Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 157 White Chimney

How did life originate?

At this stage, the most cutting-edge technology has given many scientific hypotheses.

Among them, the one most agreed upon by scientists is.

Life originated from the random movement of molecules.

In layman's terms.

Life begins by chance.

The earth was born accidentally during hundreds of millions of years through countless molecular movements.


Perhaps many people will be surprised and question this answer.

How could life, such a complex system, be an accident? !

This is also the reason why the issue of the origin of life is still full of controversy.

No one can produce key convincing evidence.

All discussions are "hypotheses" based on existing data.

But now,

The "key evidence" may be right in front of you!

Throughout the Jupiter Gravity, in the transcription room, you can hear a pin drop.

All the experts and scholars on the field had their eyes fixed on the screen in front of them.

There are six images on the screen.

Here are six landers landing!

"Attention, the probe has entered Europa's atmosphere and is continuing to descend."

"Observe the atmospheric content, 60% oxygen, 21% carbon dioxide, 9% methane, 10% hydrogen."

"The hydrogen is escaping, as expected."

Zhang Xu looked at the data in front of him with excitement on his face.

It’s exactly as predicted!

Europa is dominated by oxygen!

"Altitude is still decreasing, ice, we see ice!"

"The surface temperature of Europa is -171 degrees Celsius. Can the detector operate normally?"

"No problem, the detector has fusion electromagnetism and can maintain its own temperature!"

"We've landed. This is Europa, a world of ice and snow!"

The picture returned by the detector is from the high altitude of Europa, looking down on the entire planet.

This is a world covered with ice and snow.

On the surface of the entire planet, there is an ice layer about 10 to 30 kilometers thick, and under the ice layer, there is an ocean 100 kilometers deep!

This is not only a world of ice and snow, but also a world of water!

Europa, the water storage capacity on this satellite even exceeds that of the Earth!

"Captain, the electromagnetic pulse engine works normally in extreme environments."

Zhang Changchu let out a heavy breath when he heard the intelligence adjutant's words.

The engine works perfectly fine!

At this time, the probe was close to the ice cap on the surface of Europa.

The last twenty meters!

"Twenty meters, all detector engines self-checked, no problem."

"Start landing, ten meters!"

"Ready for contact, dropped!"

Fang Jing was in the cab, holding his hands tightly as he watched.

on the big screen,

The lander's bracket suddenly fell on the ice sheet!

"The landing was successful, No. 03 was damaged, and the rest is intact!"

The landing was successful!

Humanity successfully launched a probe to Europa.

And five at a time!

The probe landed successfully.

Because we chose a heat surge area of ​​geological activity, the ice layer is thinner.

Five detectors will use their own heaters to break through about 10 kilometers of ice and enter the underwater world of Europa within ten days!

As we move forward, scientists are already busy.

Europa's water composition, ice thickness, atmospheric composition, and various details are all worthy of their careful study.

Look at the full amount of data that is constantly being sent back.

Zhang Xu suddenly laughed softly, and he almost laughed out loud with joy:

"This is just Europa. From now on, I will study whichever planet I want to study!"

Then, perhaps feeling that his words were too absolute, he added another sentence at the end.


"Except the sun."

After saying that, he glanced around guiltily.

When he found that no one was paying attention to him and everyone was busy with their own things, he let out a sigh of relief.

His glorious and upright image almost collapsed!

Onboard the Jupiter Gravity Rover,

Because the detector was successfully put into Europa.

The entire scientific research ship was in a state of excitement.

This group of scientific researchers are simply desperate for their lives when it comes to research.

This is first-hand information.

First-hand information about Europa!

Those scholars who stay on Earth can only follow them and eat ashes!

Zhang Xu, the big boss, is even more outrageous.

In ten days, Zhang Xu could memorize all the data returned by the detector.

That's tens of thousands of rows of data.

What kind of super brain is this? ? ?

Ten days have passed. The scientific researchers on the Jupiter Gravity rover were looking forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, the ice detector penetrated the ice!

The Europa probe has entered the underground water world through self-heating!

"The detector is diving in and approaching the geological activity point!"

Enter the watery world of Europa.

When looking for traces of life, the place to look is around such geological activity points.

In the vast underwater world of Europa.

Only at these active points, lava will erupt, and within a certain range, a larger warm area will be formed.

These warm areas may be the hotbed of life!

These hotbeds of life may have existed for hundreds of millions of years along with geological movements.

Hundreds of millions of years!

This silent world welcomed its first visitor.

Visitors from Earth.

Five detectors visited here.

Soon, the video of the underwater lava area was transmitted to the spacecraft.

This is a silent world.

It is the top of the mountain in the underground water world of Europa, 30 kilometers away from the ice cap. Under the heat of the lava, the surrounding water temperature is maintained at about 36 degrees.

"What a natural hotbed!"

Looking at the underwater world in the picture, Zhang Xu slowly stood up and exclaimed.

Although it was silent, the white sediment columns under the lava looked so beautiful.

The boiling bubbles in the center, the sediment columns around, and the floating dust on the ground.

This is probably the first time that humans have seen such a familiar underwater world on an alien planet.

Magnificent and wonderful.

"Five probes have arrived at the geological activity point and are now starting to detect."

Zhang Changchu, looking at the underwater world of Europa, which is no different from the deep sea of ​​the earth, is also full of surprise in his eyes.

"It can be launched."

Zhang Xu nodded.

The probe began to conduct detailed inspections.

First, it is to check whether there are microorganisms in the water environment.

"Detector No. 1, no discovery."

"Detector No. 2, no discovery."


"Detector No. 6, no discovery."

The sound of no discovery after another slowly cooled Zhang Xu's heart.

The results showed that no signs of microorganisms were found in the six geological activity areas!

This exploration seems to be over?

Zhang Xu was a little unwilling, and he stared at the picture in front of him.


his eyes were fixed on the white sedimentary column next to the lava.

Sedimentary rock column.

"White chimney"? !

His eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately said excitedly:

"Captain, immediately let the detector detect the inside of these white stone columns!"


Zhang Changchu accepted Zhang Xu's suggestion and immediately ordered it to be executed.

For scientific research tasks, except for safety issues, everything else is up to professional scholars.

The order was issued.

The six detectors all inserted their probes into the white stone columns.

This white sedimentary stone column is composed of irregular cavities.

In the middle of the stone pillar, hot water vapor came out.

The probe was randomly inserted into the inner cavity of the stone pillar and began to detect.

Zhang Xu clenched his back teeth and stared.

Whether he could be included in the textbook depended on this time!

There must be a discovery!

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