The next morning.

This was the first time in many years that Ning Weikai was wearing casual attire while sitting in his office on a workday.

His expression was serene with a mug of coffee in his hand as he read a copy of a movie magazine. Meanwhile, Yuan Jun was directing two secretaries who were currently packing his documents and belongings into boxes. One by one, the square cardboard boxes were stacked by the door. There were not more than 10 in total. It was just the assets that this man once owned and were worth billions, and all the family assets of the president of the industry’s leading enterprise.

Yuan Jun was also very calm, gently giving the secretaries orders. Instead, it was the two female secretaries who did not even dare to breathe too hard. The atmosphere in the office was so quiet, and yet their faces were tense, afraid to make the wrong move. They finished packing up very quickly.

The two secretaries retreated like the wind. Yuan Jun coughed to clear his throat twice and said, “Mr Ning, they are done packing up.””Alright,” Ning Weikai replied indifferently, continuing to hold the magazine as if he was exceptionally focused on it.

Yuan Jun did not make a sound, standing slanted and upright at one side and awaiting his former leader silently.

He did not leave even after the packing was done, but whatever the CEO’s plans were, he simply had to follow his instructions.

The midsummer’s sunlight was so strong that it pierced through the dark-colored glass and spread onto the marble flooring, refracting light gold rays. This pair of leader and subordinate remained quiet, allowing each minute and second to pass by.

Finally, at 10 o’clock someone came to knock on the door. Outside the door, there was the sound of footsteps at the same time. The sound was resounding, dense and disorderly, as if there were a lot of people.

Yuan Jun walked over and opened the door. The one leading the pack to enter was a vice-president of New Bori, followed by the person in charge of the Sha Ying subsidiary brand. They were followed by the manager of the purchasing department, the manager of the human resource department, the manager of the market department, the manager of the information technology…

They all had solemn expressions and Ning Weikai continued to read his magazine with his head lowered, as if he was completely unaware of everyone’s arrival.

Hence, Yuan Jun let everyone in, before shooting the secretary outside a look. The secretary made a hand gesture to indicate that no more people were on their way. Yuan Jun shut the door tightly.

At that moment, Ning Weikai finally lifted his head. In everyone’s eyes, even though this precious CEO was wearing a casual sports jacket and long pants, he still appeared dignified and looked admirable.

“Why? All here to send me off?” Ning Weikai said with traces of a smile, “It is office hours now, why have you all left your posts?”

The people exchanged glances and in the large executive office, the atmosphere was unusually quiet.

The vice-president who had led the pack began to say, “Mr Ning, what are your plans after today?” Most had the same question, “Yeah! We wish to know.””You can’t just leave without saying a word.”

Ning Weikai smiled and stood up, putting both his hands into his pocket and slowly walking to the front of the crowd.

“As of now, I haven’t considered this problem.”

He answered so simply that most did not know how to respond. Just then, the CEO of Sha Ying had something to say. He was a person specifically promoted by Ning Weikai, just over 30 years of age and had graduated from a reputable school. He wore a pair of spectacles and was a smart, decisive person, as well as the most outstanding amongst the new generation of leaders in New Bori.

“Mr. Ning, I have a resignation letter here with me. This is for myself.” He retrieved an envelope from his pocket and passed it to Ning Weikai, then smiled, “Mr Ning, I will follow you wherever you go.”

Ning Weikai looked at it and neither took it nor said a single word.

Most people were not as extreme as the CEO of Sha Ying, but seeing Ning Weikai’s attitude, many of them began to speak to him at the same time.

“Exactly! Mr Ning, we have followed you for so many years, you can’t just leave like this.”

“Can’t it be suggested to the board of directors? An entirely new team of New Bori staff, we can petition for it collectively!”

“Mr Ning, this newly set up internet company has only few dozen people and only a few millions in assets, it is not worthy for you to go! Why don’t you just start your own business?”

When this thought was finally vocalized by someone, everyone else became silent.

Then without any further holdback, they all started the suggests again.

“That’s right, the technology, relationships with suppliers, relationships with the big clients are all within our control. We just have to create a new brand!”

“Manpower is not a problem either. Out of the entire company’s staff, which one of us does not respect Mr Ning? As long as you say the word, I will bring all of the people in my purchasing department and all the relationships we have to you!”

