Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 123 Military and civilian joint defense, the border is impregnable

The coast of the great eastern country.

Wang Dahai, a member of the militia patrol team, was carrying a stock of 56 punches and inspecting the beach.

The 500 households in their village were originally fishermen and were transformed into militiamen. With the training of several retired soldiers, they took on the patrol work of the nearby coast.

Half a month ago.

The sudden war warning caught them all off guard.

At first, there were constant complaints.

Ordinary people simply cannot understand why the country made this decision.

However, as time goes by.

They completely understood it!

Wang Dahai is such a person.

He was originally just a fisherman, but after the total ban on going to sea, he lost his source of income.

This made him anxious and he complained many times in private.

However, it wasn't until he saw the news about the outbreak of the "zombie virus" that he immediately understood the reason for doing so.

As a result, he instead became a staunch defender of the "wartime strategy."

"Brother Wang, if I encounter a stowaway, I'll leave it to you!"

Next to Wang Dahai, there was a weak young man with a look of fear on his face.

The militia team usually consists of three people.

Wang Dahai is the boldest among the three.

"Xiao Fang, be smart and be ruthless!"

Facing the scared expressions of his teammates next to him, Wang Dahai said seriously:

"Lao Li from Group 7 next door met a man who floated ashore last night. Because he couldn't be cruel, the man turned into a corpse and almost bit him!"

"If the people from Haiphong hadn't discovered the situation, it would have almost caused a catastrophe!"

The coastline of the great Eastern country is too long!

It is also remote from Southeast Asia.

It is inevitable that some fish will slip through the net and drift onto the beach due to ocean currents.

Their militia is the first line of defense!

"I know, it's just..."

"Damn it, you are a man, mother-in-law and mother-in-law!"

Wang Dahai cursed and growled: "It doesn't matter whether the person floating up is a human or a ghost, just hit it on the head first!"

"Do you want our village and your parents to become like that?!"

After cursing a few words, Wang Dahai continued to patrol seriously.

I saw a small black dot in the sparkling waves of the sun, rising and falling with the waves, and then washed up on the shore.

"There's a situation!"

"Let's go take a look!"

With that said, he took his two timid teammates and headed towards

Wang Dahai raised his gun and put his hand on the safety according to the training content.

Another person also hurriedly pressed the communication alarm and reported the location.

The third person picked up a transparent explosion-proof shield and blocked Wang Dahai's side somewhat unfamiliarly.

Although the two teammates were timid, they knew that the matter was serious, so they still formed a small formation of three people according to the training content.

Until I got within ten steps of the man on the beach.

Wang Dahai opened the gun's safety.

At the same time, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"help me!"

A weak cry for help came from the white man's mouth.

Wang Dahai recognized this white man wearing the clothes of a shipping company. He should be someone on a cargo ship at sea.

However, what made Wang Dahai even more nervous was the ferocious bite mark on his arm and the black lines on it that were almost solidified.

"He's infected!"

Wang Dahai's eyes immediately sharpened.

"Brother Wang, is this person still conscious?"

"Are we going to, are we going to kill him?"

The teammates beside him were already in a tangle.

But this is what organizes officers and makes the bold lead the timid.

Wang Dahai did not lose his grip at this time. Hearing the white man's cry of pain, he raised his gun without hesitation and pulled the trigger.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three shots down.

One shot in the head, two shots in the legs.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to protect...my family."

Gently buckling the safety, Wang Dahai murmured twice.

It is also this time.

On the sea in the distance, there was suddenly a muffled sound that shook the world.

A mushroom cloud roared horribly on the ground!

Violent vibrations and deafening sounds followed the attack wave and spread far and wide.

Fortunately, that location is far away from the coast.

When it reached Wang Dahai, there was only the harsh explosion.

"Brother Wang, what is that?"

"That should be...a nuclear bomb, right?"

Wang Dahai's eyes were horrified. His hand holding the gun tightened, and at the same time, his eyes became firmer.

This beach must be protected! ! !

"Buzz buzz!"

At this time, in the distance, people from Haiphong drove over in military vehicles.

"How's the situation?"

The soldiers in combat uniforms jumped out of the vehicle anxiously before the vehicle stopped and trotted up to the three of them.

Seeing that the three of them were fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"We have already eliminated people."

Wang Dahai pointed to the mushroom cloud in the distance and asked doubtfully: "What is that?"

"As long as everything is fine, Haiwan Gou Village, No. 16, follow me immediately to the epidemic prevention station for inspection, and another group will come to replace you."

After talking about the next itinerary, the soldier explained:

"That's a hydrogen bomb, so that's good news."

"We have blocked the way the virus spreads through the monsoon!"

"There is good news from above. The original sample of the virus has been obtained, and scientists are working hard to research the antidote!"

There was a hint of excitement in the soldier's tone when he spoke.


Wang Dahai and the other two people were suddenly shocked.

"Of course it's true!"

Speaking of this matter, the soldier also became energetic and solemnly said:

"So, this is a critical period. The military and civilians must defend each other and be patient in the face of all difficulties!"

Southwest hinterland.

The Tissot spacecraft returned first and landed on the base apron.

After Zhou Yuan got off the boat and disinfected himself, he couldn't stop laughing.

"Hahahaha, it's so cool. I'm airborne from orbit, and I'm the first person to break through the atmosphere alone!"

"Okay, Brother Zhou, stop yelling and deliver the antidote quickly."

Fang Jing knew Zhou Yuan's character, he was extremely reliable when doing tasks, and he was usually a rough and tacky man.

No, he just started whining on the spot.

"That's right, the virus is important."

Zhou Yuan laughed naively, then nodded, carrying the huge box, and walked into the space door.

Fang Jing stayed where he was, waiting for the news with Mr. Wang.

"The hive base in Raccoon City has been wiped out, and all the Umbrella Company's forces on the earth have basically been eliminated."

Mr. Wang exhaled slowly.

Most of the matter is over. As long as the antidote is released, everything will be solved.


Fang Jing also exhaled, but he reminded with some vigilance:

"The umbrella company's manual intervention accelerated the spread of the virus before it was destroyed."

"In the next half month, Mr. Wang, the border must be strictly guarded."

"We must not let a zombie break through the defense!"

"We know that the intensity of border patrols has reached its limit."

After Mr. Wang finished speaking, he looked at Fang Jing with gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you very much this time!"

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