Veland's call was unexpected.

Unexpectedly, this old guy could call out when he was dormant.

But even if he woke up?

It doesn't matter, Cheng Yuan also has a plan.

Take out Plan No. 23.

"Accidental awakening of dormant personnel during transportation - Weiland's treatment plan"

Just copy it from it!

Sure enough, it's great to have a secret book.

As soon as the thing is taken out, it's cleared directly.

Just Dr. Shirley's initial research on the "Ancestor Virus" made Weiland surrender at the speed of light.

He explained it directly.

The research results are out, as long as it can extend his life and guarantee his future life, he is willing to cooperate in anything!

Even if he is the promoter of the destruction of Weiland Company, he will do it at all costs!

This is a person who has given up everything for the sake of prolonging his life!

In the temporary camp, on the command vehicle.

Cheng Yuan took a storage device and handed it to the information officer.

"Wyland has agreed to personally come forward to prove that there is a non-dangerous alien command civilization spaceship relic on LV233."

"We will compile the order ourselves and ask the Weland Company to send a research ship here."

Glancing at the memory, Fang Jing said cautiously:

"Will there be any code in the information edited by Weland?"

If there is any code hidden in the proof information compiled by Weland himself, it will attract the human army of the alien world.

That would be the end of the matter.

Although the alien world is full of reckless people.

But they are all faster than the speed of light, and even if the human army is pulled, it is not something that the half-baked people in this universe can contend with.

"Don't worry about this, we will ask language experts to translate these words."

Cheng Yuan felt that the possibility of guessing the other party's code was too low.

He directly cut off the firewood from the bottom of the pot.

Use intelligent translation, English to Chinese, then Chinese to English, repeat this twenty times.

Then let the translation master revise it according to the original meaning.

In this way, the possibility of the codeword still existing while ensuring that the meaning remains unchanged is basically zero.

"Okay, okay."

Fang Jing remembered the video he had watched before.

The weird look of using translation software to translate "Yueyang Tower" twenty times.

Okay, okay, that's how you play it, right!

After playing it this way, let the experts translate it according to the original meaning.

This codeword can still be transmitted, that's really weird.

"The information has been edited, and we will use the communication system on the Prometheus to transmit it."

Alien world.

In human civilization, spacecraft can already exceed the speed of light.

Correspondingly, the communication system also has a speed that matches it.


"Through the equipment on the Prometheus, compress the space and create a similar narrow tube, so that the signal can reach the level of superluminal speed."

After checking the equipment on the Prometheus, the military scientist gave the principle of this superluminal communication.


Fang Jing didn't understand it at all.

His cutting-edge knowledge of communication is still in quantum communication.

However, quantum communication can't exceed the speed of light at all.

"The Earth will receive this message in about 1.5 years."

The scientist of the Academy of Military Sciences said with some regret: "In the current Alien world, the Earth's superluminal technology is still in its infancy,"

"The multiples of the speed of light are not too high."

"In Alien 2, the Earth received the news that the colony was in trouble almost not long after."

This is the regret of scientists, but also the scientists' relief.

The current Prometheus has a relatively simple superluminal flight technology.

But it is this simplicity that will make this universe and the Kyushu world better able to crack it!

"In addition, the biological weapons in the Engineers' spacecraft have been transferred."

"We are about to dismantle the spacecraft."

The armor of the Engineers' spacecraft is not too thick.

In the original work, the Prometheus crashed into it and directly created a big hole.

So it shouldn't be too difficult for people in this universe to dismantle it.

Anyway, there are more than 20 spacecrafts. It's not a big deal to dismantle one or two, right?

Brothers, just dismantle it!

Here, in the alien world, various plans are being carried out vigorously.

Fishing, dismantling spaceships, building outposts and camps.

Thinking of superluminal spaceships, they have become interstellar civilizations.

The entire synthetic camp under Cheng Yuan is like a shot of chicken blood.

Come on!

When the task is completed, it is so powerful.

Wherever they pass, there is a layer of molten scorched earth.

Here, everyone is working hard,

In the underground secret laboratory of Jiuzhou United University on the Mizhou continent in Jiuzhou World.

The scientists of Project 237 and Jiuzhou World are also looking forward to it, and finally they have come.

The surviving engineer found in the remains of the spaceship has been officially sent here!

As the most cutting-edge force in scientific research in this universe and Jiuzhou World at this stage.

The newly established Jiuzhou United University will shoulder complex tasks.

Combine the digested technology and cultivate scientific research talents adapted to interstellar civilization!

Outside the disinfection room, a group of old men and women, surrounded by doctoral students and graduate students, put on protective clothing.

Next to them were the most elite soldiers sent by the military, ready to go.

In the disinfection room, at the space door.

The engineer has regained consciousness.

It is very frightened now, very frightened!

Humans, the race cultivated by their engineers, just now found a reason to arrest it!

When he was caught, he was still confused.

The previous sentence is still asking "hello".

The latter sentence is a crime against humanity, and he will be arrested directly.

This is, this is for it.

Engineers also figured it out now.

Whatever the reasons are, they are all false. In fact, we just need to catch them and study them!

"Ah, ah!"

The engineer who understood this showed his biological survival instinct.

It struggled to twist its arms and sway its body, trying to break free.

However, all this is in vain.

He or something,

What on earth did these damn humans use to tie it up? It was too damn tight! ! !

"Captain, it's awake!"

The team transporting engineers, wearing full-body closed exoskeletons, noticed a strange movement in the cargo.

"Don't worry about it, this is a strap to tie up an armored vehicle. If it can break free, I think it's awesome."

The captain's words were rough, but his meaning was clear.

"Okay, we're here, put it up!"

The team passed through the space door, entered a fully enclosed biological laboratory, and then stopped.

Then, he directly stood up the engineer who was lying on his back.

At the same time, several alien snake-like creatures were also placed in the isolation laboratory.

"The 20th inspection of the safety procedures. There are no leaks during transportation. Controllers have been installed on all transported organisms to ensure instant control of their mobility. Complete."

"Okay, the airlock is open and I'm letting the scientists in."


The engineer stood up, his eyes widened, looking at the slowly opening airlock in the distance, his breathing quickened, and he almost died of fright.


The door opened and a crowd of people poured in.

The engineer actually saw a strange green light in the eyes of these "people".

Fanaticism, this is the fanaticism after seeing the most precious test object!

Unconsciously, the engineer felt that a big red letter appeared above his head——

Danger! ! !

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