“Mr Ning, I have long wanted to convince you to branch out on your own. With your status in the industry, I have to say something that shouldn’t be said, but it was always New Bori depending on you, and not you depending on New Bori.”

Throughout this process, Ning Weikai remained silent from beginning to end.

But everyone was waiting in anticipation.

All along, he had stood by the principle of letting his subordinates speak their minds and regardless whether it was right or wrong, he would never hold a grudge or let anyone be embarrassed. He would tell you of his decision after carefully and thoroughly thinking it through.

This decision was a step in the right direction for this group of people, and the entire staff of New Bori. Who cared if other brands’ profits were stifled with Sha Ying’s success? Anyone who had eyes could see that this was already the best outcome that he this son-in-law of Zhushi could bring, especially after being fraught with difficulties both internally and externally.

Meanwhile, even Ning Weikai himself did not realize that when the decision to change his role announced, such a large number of people felt sadness, anger and injustice! Sometimes, the prestige that a successful leader builds up is silently all around. Every day, his staff had observed him from afar, hearing of his talent and drive. The most tangible results were the fatter paychecks each year and moving higher and higher up the ranks. To them, Ning Weikai was an icon.

He symbolized tireless innovation, tireless improvement and New Bori, the company continuously maintaining its leading presence in the industry.

Then one day this leader was suddenly asked to leave his post. The office staff, even those who had never interacted with him personally had felt their hearts become empty. They would suddenly waver, thinking that New Bori from now on would no longer be the New Bori it once was.

Ning Weikai lifted his head and looked at them.

He mentally performed a headcount. Out of the people in charge of the 24 departments in the entire company, 16 of them had come today. The people from the critical departments had all come. Very good.

He revealed a smile.

This smile planted hoped in everyone’s hearts and that of his secretary. Yuan Jun was even more filled with excitement, considering the possibility that his boss had a plan. That would be wonderful!

Who knew that his answer would be something nobody had expected.

“I’m very thankful that you have all come to send me off today. I’m also very grateful that you have put so much trust in me, Ning Weikai.” He patted the shoulder of Sha Ying’s CEO, and looked over at the vice-president, “I have received all your thoughts and I will keep them close to my heart. But I’ve been thinking about what I, Ning Weikai, really desire for the past few days. Is it money? Fame? Power?”

Everybody fell silent, but he slowly shook his head, “No, it is not. If I want all these, where can I not get them?” He turned his head and looked at the vast blue sky as well as the wide New Bori business park under that sky and smiled gently, “New Bori is my many years of blood, sweat and tears. Especially for Sha Ying which has only been launched for a year and is now the company’s main source of profit, with even more potential to grow in the future.”

He turned to look at them, his voice slow yet powerful, “Hence, my only wish now is for you all to stay in New Bori, work hard and even more outstanding than before, so as to stabilize the company’s position in the market. Do not ruin the empire that we have so laboriously created simply because of my departure. Taking a step back to look at things, I am still a major shareholder of Sha Ying, so if you work hard, I will also be able to earn even more money.

“As for my plans… If I am really able to make a fresh start in future, it has to be a broader and better field and only then I can recruit you, so as not to let down your trust and expectations of me.”

Before he took over the post at the internet subsidiary company, Ning Weikai requested a month-long holiday from headquarters. His superiors readily agreed. After bidding farewell to his confidantes at New Bori, he had nothing else to attend to and asked Yuan Jun to drive around the city center for the whole day, only going home when night fell.

Ning Weikai’s home was situated in the most affluent area of the city. The environment was extremely beautiful and luxurious, even the road lamps were decorated with crystals, the light rays blurry, making his house look like something from a dream outside of this world.

He pushed open the door and entered, the entire room was filled with a gentle light. Nobody could be seen, but a delicious scent was in the air. Ning Weikai only realized then that his stomach was growling with hunger.

Zhu Hanyu heard some movement and immediately came out of the kitchen. As usual, she was barefooted, wearing a wine-red apron and looked pretty and gentle as usual, still very much the princess who did not know how to take care of herself.

“Put your shoes on,” Ning Weikai said in a low voice.

Zhu Hanyu replied with an “oh” before crouching down and looking for the shoes she had lost by the sofa. Even as her head was lowered, it did not block Ning Weikai from seeing that her eyes were red, as if she had cried throughout the day.

Ning Weikai suddenly felt a tiredness that he hadn’t felt previously wash over him.

