Our family is in decline

Chapter 853 Beast Transformation

From the beginning, there was only one person, and the more tribes they passed, the more people joined. Later, when Lance showed up with more than a dozen people representing their respective tribes, there was basically no possibility of rejection.

During this journey, those people were gradually influenced by Lance. Now no one can resist his powerful charm, and it was still unconsciously.

Now Lance proposed to solve the source of the beast disease, and no one questioned it. Even a few people who were rescued by Lance showed strong support as if they were inspired.

These are all locals, and everyone is strong. They soon entered the territory of the former Wolf Fang Tribe.

Along the way, Lance also learned from them about the harm of beast disease. The infected will be transformed into a wolf, and then show very strong strength and self-healing ability. What's more terrible is that those who are bitten will also be infected.

At the beginning, the situation was tragic. Fortunately, the surrounding small tribes were killed by the Wolf Fang Tribe, so there was a quarantine zone.

In addition, everyone soon discovered that destroying the head could kill the infected, and burning it could prevent further infection, so they persisted under the organization of the remaining people.

The heavy snow blocked the mountains behind, and also isolated the spread of the beast disease, giving everyone a respite, but the curse still lingered in the mountains, and everyone was afraid that a human wolf would suddenly appear.

However, just as they were moving forward, the attack came as expected, the creepy wolf howl, coupled with the swift speed, and the more terrifying thing was that there was not just one, no wonder it became a nightmare for so many barbarians in the mountains.

The huge team present was the elite of each tribe, but they showed a little panic after hearing the movement.

It was not about bravery or not. To be honest, they were not afraid of injury or death, but the infection turned into a human wolf, whether it was life or death, touched the thing they feared most, that is, losing the protection of the spirit of the wilderness.

In some cases, the barbarian tribes are all various religious groups, connected by faith, and naturally afraid of blasphemy.

But this time there was Lance in the barbarian coalition.

"Unite! Nothing can stump us."

With a loud shout, everyone's fear disappeared and courage filled their hearts. They were surrounded by people from other tribes, but at this moment they united together, grasping their weapons and preparing for battle.

Lance had already rushed towards the attacking werewolf. Sure enough, he could see that the man stood up with a hunched body, covered with thick fur, and his face had been transformed into a wolf head, with a long mouth full of sharp teeth.

And his hands and feet also grew sharp claws, his legs were bent back and walked like a wolf, and his movements were not running with two legs, but moving quickly with a flying posture, bursting out with terrifying speed.

If you are pounced like this, and then bitten, you are basically infected.

And the appearance of these monsters reminded Lance of the second stage transformation of the war wolf, but at this time the monster had already pounced on him. In a flash, an arc of light flashed, and the long knife wolf fang that had not been used for a long time appeared in his hand.

Using the equipment obtained from sacrificing the war wolf to chop these guys, I don't believe you if you say Lance didn't do it on purpose.

The sharp blade is very effective against these unarmored enemies. The werewolf that was stabbed had exaggerated wounds on its body. That knife almost cut it open from the chest.

But it began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its body showed extraordinary activity, which made Lance feel the long-lost breath, and instantly the whole person became alert.

Damn ancestor!

He didn't forget to leave all kinds of messes after his death, from farms to courtyards, and now there are mountains. How many bad things did he do?

Without the breath of the ancestor, Lance might still want to play with them and study them. This time he no longer suppressed his strength and swung the knife. In an instant, the monster's head flew away from the body, and the body still maintained that action and fell to the ground before falling.

On the other side, there were monsters staring at the large army. Greendale also took action, took out the staff and waved it, and those monsters landed as if they were trapped and entangled by tree roots.

Without the speed advantage, the captured monsters became less threatening, and the barbarian warriors took the opportunity to swing their weapons to kill them.

Soon, the monsters that attacked were solved with everyone's efforts, and this success also began to advance rapidly. Basically, none of the monsters encountered were enough for Lance to cut with one knife.

Until they entered the last sacrificial site of the Wolf Fang Tribe, the stone statue that served as the carrier of the Wolf God cracked for some reason, and a terrifying werewolf appeared in it.

The exaggerated figure stood up, more than two meters tall, with swollen muscles under the thick hair.

