Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 181 Biological Armor!

Xishan base, underground part.

In the rest cabin, the call bell rang.

On the bed, a device records the sound accurately.

In the virtual world,

Fang Jingzheng was wearing a brocade robe, stepping on a flying sword, floating above the mountains and rivers, among the white clouds.

Fluttering up in the wind, sleeves and robes dancing, enjoying themselves.

As a result, suddenly, the communication interface popped up on its own!

Zhou Yuan's voice came out.

"Fang Jing, Fang Jing, hurry up, there's something good, come to the disinfecting room!"

"nice one?"

Fang Jing turned his head and looked at the time.

Depend on,

It's already three o'clock in the afternoon!

After dinner, I played this virtual game. If I wasn't careful, it would last three hours.

But this game...

It’s really cool!

Fang Jing never expected that it would only be two months.

He wrote a rough game and it was made.

Just now, he was playing the role of a swordsman in Zhongzhou, traveling around the mountains and rivers... He was relying on the world!

"It's time to play, it's time to go to work!"

After calling up the settings page, Fang Jing scrolled down without hesitation and pressed the exit button.

In the rest cabin, Fang Jing, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes.

He took off the equipment on his head, with a look of reluctance on his face.

"Damn, that's me. If I were a game nerd, I would probably just want to hang out."

This is a virtual game!

No, I can't be hurt by entertainment!

The game Reality OL is even more exciting with me!

With that said, Fang Jing jumped up from the bed.

Let’s go to work!

Outside the disinfecting room on No. 5 that Zhou Yuan mentioned, Fang Jing looked at the empty corridor and raised his eyebrows.

What is this operation?

Where are people?

"Put on protective clothing and come inside!"

In the corridor, the surveillance camera suddenly made a sound.

Fang Jing did not hesitate, put on protective clothing, checked according to the procedures, and entered the airlock.

"Brother Zhou is so mysterious, what are you doing?"

With this thought in mind, a mechanical reminder sound suddenly sounded on the side.

"The oxygen content in the sterilization room is insufficient, and the carbon dioxide ratio reaches 95%. Please make sure to wear an oxygen tank in protective clothing."

Then, on the side of the airlock, a sampan popped up, containing a replacement oxygen tank.

Fang Jing followed safety instructions and wore an oxygen tank.

At the same time, I became more confused.

What is this?

Why is the disinfection room turned into a non-Earth environment?

95% carbon dioxide, this is the Martian environment!

"Brother Zhou, what are you doing?"

All confirmed, the airlock opens.

Fang Jing looked up, his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide.

At this time, in the empty backup disinfection room, Zhou Yuan was not wearing protective clothing!

Hearing the movement in the airlock, Zhou Yuan curled his lips and slowly turned his head.

Now, Fang Jing can see clearly!

It's not that Zhou Yuan didn't wear protective clothing, to be honest, he didn't even wear any clothes now.

His muscular body was covered with a layer of fit-fitting, protruding gray armor.

This armor, like skin, grew on Zhou Yuan's body.

On the abdomen and chest, there are bone-like protrusions as supports, set off by this layer of armor.

Zhou Yuan looked more symmetrical.

In addition, his head was also covered with a light membrane.

This membrane is also integrated into the skin, making people feel that this is what grows on Zhou Yuan's body!

"This, this is an engineer's biotech outer armor?!"

Fang Jing reacted.

What Zhou Yuan is wearing at the moment,

Isn't that what engineers do?

Just the color and texture are a little different.

The key is that Zhou Yuan now relies on this set of outer armor, and in an environment with 95% carbon dioxide, he actually looks like he is naked!

This is really awesome.

"That's right, this is the biotech outer armor of the engineers."

Zhou Yuan turned his head, grinned, and said loudly:

"It's much more comfortable than that protective suit. I feel like I'm in the outside world now."

"Have you developed the biological outer armor of the Engineer clan?"

