Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 15 Show yourself, baby!

As the new head of the Security Bureau, Chen Limin has never been so tired.

In the evening, he received a call saying that the Computer Research Institute suspected of discovering a spy.

And the spy wanted to steal the orbital parameters of the lunar spacecraft.

Hearing the news, he immediately jumped up in shock.

Now, he is on a helicopter to the Computer Research Institute of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

The Computer Research Institute is located here.


In the dormitory area of ​​Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the huge propeller sound woke up all the students and teachers living here.

Especially the students, they all swarmed to the balcony and looked up at the sky curiously.

"Damn, Z-20?"

"Why did the military plane come to our school?"

"Fuck, so handsome, wait, why landed on the playground?"

"Is there some big shot coming, why come in the middle of the night?"


It only took a dozen seconds for the military helicopter that was slowly descending in the sky to attract everyone in the nearby dormitory building.

On the helicopter, Chen Limin passed the tablet in his hand to the members of the combat team.

"Chen Haoran, male, 36 years old, is an associate professor at the Computer Research Institute of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Just now, the comrades of the Information Department have determined through technical means that this person has colluded with foreign hostile forces and attempted to steal our country's confidential information."

"Everyone, your mission is to catch him."


National Security Operations Team.

Because of Chen Limin's relationship with the 237 plan, it is the first non-military team equipped with 23-type exoskeleton armor.

Although it feels like a cannon hitting a mosquito.

But as the first public appearance of the exoskeleton armor by default.

Chen Limin feels that the style still needs to be brought out.

"This time, I let you wear exoskeletons to be public and attract attention. Show me the most handsome poses!"

Chen Limin's words made the three soldiers laugh, and the originally tense atmosphere immediately became relaxed.

"Brother Chen, don't worry, I guarantee you'll be on the headlines tomorrow."

"Brother Chen, you should worry about yourself. Remember to cover your face. We are combat personnel, and it doesn't matter if we show our faces, hahaha."

"Get lost, we've reached the landing point, get off!"

After that, Chen Limin helped to open the sliding door of the helicopter.

Three soldiers, holding their steel guns, filed out.


A dormitory on the second floor of the dormitory area of ​​Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Zhang Hetao and his roommates squeezed on the balcony, curiously watching the slowly descending helicopter, their faces full of curiosity.

"Lao Zhang, you are a military fan, what is the origin of this plane?"

His roommate asked him with a curious look on his face.

"It's true that I am a military fan, but this is also the first time I've seen the Z-20 so close!"

Zhang Hetao, who was taking pictures frantically with his mobile phone, sent messages to the military fan group while taking pictures.

A Tao: "Big news, a helicopter crashed in our school in the middle of the night! [Picture] [Picture]"

Charming Little Water Puddle: "Damn, what school, military academy? This is a Z-20!"

Mumuyu: "I'm so jealous. I didn't make it to the air show last time. But what's this for? That's the dormitory building opposite, right? Z-20 forced landing?"

An Dare to Say I'm Old and Powerless (Group Leader): "Isn't it here to arrest people, 'dog head'?"

Gaining the envy and jealousy of netizens, Zhang Hetao once again focused his attention on the helicopter outside the balcony.

He turned on the video function and prepared to record the whole process this time.

The helicopter landed slowly, and when it was five or six meters above the ground, the hatch was opened.

Then, three soldiers wearing black exoskeleton armor jumped directly from the plane.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The muffled sound of steel hitting the ground made Zhang Hetao's eyes widen.

What the hell, what did I see? !

Unbelievable Zhang Hetao rubbed his eyes, he thought he was hallucinating.

But when he opened his eyes again, he saw an even more incredible scene.

The three soldiers wearing the seemingly extremely bulky exoskeleton armor were surprisingly flexible and their movements were not affected at all.

And the sharp cold light reflected under the light could not be fake at all.

More importantly, the reason why Zhang Hetao was sure that this was the real thing was that.

He was sure that the guns in the hands of the three soldiers were real!

Then... is it really an exoskeleton armor? !

"Wow, is this a movie? That's an exoskeleton, so cool!"

At this time, Zhang Hetao's roommates had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

Like other spectators, they almost thought it was a movie.

But the next scene made all the spectators gradually react.

The three soldiers had a clear purpose and raised their guns and killed directly to the teacher's apartment.

"The drone has been launched, the target is not at home?!"

"Where is he?"

"The signal is finally there, he is in the parking lot, the drone is following."

"The target is locked, he got in the car!"

It turned out that when Chen Haoran heard the sound of the helicopter, he was scared to death before he started stealing things. Without saying a word, he got up and ran to the parking lot.

He didn't know what was going on outside.

Anyway, no matter what happened, he would drive away first.

The car drove out of the parking lot and came to the outside of the apartment building, just in time to meet three soldiers moving towards this side at a high speed.

"What is that?"

Chen Haoran saw three people wearing black steel armor, who seemed to be COS Iron Man, and his face was full of astonishment.

"Where did this psycho come from, playing COS in the middle of the night!"

He cursed in his heart.

Without hesitation, he turned the steering wheel directly and prepared to detour.

But this played into the hands of the three soldiers.

"Xiao Ding, catch that car later!"

The team leader was very decisive. He aimed at Chen Haoran's rear tire and pulled the trigger decisively.


A muffled sound.

The vehicle's tire burst and began to shake left and right. Chen Haoran panicked and slammed on the brakes.

The car drifted and rushed straight towards the flower bed.

The whole dormitory area was immediately filled with the harsh sound of wheels rubbing against the ground.

"Come on, it's my turn to perform!"

The strong man in the team grinned and clapped his hands.

With a leap, with the help of the machine power, he jumped seven or eight meters away in one step.

In three steps, he landed steadily in front of the flower bed.

"Here comes the power!"

With a hearty laugh, he stepped back and pushed the ground, raising his hands forward.


After a breath, the car came crashing straight over with gushing hot air.

"Oh my God!"

On the balcony, Zhang Hetao was completely dumbfounded.

A mantis trying to stop a car, this is really a mantis trying to stop a car!


A violent collision sounded.

Zhang Hetao opened his eyes slightly in fear.

Then, he slowly opened his mouth, his pupils trembled, and he was shocked.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the snow-white car suddenly shook.

"Look down!"

The roommate exclaimed and pointed suddenly.

Zhang Hetao looked in the direction of the finger.

There was a man who lifted the car high with both hands.

This scene shocked everyone present.

At this time, it was more than just a 1.5-density car that was lifted up.

The worldview of all the students and teachers who were eating melons on the balcony was lifted up high by that person!

It's really... incredible!

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