When he was in New Bori during the day, even though he had to leave in front of his subordinates, it had been filled with grace and calm. The magnanimous and righteous words he had said to them were his honest opinion, but they were also not his complete and entire opinion.

Deep inside, he had of course thought of moving on in the future, working alone and no longer having to work to the bone for Zhushi.

But not now. He had just been hit by Zhushi with a crushing blow.

He was in no hurry. He wanted to wait for the right time to exact his revenge, but this calm, logical stance of taking things one step at a time all vanished within a second when he returned home and saw his wife.

He felt his whole body grow tired and powerless.

Previously, if he had seen his wife have traces of tears in her eyes, Ning Weikai would have stepped forward and wrapped her up in his embrace, placating her with calming words or showering attention on her in bed.

Wasn’t she his princess?

But today, he really did not want to talk.

“I’m going in to sleep for a bit,” he said and turned around and entered the room after throwing out those words.

Zhu Hanyu who was behind him lifted her head in astonishment, “You… you are not going to eat dinner?”

“Not eating. I’ve eaten already.”

Upon entering the bedroom, he drew the curtains, laid down on the bed and the entire room was dark. Then, he closed his eyes and slowly lost consciousness.

He had not had such a worriless sleep in a long time.

After being in his unconscious state for a while, he suddenly felt someone flop onto his chest.

It was Zhu Hanyu. Her body was like white-jade, delicate as if it didn’t have bones, and her eyes, which were watery like those of a little deer, were looking at him, wronged and worried.

Ning Weikai extended his hand and pulled her into his embrace. He simply did not want to talk and used this action to communicate his apologetic and tired sentiments, hoping she would be able to understand.

Instead, Zhu Hanyu opened her mouth to speak. Her voice was laced with hints of probing as well as sadness, “Weikai, you… will you go against my father and brother?”

Ning Weikai suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her.

Looked at her in such close proximity.

He suddenly couldn’t stand it anymore.

Pushing her away, he got up and pulled on his jacket. Taking long strides, he walked outside. Zhu Hanyu’s voice came from behind him, “Weikai, you…”

He had already closed the door behind him and left the house.

When he received Ning Weikai’s call, Yuan Jun was very surprised, because for so many years, places like bars and clubs had not been visited by Ning Weikai. Even when it was a business discussion that they could not evade, the moment it was nine o’clock, he would always get up and leave, without fail. There were also people who talked behind his back because of this. They said that he was a son-in-law who wasn’t a true part of the family; that he did not even dare to go out and play.

But Yuan Jun knew it wasn’t like that. With Mr. Ning’s capabilities, if he really wanted to go gallivanting outside, he would be able to hide it from Zhu Hanyu, that fragile lady. Hence, he always reasoned that it was due to the strong relationship between husband and wife.

Yet today, Ning Weikai actually asked him to accompany him to the bar.

But with a little thought, Yuan Jun understood. With so many immense setbacks in his career, what man would be able to take it? His boss wanting to relax and even let out some steam could not be criticized.

Soon, the two had sat down at a bar.

At that moment, Yuan Jun saw that Ning Weikai’s eyes still maintained his usual calm and refinement, looking as casual and elegant as ever. Hence, Yuan Jun temporarily felt relieved and ordered a bucket of beers while drinking in comfortable silence.

The bar was the most famous in this city, and it certainly lived up to its name. The dance floor and in every corner of the bar, men and women swayed their bodies to the music. Such body movements did not look erotic in Ning Weikai’s eyes, but rather suppressed yet indulgent.

He smiled, “I haven’t come to a bar in years. The last time I came I was still in university.”

Yuan Jun smiled, “Oh, is it because you were too busy with work?”

Ning Weikai paused in his action of drinking, losing his smile as he shook his head, “No, it’s because I used to play too hard at bars and made a mistake I regretted. I was young back then and in the heat of the moment, I swore never to enter a bar again. Unknowingly, I ended up keeping to this promise for so many years.”

Yuan Jun did not know that Ning Weikai had such a past, but didn’t dare ask for too many details, and simply nodded his head. The two of them continued to look at the dance floor silently.

The bar had always been a place where people hunted for attractive individiauls and wanted to have fun, and Ning Weikai’s outer appearance was outstanding. Anyone with eyes could see just from his well-tailored outfit, and the Mercedes-Benz car key he placed on the table that he was a very well-off man. In addition to the fact that he didn’t have a female companion, as well as his constant scanning of the dance floor, a woman quickly approached him to strike up a conversation.