Fang Jing's eyes widened, he trotted up to Zhou Yuan, and poked Zhou Yuan's outer armor with his rubber-gloved fingers.

"Is this growing on you?"

"It's almost like that. It's actually an extension of the skin, not something else."

Zhou Yuan quickly corrected himself.

This technology is actually a kind of genetic modification and enhancement of the skin.

It’s not something that grows on the body!

"In the past two months, with the cooperation of Engineer Horos, we have cracked their biotechnology a lot faster. This biological outer armor is one of the results."

"It can maintain the pressure in the human body and provide human breathing at the same time."

"There are special areas on the outer armor that are responsible for converting various gases into oxygen needed for human breathing."

"And what supplies them with work is our human body itself."

"Furthermore, the biological outer armor also has a super immune system. Any unknown virus that invades will be directly swallowed by the outer shell."

"Wearing this outer armor, I can even live directly on Mars!"

With that said, Zhou Yuan picked up a glass of water from the table.

Then, he opened his mouth, tilted his head and poured it into his mouth.

The water passed through the membrane attached to his mouth and was drank by Zhou Yuan.

This outer armor can also allow people to eat normally in abnormal environments!

This is biotechnology for engineers.

That's it, the tip of the iceberg!

This set of biological outer armor is simply the last piece of the puzzle for mankind to step into the starry sky!

With him, humans can live freely on other planets!

Realizing this, Fang Jing's eyes widened.

No wonder this thing was produced in advance.

First, compared to the hyperdrive, its technical difficulty is not high;

Second, this thing is simply an artifact to humans!

A real artifact!

Zhou Yuan is not the first human to test the outer armor.

What he is wearing now is a basically completed product.

"Can you take it off?"

Looking at the armor integrated into the skin, Fang Jing was extremely curious.

This thing is really amazing.

"Of course you can, but it's very troublesome."

Zhou Yuan nodded.

Although this thing is an extension of your own skin, it is ultimately a biotech armor.

In fact, it is equivalent to an additional organ.

It's definitely possible to take it off, but it's very troublesome.

Imagine that Zhou Yuan needs to shed a layer of skin, at least it cannot be as simple as taking off his clothes.

"Then how do you wear this suit of armor?"

Fang Jing was very curious.

This thing is so convenient. You can run freely on Mars in the future!

"It's a promoting agent. After it's injected, your skin will start to grow, and eventually it will grow into a concha like this."

Zhou Yuan gestured with his hands and introduced:

"This thing, Dr. Hillel took the lead, and it has actually been done a long time ago."

"The reason why it is being brought out now is because of safety testing issues."

"Xi Ruier used the computing power of the entire Kyushu world, starting from animal experiments, mice, macaques, orangutans, and finally humans. After more than a month, it was judged that there is no danger to the human body."

"With Horos's cooperation, is there a possibility of a secret attack?"

Fang Jing was still a little worried.

"The think tank has already thought of this."

Zhou Yuan waved his hand and explained with a smile:

"Horos cooperated with us and let us understand how the Engineer Waijia bioengineering was transformed."

"After we understood the principle and were able to reproduce it, we decisively abandoned the genetic program provided by Horos."

"Then use the genes of humans in this universe to build it from the bottom up."

As he spoke, Zhou Yuan proudly puffed up his chest and said:

"This outer armor is not only different from the Engineer clan in appearance, but also completely different on the inside!"

"Safety is absolutely guaranteed!"

As soon as Zhou Yuan explained, Fang Jing understood.

I see.

Take a computer system as an example.

Engineers build a computer system using the language of engineers.

Now, humans in this universe, with the cooperation of Horos, have completely reverse-engineered this computer system.

Later, humans in this universe rebuilt their own computer system using their own language.

Since the languages ​​used by the two parties are different,

Therefore, these two computer systems are not compatible at all!

Analogy to the difference between win and lin systems.

Almost the same, but much different.

Therefore, even if engineers stay behind, they will end up being "unrecognizable"!

The system is simply incompatible!

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