The sharp claws on both hands were like sharp blades, which could easily tear steel apart without a doubt, and the fangs exposed in the wolf's long mouth were equally terrifying.

Just discovering Lance warned as if he was facing a great enemy.

"Back off, this is not an enemy you can deal with!"

Lance felt a trace of divine breath, which meant that unlike the semi-finished products before, this was obviously a masterpiece of the combination of the power of the Wolf God and humans.

Or it was the corrupted Wolf God.

No one knows what kind of power the divinity that has been worshipped for who knows how many years will bring. The previous one was the immobile Pig God, and the Pig God's clumsy movements were just restrained by his ability.

But it is obvious that this is not a clumsy style. Lance's biggest headache is this kind of hyperactivity. If Alhazred is here, he may be able to use secret techniques to control or curse to weaken the enemy, but he has no choice. A real battle broke out in the former Wolf Fang Tribe.

And those barbarian warriors were fortunate to see Lance who had liberated his power. The confrontation between the two sides was very fierce. The continuous confrontation did not ease, but became more intense, as if the warm-up was over and the main race had just begun.

The surrounding area became an absolute restricted area. Just the leaked breath made them feel terrified. If there was no Lance, I am afraid that the entire mountain barbarian tribe would find it difficult to escape the claws of the monster.

Let alone them, even Lance was suppressed by the corrupted wolf god.

If it was just the wolf spirit form of the wolf god Lance, he would not be afraid at all. After all, the protection and blessing could not hurt him at all.

Even the wolf god champion like War Wolf only had a part of the power when he asked the gods to possess him, because he could not bear it at all. Now I don’t know what the ancestor did. How the hell did he give the wolf god a flesh and blood carrier that walks in reality.

After a simple sword fight, Lance knew that he couldn't hold on. With the speed difference being almost the same, the opponent had two claws and a mouth, and it was impossible to remain unscathed.

That's right, what constrained Lance was his desire to remain unscathed. When he couldn't compete in speed, Lance changed his weapon, the wolf fangs were switched to his left hand, and his right hand drew out the bloody blade of the greatsword.

He held the claws that were grabbing him with his horizontal sword, and raised his long sword to hold the wolf's mouth that was biting towards his neck. The collision of wolf fangs made a crisp sound, and the blade actually broke, which had never happened before.

Seeing that it was about to bite, Lance didn't dare to bet whether it could be bitten to pieces, so he directly pulled out the sword and stimulated the power of the greatsword. The scarlet light bloomed on the sword body, and as he dragged a bloody sword energy horizontally, he directly repelled the monster.

Sword and sword combined!

The two sharp weapons cut out in opposite directions. When the two sides pulled away, they could see that the monster's claws were almost cut off, and the fur in front of its body was cut open, and the flesh was turned outward and blood was constantly oozing out. There was also a scar on the wolf's mouth, which almost cut off the entire upper jaw.

The wound on the mouth was healing quickly, but the wound caused by the greatsword was bleeding profusely.

Lance took the opportunity to take out the corpse spores to apply medicine to the long sword, and then he took the long sword in his left hand and the greatsword in his right hand, and rushed forward to chop without stopping.

The two two-handed weapons for ordinary people could be mastered in his hands with one hand. The attack range of the long weapon directly suppressed the monster, causing countless scars in a short time, and the corrosive power suppressed its ability to heal itself, and the long sword drinking blood even drained its power.

Lance became more and more courageous in the battle, but the monster became weaker and weaker, but suddenly the scarred monster broke away and raised its head to let out a loud wolf howl.


No one knows how many infected people are hiding there. Anyway, this call transcends the distance in space and all of them gather together. The beast disease is just like the scarlet curse, which is a manifestation of extraordinary power, but it is not controlled by humans.

"Stop them!" Greendale naturally couldn't let those monsters interfere with the battle in front. She took out the mask and put it on. She slammed the antler staff down. The power of nature awakened this wilderness shrouded by the curse. Countless tree roots and plants danced wildly, dragging those gathered monsters.

After the previous actions, a group of barbarian warriors also began to cooperate in hunting those monsters to prevent them from interfering with the battlefield in the middle.

