Resident Evil world, southwest base, underground part.

Mr. Wang, Cheng Kainan and Xue Ming sat there and discussed for a long time.

The order to investigate the umbrella company has been issued, they just need to wait for the results.

"Parallel world, it's unbelievable."

"What's even more unbelievable is that this is actually true!"

Cheng Kainan's face was filled with sadness.

Is this a mutated version of Close Encounters of the Third Kind?

"No, I am more concerned about whether our world is really going to be destroyed than this."

Compared with these, Mr. Wang has a serious expression and is more concerned about this.

That Xiao Fang at least proved that he had indeed "travelled" over.

That parallel world and the world are about to be destroyed. Mr. Wang has a premonition, and this is true!

However, what Mr. Wang couldn't figure out even after racking his brains.

What kind of virus can actually completely destroy human civilization?

After thinking about it, Mr. Wang clenched his fists.

It’s not easy to get to this point, but you tell me that the world is going to be destroyed?

He will never allow it!

"Mr. Wang, there are two civilians where we found Fang Jing. One of them is a researcher from the Institute of Biology. Their institute cooperates with the Umbrella Company."

Xue Ming spoke at the right time and quickly explained:

"We took him back to the base and learned from him the address of a South Korean researcher."

"Now, our insider in Nanbang has bribed him, and he is sneaking in to obtain information about the umbrella company."

"Well, focus on the situation in Raccoon City."

Mr. Wang nodded when he heard this, and looked at Xue Ming with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

"I would suggest that you pay more attention to the artificial intelligence of the Umbrella Company."

Suddenly, a familiar voice interrupted their conversation.

Fang Jing suddenly appeared.

And, with a "clang" sound, two things were placed on the table.

Fang Jing suddenly appeared, surprising the three people present.

"This is?"

Mr. Wang came over first, stared at the table and said slowly:

"U disk and grenades?"

He knew that the USB flash drive was invented by the Chinese company Netac and was used to store data, but what did this grenade mean?

"The evidence is stored in the USB flash drive. This is my personal terminal. You can view it right here."

Fang Jing smiled slightly and explained to Mr. Wang:

"And this grenade is an opportunity for us!"


Mr. Wang frowned and asked doubtfully: "What chance?"

"Comrade Xue Ming, I want you to ask the person who bribed you to stand still."

Fang Jing's expression was serious and he said in a serious voice: "There is a hive of Umbrella Company in Nanbang, and there must be artificial intelligence in it."

"The first thing we need to solve is artificial intelligence!"

Fang Jing did not explain the matter of artificial intelligence and grenades, but pushed his personal terminal and USB flash drive to the three of them.


Xue Ming nodded and looked at Mr. Wang. After he nodded slightly, he immediately stood up and left.

Later, Mr. Wang and General Cheng Kainan, with the help of Fang Jing, began to browse.

Information about Resident Evil!

This includes the origins and development of the Resident Evil games!


After reading the content, Mr. Wang slammed the table and stood up angrily.

"So, just because of this bullshit company, people all over the world have to pay for it?!"

"What the fuck!"

Mr. Wang, who was very skilled in cultivating qi, was furious when faced with the ridiculous reason that the entire eastern country had to be destroyed because of this nonsense.

This is much worse than the world being destroyed due to nuclear war and falling into nuclear winter.


General Cheng Kainan's chest also rose violently, his eyes widened, and his fists were clenched tightly.

damn it.

Umbrella Corporation, be damned!

"You two, calm down first."

Fang Jing said a few words of comfort and quickly said:

"The most urgent thing now is to know what the situation is."

"Yes, in addition, we have to take action!"

Mr. Wang slowly looked at General Cheng.

General Cheng Kainan understood this and immediately stood up and said seriously: "I will immediately convene a meeting of the entire army and impose martial law on the entire army!"

"In addition, two million troops will be fully equipped with biological and chemical protective suits starting immediately."

"As long as we ensure the existence of an organic army and ensure production capacity, we will have the confidence to win!"

It's just zombies, but the scary thing is infection.

This is the only thing worthy of vigilance in an organized modern army.

Even the much-talked-about corpse tide could only turn into a pile in the invincible rocket wash.


With machine guns and trenches, it became a joke.

After speaking, General Cheng Kainan left immediately.

"In addition, Mr. Wang, we must immediately grasp all the data about this virus!"

Fang Jing said bluntly:

"The umbrella companies cannot be moved for the time being. They are hidden under cities in various countries. We cannot attack them directly."

"Now, the main thing is to get this virus and the corresponding antidote!"

In Fang Jing's view, the antidote is now secondary.

Just get the virus.

Even if China’s biotechnology in the Resident Evil world is not good, there is still this universe and the Wandering Earth world!

Combining the power of biotechnology from three worlds.

Can't compare to a mere umbrella company?

Therefore, now, as long as he gets the virus and saves this great Eastern country, Fang Jing is 70% sure!

"So, I brought this."

After speaking, Fang Jing pointed to the grenade on the table with a smile.

"This is?"

Mr. Wang looked puzzled. Could it be that there was something else going on with this grenade?

"This is a strong electromagnetic pulse bomb that can instantly paralyze the entire hive, and even the artificial intelligence within it!"

Fang Jing's lips curled up.

As long as you cooperate well, you are sure to win!

"So, you told the insiders in Nanbang's hive to stand still?"

Mr. Wang understood, his eyes suddenly dawned, and he also saw a glimmer of hope.

"That's right, I need you to raid the Nanbang Hive Base and get the T-Virus!"


Before Fang Jing could continue speaking, Mr. Wang stood up from his seat, paused in his voice, grinned softly, and said loudly:

"Leave this matter to us!"

After speaking, Mr. Wang took the electromagnetic pulse grenade.

After that, the two waited quietly for a while.

After a while, Xue Ming ran back.

He was panting, with a hint of panic in his eyes. He opened the door and hurriedly arrived:

"Mr. Wang, the latest news is that our internal network in the United States has sent a message that the emergency response force of the Umbrella Company has entered Raccoon City!"

"There is no information about a virus outbreak at this time."

"It should be the early stage of the virus outbreak!"

Fang Jing frowned.

At this point in time, the jam is not very good.

The virus has spread in the Raccoon City Hive Base.

"We must speed up our actions and get virus samples as soon as possible!"

"We know this!"

Mr. Wang checked the original "plot" of Resident Evil. A trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes. He immediately stood up and whispered to Fang Jing:

"Wait for us to have good news!"

"In three days, the virus will be in front of you."

After speaking, Mr. Wang paused, his eyes full of determination, and said sonorously:

"Whatever it takes!"

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