Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 128 John, their eyes look like they can eat people!

Fang Jing's mission was completed.

Next, he went directly into vacation mode.

Since the opening of the new universe, he has been very busy and tired, and finally has time to travel around various places.

That is, when he is running around or being escorted around scenic spots.

In the Xishan base, a serious tripartite meeting is unfolding.

Representatives of this universe: Mr. Zhu, Zhao Guangyao.

Representatives of the Wandering Earth China: Zhou Zhezhi and Zhou Weirong.

Representatives of China in the Resident Evil world: Mr. Wang and General Cheng Kainan.

"In other words, Lao Zhou, the Chinese country in their world, is planning to move in to us as a whole because the sun is about to explode?"

Mr. Wang understood Mr. Zhu’s introduction.


General Cheng Kainan frowned when he heard this, worried in his heart, and was about to speak.

However, Mr. Wang suppressed him.

He chuckled lightly, turned to look at Zhou Zhezhi, and affirmed: "We have no objection to this!"

This is agreed!

Zhou Zhe straightened his molars and bit his teeth lightly, and then said sincerely: "Thank you very much!"

"It's okay. If it weren't for Lao Zhu and your help, we would have been gone."

This can only go so far. After Mr. Wang said softly, he turned serious and reminded:

"But, about how we get along in the future..."

"Lao Wang, don't worry about this."

Zhou Zhe pressed the projection and introduced with a smile:

"The three of us are originally compatriots with the same culture and race, and we are all from the Chinese country."

"After we moved to Mizhou Continent, in the early days, because we were relatively unfamiliar with each other, we focused on communication and opened our hearts."

"After we get to know each other well, we can develop your productivity."

"We will continue to integrate, and then a unified central government will be established to control everyone on both sides!"

This is Zhou Zhezhi's sincerity.

This government will definitely be difficult to integrate.

However, Hua Guo, who wanders the earth, promised that after the two parties are completely familiar with each other, they will directly cross and integrate in the next term.

to the end.

The two parties directly become one!

"When the time comes, let's just change the name of Earth to Kyushu!"

Zhou Zhe laughed twice and said:

"I've always felt that calling it Earth is too weird. Kyushu sounds better."

"The nine states in the world are the planet of Chinese people!"

"Hahaha, this is a good idea!"

Mr. Wang thought for a moment, nodded slowly, and laughed twice.

This meeting ended perfectly.

Of course, for such a big matter, there will definitely not be just one meeting, and there will be detailed consultations later.

This time it sets the tone.

"When we get rid of the zombies, won't the entire earth belong to us?"

"The sky is big and the earth is big, our golden age is here!"

Mr. Wang and Zhou Zhezhi immediately started talking excitedly and thinking about the future.

Why should we raise livestock in Europe and build large-scale automated livestock farms? We should develop agriculture in South America to provide food for the entire population. We should develop industry in Australia; we should build the earth into a paradise on earth.

All production work is automated.

People, on the other hand, raised their heads and looked into the deep sky!

At the end of the chat, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Zhu felt really sour.

Damn it, the Chinese country wandering the earth really moved there and patiently developed its productivity and technology.

The world of Resident Evil is about to take off!

In the Resident Evil world, China has entered the space age.

And it is a space age that only belongs to Chinese people!

Seeing Lao Wang and Zhou Zhe laughing heartily, Mr. Zhu turned his head and looked at those bastards abroad in this universe.

I just feel it’s really terrible!

Wow, I wish I could take a tube of T-virus and send them all away.

Of course, Mr. Zhu would not do this.

Resident Evil, it was their own suicide, no one can blame them.

However, Mr. Zhu’s conscience would not allow him to actively release the virus for no reason.

This is the bottom line as a human being.

It must not be breached.

"Forget it, just think of it as coaxing a child."

He comforted himself with a few words, thinking that this universe could also take a part in it, and his mood was not so bad.

Anyway, the space door is still there.

The faster the opponent develops, the greater their profits will be.

As for Mr. Wang, he was completely happy.

Damn it, just step out of the home planet in one step? !

It’s really great to have someone take that!

Just lie down and win!

It has only been six years since I joined the WTO, and I am still thinking about what to do next.

A big gift package, not only giving away an earth, but also adding an expansion pack? !


"Our general direction has been determined, and now comes the details of how to migrate."

The three of them talked animatedly. Finally, at the end of the meeting, Mr. Wang stood up, stretched out his hand, and said solemnly:

"On behalf of this side, I welcome you!"

"Thank you!"

Zhou Zhezhi laughed loudly, stretched out his hand, and held Mr. Wang tightly!

Fang Jing took a rare vacation and went to the prairie for a walk.

When I came back, as soon as I got off the elevator, I was completely confused.

The buffer zone that originally represented the two worlds has been completely connected by rails.

The whole underground is being processed in full swing.

Zhao Guangyao noticed Fang Jing, walked over with a smile, and said:

"What, Xiaofang, the vacation is over?"

"Yes, I went to the grassland for a stroll. By the way, Brother Zhao, where is this?"

Fang Jing looked at a group of researchers who were like curious babies, looking around.

No, the curiosity on their faces is not the point.

The point is, these people are actually white? !

No, there are not only white people, but also Central Asians!

This is... foreigners? !

How can foreigners appear in the underground of Xishan Base?

"Oh, that is the Wandering Earth Universe, the top science of countries around the world."

Zhao Guangyao lowered his voice and said:

"Mr. Zhou invited them to China under the pretext of protecting their descendants, and then told them the truth."

"And they learned that they and their families did not have to squeeze in the underground city or the spacecraft, and they agreed without saying a word."


Fang Jing understood, and his eyes were hot at the same time.

Damn, the top scientists of the Wandering Earth!

"So they are looking at the 'evidence'?"

"That's right. If we just talk, the other party will definitely not agree."

"So Mr. Zhu and Mr. Zhou decided to bring the people here to see so that they can feel at ease."

Zhao Guangyao looked at this group of people with fiery eyes.

These scientists, no matter where they are, are treasures!

The treasure among treasures!

From the attitude of everyone towards them now, it can be seen.

There are about 26 people in this group.

All are foreigners.

At this time, look left and right in the underground base of Xishan.

Everyone present, including some confidential personnel of this universe, dared not make any action to disturb them.

Of course, respect is mutual.

These scientists are not stupid. They know that this is someone else's territory, and many things are just mentioned.


People in this universe who know the origins and abilities of these scientists.

The look they give them.

That is also fiery and scary!

I really want to tie people here!!!

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