Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 144 Starch native to Mars

Mars, after the Kunming ship landed.

An unmanned probe was immediately launched.

This kind of unmanned detector is actually an ultra-long-lasting drone.

And their purpose is to find water!

As soon as water is found, scientists will conduct experiments immediately.

If the experiment passes, this place will be used as the location for the future Mars base!

Li Moxun is the chief scientist of this operation.

He looked at the surface of Mars so close on the screen, his face full of excitement.

This is Mars.

As a scholar who studies the planetary environment.

Is there anything better than coming to a planet to conduct research in person?

If it weren't for the flight regulations, he would have just put on a spacesuit and run out!

Just when he was excited inside.

There is also good news about unmanned detectors!

They found water!

"Mr. Li, the water is located fifteen meters underground in the Kandel Basin, and it is solid!"

The researcher sent the data to Li Moxun, with excitement on his face.

Previous Mars probes, through Dopre observations, predicted that there would be sufficient water here.

I didn’t expect it to be in such a shallow position!

“How is the geological analysis of the Kandel Basin going?”

Li Moxun also clenched his fists happily, this is good news!

"Based on the drone geological survey, the accompanying geologists speculated that the Kandel Basin used to be a large lake, and the groundwater remained under the formation due to the temperature after Mars was impacted by the solar wind."

The researcher spoke quickly and continued:

"The amount of underground ice discovered this time is sufficient, enough for a gathering of 100,000 people!"

"That's enough, that's enough!"

Li Moxun was overjoyed.

It is enough for a gathering place of 100,000 people. It is only for temporary use. It is completely sufficient.

After all, China is now making every effort to overcome the problem of water production in space.

It is said that the science of hydrogen production using starch to react with 13 enzymes is currently being studied.

"Mr. Li, then we choose this point as the land?"

"That's right, and we need to mark this place as an alternative base in the future."

This is a good start!

Li Moxun was in a good mood. After confirming that the location and information were correct, he immediately summoned manpower.

He waved his hand and said loudly:

"We're getting ready to disembark and conduct experiments!"


and many scientists, put on pressurized space suits.

Behind them, more than twenty soldiers, fully armed.

At the very back, there is a space transport vehicle with a huge tank placed on it.

This tank.

It is an artificial photosynthesis factory powered by nuclear fusion batteries - a mini version!

"Didi, beep, the exhaust of the airlock is finished, the door is open!"


The hatch of the Kunming ship opened.

As far as the eye can see, there is an endless expanse of vast land.

Like the surface of the moon, the entire Mars is also barren.

Brown sand covers the entire earth, and in the distance are towering mountains, standing tall and tall.


Li Moxun exclaimed, lowered his head and held a handful of soil, suddenly turned his head, sneered, and said:

"Come on, two people, dig a few kilograms of soil back!"

"Consider it a national gift and give it to other countries. Think about it carefully and study it!"

"This is the soil of Mars, so precious!"

"I think back then, the United States gave my laboratory a gram, and we still treasure it to this day!"

As he spoke, he scattered the soil in his hands.

Not caring at all, the precious Martian soil in his mouth scattered all over the floor.


Behind him, two soldiers picked up shovels and air-tight cans and began to load soil.

"Let's get in the car immediately and go to the ice mining site to conduct relevant experiments!"

With a curl of his lips, Li Moxun waved his hand and led the scientists into the car.

Their mission goal this time.

It uses the original water and carbon dioxide near Mars to try to synthesize starch and oxygen.

With starch, oxygen and water.

There is a possibility of survival!

"You have to move quickly, the space suit is only enough for us to go out for two hours!"

"Captain Wu, pay attention to the weather on Mars and inform us of the situation at any time!"

As a scholar known for his caution, Li Moxun was fully prepared.

"Professor Li, don't worry. The Wentian probe is in Mars orbit. According to the data, there have been no storms recently."

Captain Wu Tong answered easily on the radio.

"That's good!"

Li Moxun doesn't want to be like the male protagonist of "The Martian" who was trapped on Mars growing potatoes due to a storm.

With that said, it took them ten minutes to reach the drilling location.

The drone is now parked in front of a drilling pipe, deep underground.

"Xiao Ran, let the drone melt the ice cubes it comes into contact with and get water. We will connect the machine."

Mini version of artificial photosynthesis factory.

For experimentation, it is very convenient.

First of all, it uses fusion batteries and does not require additional energy input.

Therefore, the entire equipment has only input ports for raw materials, water and carbon dioxide, and output ports for starch and oxygen.

"I'm operating!"

The researcher, known as Xiao Ran, activated the drone.

"Buzz buzz-"

A buzzing and throbbing sound came from the drone.

Li Moxun even personally connected the pipe mouth to the artificial photosynthesis equipment and started it.

In the closed pipe, the ice originally buried underground was heated by the drone into water and pumped into the artificial photosynthesis equipment.

The equipment sensed the entry of raw water and immediately began to extract carbon dioxide from the Martian atmosphere.

The reaction begins!

For plants in nature on earth, photosynthesis to store starch generally requires 60 steps, at least three to four months.

The latest artificial photosynthesis technology only requires 8 steps, the time is shortened to half an hour, and the efficiency is increased by 50%!

This is transcendence in all aspects!

Whether it's steps, time, or efficiency.

Artificial photosynthesis can now completely explode plants.

Even using this technology to build a complete ecosystem is no longer a luxury.

While Li Moxun was waiting anxiously.

The equipment ran normally. Thirty minutes later, starch and oxygen were successfully generated in the oxygen collecting tank and storage tank!


Li Moxun exhaled. There was nothing unexpected, the results were exactly the same as the computer simulation!

"The upgraded equipment can operate normally in the Martian environment. Next, we have to select the address of the Mars base!"

"Let this equipment continue to work here and see what it can withstand at night!"

Commanding everyone, Li Moxun started a new scientific research experiment.

And the news of success on Mars.

It was also successfully transmitted to Earth 6 minutes later.

The technology of using in-situ resources on Mars to produce oxygen and starch was successful!

A self-sufficient Mars base is no longer a dream!

It has even become possible to build a cutting-edge mining base near Mars.

Able to synthesize starch and oxygen.

Starch can be used to feed livestock, and oxygen can be used to sustain life.

Water can be provided by relying on the asteroid belt and ice meteorites escaping from Mars.

It’s true, everything is ready!

Just waiting for large-scale spacecraft and equipment to enter space.

The space age has quietly arrived, right in front of us!

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