sound of the forelimbs colliding with the sword body showed the hardness and strength.

However, two of the forelimbs were quite flexible, and they were still scratched after blocking a move, but the damage was not high, just a few flesh wounds, but it angered her.


The big sword blocking in front of her burst out with power as she held it with both hands, and slashed directly at the Viscount.

The blade contacted the cysts piled up in the chest and abdomen and instantly cut them open, but the Viscount would not stand for her to hit him. He immediately jumped back and grabbed the corpses around him and stuffed them into his mouth.

A small handful to taste!

After eating, the wound in front of the viscount healed quickly, but Yulia would not give it a chance to recover, and immediately rushed forward with her sword.

Noble duty!

Only in some very traditional aristocratic education will you be told that the reason why aristocrats become aristocrats is not because of their bloodline, but because of their responsibility to protect others and their obligation to charge forward. Unfortunately, many people have forgotten this.

But Yulia did not forget, and rushed forward and stabbed with her sword to interrupt the viscount's eating. Lance, who was observing from behind, felt that he was in a state of loss and seemed not to be full.

This was a humiliation for a gourmet, and he also expressed his anger, actively approached, and pushed the limbs that kept hitting the ground.

Present a delicacy!

The moment he approached, the two pieces of carapace covering the front of the lower body suddenly cracked like wings, and what was revealed was that two retracted spiked insect limbs suddenly popped out under the bloody flesh, as if they were presented with both hands.

Yulia was stabbed by the spikes when she was caught off guard, but she fought back firmly as if she had no sense of pain. She swung her sword and slashed directly at the front of the insect body without the protection of the shell. The viscount was immediately frightened and retracted the spikes, but the damage had already been done and blood kept dripping.

The weakness caused by the injury, coupled with the smell of blood in front of her, made Yulia's hunger and thirst worse. She wanted blood...

But Yulia instinctively resisted this bloodthirsty desire, and fighting hunger made her miss the opportunity to chase.

The viscount turned around and jumped to the other side when he was injured, grabbed the hanging corpse and ate it.

Enjoy the feast!

This time no one disturbed him, and he ate happily, which also made his condition improve quickly. The breath that had just fallen became stronger.

Of course, Yulia also noticed it. She did not rush to urge Lance to help, but continued to charge with the sword.

Yulia used to practice the rapier that was common among the nobles, and her swordsmanship was also flexible and swift, but after experiencing those things, she realized that she was too weak. Now she is wearing heavy armor and holding a big sword to show her advantages.

The big swordsmanship often tore exaggerated wounds on the viscount, and after understanding the viscount's attack methods, she can easily deal with it.

Even if she was slightly injured in the fight, it didn't matter. As a blood descendant, she was also a blood cow. Soon, the seemingly chaotic situation was under her control.

But the viscount naturally couldn't sit and wait for death. It suddenly opened the two pieces of the shell on the front of the insect body that were cut with sword marks.

Watching with eager eyes!

But this time, it didn't attack with the hidden spikes, but the dense black eyeballs on the two open shells, combined with an unknown buzzing sound, suddenly a strange force hit Yulia.

This hidden move really caught people off guard. Yulia was originally prepared to defend against the spikes, but now she was unprepared and fell into trouble.

The Viscount finally had the opportunity to distance himself again and eat the large corpse.

A greedy feast!

It turned its weakness into a morbid appetite, constantly devouring the corpses, and it was even a little difficult to control. Its fat belly even hindered its movements, but the wounds on its body began to heal with the naked eye.

Lance finally finished his observation after watching this scene, and probably figured out the Viscount's ability. Relying on devouring corpses to recover is its most powerful ability. The other means of attack are too poor. It relies on the two forelimbs and the hidden spikes. Of course, the strange eyes may mean that the lower body is the main body.

"Next, you just need to let go of the attack, and leave the rest to me."

Lance raised the Holy Grail unhurriedly and tapped a drop of blood into her mouth. The burst of vitality healed the wound and eased the hunger and thirst to summon her consciousness back.

With the assistance of Lance, Yulia suddenly opened her blood-red eyes and dragged the sword up to fight with the Viscount again.

Lance launched a sacrifice to clear away all the messy corpses. Without the obstruction of corpses and devouring, the Viscount fell into serious injuries in just a few seconds when facing Yulia.

The newly grown shell on his body was knocked open by the big sword again, and blood kept oozing out. The place without armor was even worse. The upper part was almost cut off. He struggled to support but couldn't escape at all...

To be honest, the battle along the way was like cutting melons and vegetables, and did not show Yulia's true strength at all. This is why Lance chose to stand by and watch just now. He just wanted to see Yulia's strength.

After fighting with the Viscount for so long and failing to win, can she really be said to be weak?

This is probably not possible, because Yulia did not exert the most powerful power of the blood descendants, she has been suppressing herself.

The Viscount was able to hold on until now only because he was flexible enough to jump around, and because he had a lot of blood and a means of recovery. Once this advantage was gone, he would not be able to withstand a few swords.

Just like now, the Viscount, whose legs were cut off, still wanted to struggle and opened the broken shell in front of him.

However, Yulia, who was well prepared, did not give him any chance at all. She directly inserted a sword into it, and pushed the entire blade into the fat and short insect body. If the cross handle had not been stuck, it might have slipped in, and even pushed it back a few steps with both hands.

Yulia did not pull it out, but directly stirred the blade, turned sideways and pulled it out, tearing a hole directly from the inside.

Now even the blood descendants' powerful vitality could not resist it. The bulging belly burst and flowed all over the ground. The Viscount's entire two-meter-tall body also collapsed and fell to the ground with a muffled sound, and died on the spot!

"Hmph!" Yulia inserted the greatsword in reverse and stood with the sword. She was stained with blood, but she looked extraordinary and heroic.

Lance watched the whole battle and realized that she was still very strong, even among the legendary swordsmen.

Her strength was far beyond that of ordinary people. She was heavily armored to reduce damage, and ordinary attacks could not even break her defense. Moreover, she had a lot of blood and strong recovery ability. If it was not a fatal injury, it would not affect her status.

She went forward and sacrificed the Viscount directly, and a dinner knife exploded. The effect was to attack and suck blood to heal the user, which really corresponded to the Viscount's ability.

"Open your mouth."

Lance took out the Holy Grail and rewarded Yulia with a drop of blood to make up for her loss. The blood descendants would not get tired, but they would also consume, and the scarlet curse would extract power from the blood to replenish it.

Yulia smacked her lips, and she did not ask Lance to give her more, but just silently cooperated with Lance to clean the courtyard in exchange for blood.

After killing the Viscount, there was nothing on the scene that could restrict them, and even the crocodiles wandering in it were just a joke.

Lance dragged out the reeds with his hook spear, and Yulia went up and killed him with a few swords. He continued to explore and basically found everything he could find. Lance picked up a lot of garbage, but nothing was cheap. It turned out that you had to go to the rich area to hunt in the wild.

The courtyard was a small kingdom, basically the means of enjoyment in that era, such as casinos, high-end clubs, knight fencing, hunting and fighting, singing and dancing, poetry, art exhibition halls... everything was available, and there were even some "small games" that were not allowed to be seen in the light, but there was no brothel because there were too many women.

"This is close to the core of the courtyard, and our enemies are in front."

Suddenly Yulia spoke up and interrupted Lance's thoughts, and couldn't help but look at the palace that was vaguely visible in front.

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