Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 19: Storms gather

Bangzi Peninsula.

The border between South Korea and North Korea.

Several South Korean soldiers, with faces full of despair, cut the barbed wire on the border under the cover of night.

"Junxi, why do we really have to do this?"

Jin Jiamin, with a panicked face, trembled slightly after passing through the barbed wire.

"Do you want to go back? Don't forget how they threatened you!"

The young soldier called Junxi said helplessly with tears in his eyes: "Your girlfriend, Xirui, um, I have seen her, a very beautiful woman."

"Yes." Jin Jiamin heard this and thought of his girlfriend, who was a very gentle woman. He felt that having her as a girlfriend was the happiest thing in his life.

"Such a beautiful woman, we all secretly envied you."

Junxi suddenly lost control of his emotions, lowered his voice, and almost roared: "If we don't do this."

"What will they do, what will those shameless Americans do?"

"Are there not enough women violated by the garrison base every year?"

"What do they do after they violate those people? They just walk away, or nothing happens at all."

"Jin Jiamin, figure it out for me!"

Junxi was almost hysterical. He pointed at Jin Jiamin and roared: "They are watching from behind, if you don't satisfy them."

"Your family, your beautiful woman, will all be tortured to death by them!"

"Yes... yes, I understand."

Jin Jiamin's eyes were full of despair. He looked back and looked at his own country.

It turned out that the strength of this country touted by politicians was so false, like a bubble, which would collapse at the touch of a button. All of them were just puppets of the terrifying country on the other side.

He closed his eyes slowly, and when he opened them again.

He looked much firmer.

For the sake of his family, I have to apologize.

"Be gentle, let's go!"

Seeing Jin Jiamin adjust, Junxi exhaled.

This time they stepped into North Korea, and they would never return. This move was only for their families.

With hatred for the United States in his eyes, Junxi led a team of twelve people and rushed into a village in North Korea.

Behind them, there was a sentry post one kilometer away.

Several American soldiers, holding binoculars, watched the few people from arguing to accepting reality and taking action.

They could hear the recording of the whole process.

"John, it's really interesting."

"What's so interesting? It's just the monkey's final struggle. No, it's not even a monkey."

The big man who continued to hold the telescope and observe the actions of Junxi and others snorted contemptuously: "Mike, you have to know that South Korea is just a dog we raise."

"As a colonized country, the people here have no right to refuse."

"By the way, where is Philip?"

"Oh, he went to have fun. He said he fell in love with a housewife. She has a daughter and they are all pretty good."

John's tone was indifferent. In his mind, this was just a very common thing.

He usually played a lot.

The nearby middle school was a frequent visitor. Don't say it, these middle school students in South Korea are really naive!

"Hmph, he's quite playful. Let him remember to take care of his tail. If he makes a mistake, let him go back to the United States immediately."

"Don't worry, he has already investigated. The mother, daughter and husband are in our base. They can't cause any trouble. Haha, it's just right. I'll try it next time."

"Hmph, whatever you want. Remember to clean your butt."


July 20th is the time when a launch site in the South China Sea is completed and enters quality inspection.

As a launch platform for the moon landing rocket, this should have been enough to shock the world.

However, unfortunately, this heavy news is only ranked second on the Internet.

The most popular one is the incident that broke out last night.

Early in the morning, the Chinese people woke up from their dreams and turned on their mobile phones to see the explosive news that directly swept the screen.

"It is outrageous! A South Korean squad invaded North Korea last night and indiscriminately shot and killed 26 people in Hanming Village, North Korea!"

"A shocking tragedy, South Korean soldiers committed a tragedy that outrages both humans and gods!"

"A million North Korean troops are gathering at the 38th parallel, is the war imminent?"

"The Yokosuka and Kadena aircraft carriers of the United States are leaving the port, and the double aircraft carrier fleets are gathering in the Yellow Sea."

"Emergency, the East China Sea Fleet and the North China Sea Fleet are moving forward, and the Chinese and US double aircraft carrier fleets are facing each other at sea!"


The overwhelming news, every minute, a certain blog will update an entry.

The entire Yellow Sea area directly formed a huge powder keg.

The news quickly spread throughout the world.

All countries in the world, all human beings, are focused on the vicinity of the 38th parallel.

Not just North Korea and South Korea.

The most critical thing is the superpower behind them.

China and the United States.

If these two fight, the whole world will be doomed.

Therefore, it is very rare that some Western countries panicked and immediately asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to speak.

France: "Call on China and the United States to exercise restraint, and the situation on the peninsula should move towards peace and stability."

Germany: "Both sides should put aside their differences. The key now is to find out the reasons why the South Korean team invaded North Korea, and to do a good job of appeasement and compensation."

Britain: "All parties must remain calm!"

Mao: "Fuck, you are forming a group to beat the United States, why don't you call me???"

Then, the big Russia moved quickly, drawing the Far East Armored Group Army, gathering 500,000 troops, and quickly assembled towards the North Korean border.

Some South American media, who were not afraid of trouble, even published such shocking headlines as "The Third World War has begun".

Even Liben and South Korea, who were usually very happy, were completely stunned.

South Korea: "What, my people did it, I didn't, I didn't, why are you looking at me!"

"What, North Korea is gathering a million troops at the border and preparing to go south?"

The inexplicable South Korea could only ask the stationed US troops in fear to gather troops for defense.

After all, with South Korea's strength, it really couldn't stop North Korea's crazy revenge.

After getting the approval of the United States, South Korea was relieved and began to gather troops for defense.

For a time, the shadow of war enveloped the entire peninsula.

Liben next door was also dumbfounded.

His "father", the US Navy, is confronting China in the Yellow Sea.

And it looks like they are really going to fight?

Liben: "Ah, are they really going to fight?"

When two major countries clash, the small country in the middle will really become a clown.

Don't look at Liben's usual cheerfulness.

As the saying goes, a biting dog doesn't bark.

He barks happily because he has someone behind him, and he knows that there will be no real fight, so he is not panicking at all when he starts to talk.

But if a real fight breaks out, Liben will immediately show his cowardice.

After all, if the United States fails, it will just pat its butt and run away from the Western Pacific.

But what about Liben?

Although Liben says that he is a Western country, his position is here.

He can't run away.

There is only one anti-submarine brigade, and China's extended-range rockets can reach their homeland.

How to fight?

But the "father" has spoken, so he has to bite the bullet even if he doesn't want to.

So, after a long delay, the Liben Fleet finally arrived.

The situation was tense.

As soon as they met the Liben Fleet next to them, they were immediately caught in electromagnetic interference, and the communication between the fleets began to be intermittent.

It turned out that the electronic warfare aircraft of China and the United States had begun to fight secretly in the air.

The wind and clouds gathered over the Yellow Sea.

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