Our family is in decline

Chapter 97 Materialism

"This talks about a very important concept in the formation of religion, which is the creation of gods."

"Creating a god?"

"You can understand it this way. As an ordinary person, would you rather be close to a good person or a bad person?"

"Of course he's a good guy."

"Isn't that right?" Lance grinned, "We are naturally close to good people because our subconscious believes that good people will not hurt us, but bad people may hurt ourselves. This is essentially driven by our own interests. The collective cognition formed in long-term social activities.

In order to make ordinary people feel close to them, religions will put all the truth, goodness and beauty that they can think of into their gods, creating a perfect god. Anyway, it is up to them to explain it, and they can tell ordinary people just by opening their mouths. Why not do it if you have a natural attraction? "

In fact, there is another very important key point that Lance has not finished. It is not only the church that promotes good qualities, but also the ruling class.

In this way, the minds of the people under the rule can become stable and they will not resist the ruler. This is determined by the social attributes of human beings.

To some extent, the operating logic of religion and the state is similar. The upper class enjoys privileges, the middle class maintains rule, and the lower class can only be severely exploited.

The difference is that one can tell stories without taking any responsibility, while the other will take the blame if he doesn't play well.

And now, as a lord, he is also sitting in the ruling class, and he has decided that he will not easily say those words to dismantle himself.

He attacks religious forces because this thing interferes with his rule of the territory. Who the hell believes in the church?

Thinking of this, Lance unceremoniously pointed his gun at the church.

"Who can't say that? I even said that I will take you to the moon! And the only ones who need to abide by those dogmas are you, the most powerful middle and lower-level people. As for whether the higher-ups at the top have fulfilled the dogmas, ordinary people don't know. They say one thing and do another. , you must have experienced it yourself."

Leonard did have a deep understanding. Now that he thought about it, the holy crusade preached during the expedition was indeed as the Lord said. It was just an excuse for the church leaders to drive them to plunder, and he was no different from those bandits.

"But what about those magical spells? Why can they cast them?"

Leonard thought of a very critical issue. One of the reasons why the church in this world is so powerful is that it really shows its saints in front of people.

Lance didn't show any timidity about this question. He had been thinking about it a long time ago and knew the answer for a long time.

"You should know that a flintlock gun relies on gunpowder to be used, but do you know the ratio of gunpowder? Do you know why gunpowder burns to produce an explosion of light and heat?

You don't need to know the facts, you just need to know how to put gunpowder in the gun and detonate it. You don't need any faith to use a musket.

The same is true for divine magic. It is just a method that we cannot understand at this stage, so even if those priests violate the holy law, they can still use it. Instead, they have helped us prove that divine magic has nothing to do with God.

They are just a group of guys who have a monopoly on divine arts, just like they have a monopoly on the formula and output of gunpowder. Those guys use this to promote the devotion of believers. It is just a joke. What you are worshiping is only those high-level people in the church, and it has nothing to do with the God you believe in. Not at all relevant. "

In fact, Lance has a more relevant example. The so-called magic can be said to be everywhere in modern times, and that is mobile phones.

Ordinary people can use it, but they don’t understand the principles of mobile phones. The production principles are in the hands of a few people, and the production method threshold is very high.

At the same time, there are a large number of believers (users) among different brands of mobile phones. They attack each other and start wars (online wars), just like a cult.

The skill that Lance has used for so long feels similar to a mobile phone. He doesn't understand how it works, but it works well anyway.

After hearing this, Leonard seemed to understand something, closed his eyes and sighed.

"So there is no god at all..."

The belief that I have worked for my whole life is simply a scam, which is unbearable for anyone.

However, Lance did not continue to criticize the church, but instead brought up the starting point of the topic.

"This goes back to the original question. You asked me whether I believe in the existence of God. Now I will tell you my answer."

Lance finally corrected his attitude and said seriously:

"I believe in God because I have seen God, but I do not believe in God because God does not need human faith."

He has traveled through time, and the panel clearly states that there is an indescribable existence standing behind him. If he still doesn't believe this, then there must be something wrong with his mind.

But belief and belief are two different things. He is a firm materialist. The existence of God can only show that there is a powerful "life form", but it does not necessarily mean that he has faith in Him.

It's just that Leonard has not experienced his kind of education and growth environment, so when he heard this, he felt very contradictory and difficult to understand.

Lance explained unhurriedly.

“God is originally a concept given by humans. With the development of the times, all things that are difficult for humans to understand can be called gods. Simply put, God refers to the object of human’s personified imagination of external forces beyond human beings.

You can compare ants and humans. For ants, rocks that are like mountains are just fist-sized rocks for humans. Even a child can move them.

Maybe you just accidentally kicked away a stone while walking, and the ants couldn't understand the power of moving mountains and reclaiming seas, and they worshiped you as a god. Or maybe you accidentally dropped a piece of stone on the ground when you were eating, and the ants didn't know why the food fell from the sky, and thought it was them. The gods give you food and worship you crazily.

But you don't care about an ant at all, because the gap between humans and gods should be infinitely large, so large that it is difficult to understand each other, just like an ant can't see your whole body clearly, and it is difficult to understand what you are thinking. And you don’t understand what the ants are thinking, so I say that God doesn’t need human faith, just like you don’t need the faith of ants. "

In fact, if possible, Lance would like to explain it in terms of format. God is actually materialistic. It can be understood that if you put a file in one format inside another format, different decoding methods will definitely cause the program to crash. Therefore, when humans see God, they can directly Just crazy.

Even if the formats are the same, God's data stream is approaching infinite size. Your human brain, which can only decode 1kb, will be overwhelmed by the data stream in an instant.

"God is invincible..." Leonard seemed a little decadent. The lord's too vivid metaphor made him know that ants cannot defeat humans, and despair enveloped his heart.

Lance didn't care much when he heard this. He grinned and looked very confident.

"Theoretically, it is like this. It is difficult for humans to defeat God because they are not on the same level. And now there is one in front of us. Once He fully awakens, He will be powerful enough to destroy the entire world.

But in fact, there is a gap between God and God. He was imprisoned by an unknown existence at our feet and fell into endless sleep. And that existence gave me divine inspiration and gave me the power to influence Him.

To put it simply, when gods can be influenced by humans, they are no longer invincible, even if they are more powerful than humans. "

"In this case, why doesn't that existence directly kill the evil god, but instead gives power to humans?"

These two chapters are not water. I want you to understand the general situation of God in the world I constructed. In fact, God is materialistic...

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