Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 141 Conspiracy, starch factory and automated farm!

Xishan base.

As soon as Fang Jing returned to the base, he saw the news posted outside on his mobile phone.

He wouldn't know it without looking at it, but when he looked at it, he was shocked.

Within five years.

Agriculture is basically automated, and all low-end industrial production capacity is automated.

The remaining population will all be transferred to the space industry chain.

After seeing this information, even if he is a radical, he still feels that this is too radical, right? ? ?

I happened to meet Mr. Zhu who was inspecting the base.

He couldn't help but complain:

"Mr. Zhu, this is too radical. Can the industrial chain upgrade keep up?"

"Why can't you keep up?"

Mr. Zhu squinted his eyes, smiled broadly, waved his hands grandly, and said in a serious voice:

"Except for self-use and reverse, all the industrial chains and industrial machines provided by Wandering Earth are used to produce industrial lines."

"Get rid of other backward industrial lines."

"We need to take advantage of the present to avoid long-term pain rather than short-term pain. We can do it in one step and connect the industrial foundation to the space industry to form a new virtuous cycle!"

"Xiao Fang, don't worry too much."

Patting Fang Jing's shoulder, Mr. Zhu said:

"As long as the released labor force is reassigned to other positions, the matter will be stable."

"And, this time, we should be cruel."

The new industry also has a high degree of automation, with many jobs and short working hours, but the value generated is very high.

So, working hours, that’s not a problem.

The important thing is to temporarily settle the extra people and then conduct more systematic training.

With this condition, working hours are reduced and wages are increased.

Guess who will take the initiative in the end?

For this reason, Shangfeng worked hard to take over the cost of basic factories such as agricultural automation equipment, industrial automation equipment, and automatic production lines for raw materials. Then, they followed the example of elementary schools in the United States and sucked the blood of the world, and spread the costs to foreign countries.

In this way, all the costs of industrial transformation are eliminated!

Anyway, Mr. Zhu and others have already considered these issues comprehensively.

Picture this.

If you change your position, your working hours will be reduced, your salary will be higher, and you will have at least two days off a week. At the same time, the value of your money will also increase.

Do you want to do it or not? !

What Mr. Zhu and others are doing now is to create such an environment.

Create such an environment from all aspects.

To this end, they do not hesitate to use financial means to absorb foreign blood to evenly share domestic costs and silence some people's mouths.

As long as it can be circulated internally, it will be revitalized!

When the time comes, who will you support?

Who will cause trouble? Do ordinary people make trouble?

People will choose with their feet!

Mr. Zhu is not worried because they not only have a brain!

Economists and scientists who wander around the earth; economists and scientists who live in biohazard; economists and scientists in this universe. Now, everyone is paying close attention to the radical innovation of this universe.

Their intelligence, their advanced technology.

This is Mr. Zhu’s confidence in success!

Fang Jing didn't understand much, but when he saw a large number of unfamiliar scholars suddenly appearing in the base, he felt inexplicably relieved.


Mr. Zhu is right to be radical.

"Well, it's good that Mr. Zhu is watching over this matter."

Fang Jing scratched his head.

Seeing Mr. Zhu full of ambition and confidence.

Fang Jing nodded and looked forward to it.

What will the future look like?

As a big country in the East, the entire country is undergoing industrial upgrading.

No, it can’t even be said to be an upgrade.

It should be said that it has evolved!

"Successful, the industrialization of carbon dioxide starch production has been successful!"

The scientist wandering the earth looked excitedly at the white starch slowly appearing on the production line in front of him.

In the wandering earth world, due to the serious scientific bias in technology, there is no scientific route for artificial photosynthesis at all.

As for this universe, it happens to be a state where everything is clicked a little bit, but everything is still developing.

Therefore, when scientists wandering the earth learned about this technology, they also fell into madness.

During the migration process, several people were immediately abducted by Mr. Zhu.

No, you came here voluntarily to help!

With their participation, the original technology of making starch from carbon dioxide has rapidly advanced.

Nowadays, mass production is possible!

"With this technology, starch can produce artificial formaldehyde, artificial gasoline, sugar..."

The scientist murmured, his eyes excited.

Humans have completely copied the photosynthesis of plants.

Even this technology, which uses carbon dioxide and water to produce oxygen and starch, is more efficient than plants!

50% more efficient than plants!


Earthshaking changes!

The technology that was originally developed in the laboratory is now fully mature.

The starch factory is officially launched!

One month later.

Mr. Zhu took Fang Jing to a certain city in the southwest.

A building made of white metal frame and color-changing glass stands in front of you.

At the door, wearing a white research uniform, was Liang Zhengping.

Here is a pilot project for an automated agricultural production factory!

And the huge glass building in front of you is an automated agricultural factory!

"Mr. Zhu!"

Liang Zhengping accompanied Mr. Zhu and solemnly introduced:

"This is the automated agricultural factory we designed and built using automated equipment."

Inside the factory, layers of planes are densely packed throughout the building.

Every surface is actually soilless rice cultivation.

Next to the rice, there are rows of structures.

Fang Jing looked interesting, and Mr. Zhu on the side also asked with interest:

"How's the yield?"

"We have simulated the most suitable temperature and environment for rice throughout the farm. Here, rice can stably reach four crops a year, and the yield is basically constant at 1,100 kilograms per mu!"

Liang Zhengping proudly pointed to the first floor in front of him, pointed at the rice in the isolation, and said:

"And, due to its vertical structure, the entire automated farm can supply food for hundreds of thousands of people!"

"Now, this kind of automated agricultural factory is being rolled out across the board!"

Steady four crops a year!

The constant yield per mu is 1,100 kilograms.

This is the power of industry!

Automated agriculture completely defeats traditional agriculture.

Fang Jing looked at the hot lights inside the glass building and the carbon dioxide regulating equipment, and sighed in his heart.

Standardized production and assembly line production finally took a stab at agriculture.

"Mr. Zhu, the rice on the tenth floor is just ripe, please come with me!"

With that said, Liang Zhengping excitedly took a few people in the elevator to the tenth floor.

The elevator door opens.

The golden rice stands quietly, which is very pleasing to look at.

The researcher who had been waiting here saw Liang Zhengping coming over, made a start gesture, and immediately resumed the automatic program.

The restored automatic program detects ten levels of rice ripeness.

The roller starts to move.

A huge blade sliced ​​across the plane.

The rice cultivated without soil was cut off instantly, and then the shelves were raised on the entire platform, and the rice was collected together.

Finally, the collected rice is sent to the bottom layer for diversion, and part of it is retained for breeding and seedling cultivation.

The rest are all shelled and bagged.

The rice straw on the platform was immediately removed and teleported away.

The entire harvesting process takes less than five minutes!

Moreover, after the harvesting is completed, a machine slides down from the upper level and continues planting rice in its original position.

A new round of planting begins immediately!

This is automated agriculture!

Relying on harvesting the global economy, Mr. Zhu wants to spread this technology across the country!

It's not just this technology.

There are also automated livestock farms!

From now on, as long as there is electricity, food, meat, eggs, and milk will be produced from this agricultural factory.

And now.

The big Eastern country lacks the most...


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