The one who dared to strike up a conversation with him naturally had a certain amount of confidence. She was a pretty girl just over 20 years old who looked like a university student, wearing a brightly-colored spaghetti-strapped dress and had a very refined demeanor. The color on her lips was vibrant but her eyes were clean and bright. She sat by his side, “Hey, what are you looking at?” Yuan Jun wrinkled his brows and extended his hand to chase her away. Ning Weikai, however, threw him a look that prevented him from doing so and Yuan Jun could only sit back in his spot, felling slightly doubtful.

“I’m not looking at anything,” Ning Weikai answered with a gentle voice.

The girl rolled her eyeballs and extended her hand towards him, “I’m Lydia.”

Ning Weikai gently shook her hand. “Your name isn’t important.”

Lydia giggled, “You aren’t very gentlemanly.” She suddenly scooted over to his ear and said softly, “Brother, don’t think I’m trying to strike up a conversation with you. I just saw that you were so sad and gave you an opportunity to bump into a pretty lady. Are you feeling better already?” With that, she suddenly got up and she did not look back as she walked away.

Yuan Jun looked upon her push and pull method with suspicion, while Ning Weikai looked at the silhouette of the young and slender girl before laughing suddenly.

Why did he laugh? Because he suddenly found himself very ridiculous.

He was already a 30 year-old man, and yet he still displayed his disappointment so obviously on his face. Even a random young lady could see it, and had decided to gift him with what she termed an “opportunity to bump into a pretty lady”.

But his wife could neither feel nor see it.

How long ago had it been that there was also such a cold and transparent girl who once loved him?

She knew of his ambitions and knew of his difficulties; she would laugh with a word he said and when he met with troubles at work, she would squat with her head in her hands thinking of a solution. When he would outline their uncertain future together, the girl never looked down on him, and would even say excitedly, “We’re both so awesome, and if we can continue being so good…it’s not impossible for us to lay the foundations of a business in Lin City together!”

She was even more ambitious than him, and was even more daring and energetic.

But now, his youth was long gone. What he had once thought was love was now just a blurry reflection. To him, Lin Qian was just a proof that in his youth, he could not withstand a small set of obstacles. He clearly knew that he was deeply in love with his own wife. He loved her beauty, her purity, her gentleness, and also loved her wealth.

But what exactly did he lose?

He now had hundreds of millions in wealth, and even if he was sidelined by the Zhu, making a comeback was not at all difficult. Yet why, on such an ordinary night, did he feel so lost, like a young man that had suddenly lost a clear sense of his life?

When Ning Weikai silently vanished from the scene, within the bag industry, the most complacent people had been not those from Aida, but rather Chen Zheng, who had been inactive for very long.

On this night, he stood between his own SMQ’s production vehicles and looked at the busy staff and the batches and batches of new casual bags that had just come off the assembly line. His expression was deep and difficult to distinguish.

Following behind him were the managers of the various departments within SMQ. They felt both uneasy yet full of confidence. From their perspective, Aida had taken a blow last year because of Aito and did not have an exceptional performance from then on; New Bori had undergone some internal hiccups and gave up on the lucrative casual bags market. Now, the market’s enthusiasm for purchasing Sha Ying products had stabilized and it was an opportune time to recover the neglected territory of casual bags. Of course, they were completely unaware that Aida was now the parent of Mind behind the scenes. They had even purchased fabric from Mind, and impressed by the quality, the purchasing department planned to put forward a proposal to build a long-term strategic partnership.

And now, as Chen Zheng stood in front of the crowd, his emotions were a mess.

In the past year, he had seen the mutual exchanges of Aida and New Bori, causing bloodshed in the entire market. After the successive successes of Vinda, Aito and Sha Ying, SMQ who was once the market’s second leading brand, had suffered from a series of unexpected misfortunes. The market presence of their mid-range leather bags, casual bags, and outdoor bags had all gradually shrunk, such that they were the enterprise that experienced the most serious losses out of the three.

Now, he had put in all his funds and taken additional loans to fight this battle. He was determined; he would succeed or die trying! He had to make a comeback and slowly bring SMQ out of the dumps, to get back at New Bori and Aida!

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