When the monster saw that the call didn't work, it immediately wanted to run away, but Lance had been prepared. He swung a sword and injured the leg. Even if it didn't break, it would stagger and fall.

And Lance suddenly burst out. The big sword disappeared in his hand in the moment of rushing forward. He held the knife with both hands and burst out with the greatest power to cut it down.


The blade was so fast that it was hard to see clearly. The next second, the monster's huge wolf head fell off the body and rolled. Blood spurted out like a pump, and the huge body fell down.

I give you a chance to enter the second stage. If you don't give me a chance, you still want to transform?

In front of these barbarian warriors, Lance must show enough pressure. It is impossible to transform it because of the explosion rate. It would be embarrassing if he couldn't beat it in the second stage.

Lance sacrificed himself directly to avoid more trouble. As the wolf god incarnation was swallowed by the void and completely destroyed its life, the beast disease that spread from it did not end. However, it did not have any effect in the face of the united barbarian warriors.

And Lance just got the gift from the void. It is no surprise that it is the divinity that Lance has not studied thoroughly.

However, there is another surprise in that the power returned by the wolf fang void is enhanced, and the edge of the blade that was broken due to the battle is restored. In addition to the previous simple sharpness, it has become more tough, and the blade seems to be hosting some kind of power, and it has a little more evil.

Lance picked up the wolf fang and turned to join the battle. As the blade cut through the flesh of the infected, he seemed to understand something. This knife can not only cut off the flesh of reality, but also cut off the spirit body and devour the soul to grow stronger.

Is it the wolf god who lives in it? Will it wake up?

The rest will be solved soon. When all this is over, everyone will realize that the beast disease in the mountains has been solved.

Lance didn't bother to study the changes of the wolf fang, but instead gave everyone a blessing. After a brief speech, he let them disperse and return to their own tribes. Then they will meet in three days to confirm this matter.

The barbarians worship strength. Lance led them all the way and finally killed the wolf god incarnation, which was enough to prove his strength. He was even a little fanatical after a few days of influence.

Until they dispersed, Lance and Greendale began to explore the ruins of the Wolf Fang Tribe.

It can be seen that the chaos at that time was sudden and without warning, so there are many things preserved. Lance likes to collect garbage the most, and the accumulation of the Wolf Fang Tribe also fell into his hands.

There are even some wolf taming techniques, as well as some rituals or formulas to strengthen wolves. Perhaps most of them are ineffective without the Wolf God, but Lance understands that as long as it is extraordinary power, he can find a way to improve it, and these can probably be used on hounds.

Of course, they also found a lot of strange things they looted, which can be studied for a long time. Among them, some potions of the Deer Head Tribe made Greendale lose their minds.

"From now on, there will be no more Wolf Fang Tribe in the world."

Lance looked at the dilapidated scene, and he didn't mean to burn it down. In the environment of the mountains, if there were no people, it might take less than a few months for the wilderness to completely wipe out the traces of human existence.

"Let's go."

Greendale didn't say where it was, but Lance knew without asking, and soon led her into a valley, where the Deer Head Tribe used to be stationed.

There are all kinds of dangerous plants growing here all year round, and large patches of thorns are connected to form barriers. If it is the man-eating flowers and plants, poisonous plants, and hallucinogenic mushrooms that spit buds in the spring, basically no beast can successfully get through.

It is precisely this kind of long-term stability that makes them lose their vigilance. Back then, the War Wolf and his team seized the last winter. You can see that Greendale was unwilling to move after winter.

At that time, the plants withered, the natural depression, and the power of the tribe was suppressed, otherwise it would not be so easy for the War Wolf to kill them.

After a year, the destruction was completely occupied by various plants, and Greendale, who was walking in it, also had a complicated expression, revealing a sad atmosphere.

"It's all over."

Lance comforted her, but Greendale shook her head and walked straight through the tribal ruins into the secret passage hidden behind the valley. She turned around in the twists and turns, avoiding many deliberate forks and traps. If no one led her in, Lance would have to spend a lot of time on this.

Finally, we passed through the complicated tunnel and came out of it. It was a canyon hidden in another mountain. Because it was low and blocked by mountains, the cold wind could not reach here, so it was relatively warm, with dense vegetation and shrouded in the iconic fog. (End of this chapter)

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