Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 195 That day, the muzzle of the gun was only a few centimeters away from me

The Kuvit spacecraft is a heavy defense research ship.

It is heavily defended, so it is larger and has a stronger structure.

So, even though it looks several times larger than the Prometheus, it can still land directly on the LV233 spacecraft!

The entire spacecraft is like a long shuttle. If the whole thing is like a shuttle, smooth and full, it will be extremely beautiful.

However, what is very uncomfortable is that

this spacecraft,

it has several engine nozzles under the smooth shuttle!

It is very eye-catching, extremely eye-catching!

This is simply blasphemy!

Either it is the rough beauty of heavy industrial machinery, or the smooth beauty of minimalist science fiction.

This Kuvit has a minimalist shell and a heavy industrial rough engine.

Cheng Yuan, who was hiding in the mountains and using an optical telescope, got goose bumps when he saw it.

What a rubbish spacecraft,

Hey, this is my problem!

There is one more reason to take down this spaceship. I must break these nozzles for me.

Aesthetics, it's so ugly!

The people on the Kuvit didn't know it was a trap.

At this time, they looked at the Prometheus docked in the middle of the canyon and a half-mined ruin not far away. Everyone's eyes were bright.

The ruins should have been like a hill or a pyramid structure.

It's just that it's only half mined now, revealing the mechanical structure.

Swick approached the glass porthole and clearly saw the mechanical structure through the equipment.

"It's really a spaceship!"

A spaceship manufacturing expert from Wieland exclaimed at the side.

"Although the exterior of that thing is very strange, I'm sure I'm not wrong. The internal principle is the same. It's a gravity trigger, which controls the deflection and steering at superluminal speed!"

After saying that, the breath of the spaceship manufacturing expert suddenly became thicker.

It's really a spaceship of alien intelligent civilization!

The exterior and internal pipeline layout are completely different from those of humans!

He was a little skeptical at first, but when he saw it with his own eyes, the spacecraft expert was so excited.

It was worth the trip, it was worth the trip.

"So it was this thing."

Swick exhaled after hearing what the expert said, and the corners of his mouth almost hooked to the back of his head.

Money, reputation and status are waving at him!

This is not ordinary money, reputation and status.

This is famous for all mankind!

It can last forever and be written into history!

It is said that lust makes people lose their minds, but in fact, sometimes, money makes people lose their minds even more.

Look, Swick thought of three things that were waving at him, and immediately ordered the driver to control the spacecraft to land impatiently.

It stopped next to the Prometheus!

"Vickers, I have to say, you did a great job on this!"

The spacecraft slowly lowered its altitude.

When it arrived at the high altitude next to the Prometheus, Swick couldn't help but initiate a communication.

For this operation, he should have stood on Vickers' side earlier, and he shouldn't have strongly opposed it at the beginning!

But it's not too late now.

"...I'm glad you guys came so quickly..."

On the other side of the communicator, Vickers' voice came back.

However, why is her voice a little strange?

Isn't she usually as cold as a cyborg?

Why is her tone a little weird today?

Swick frowned.

He just thought that Vickers and his team were running out of supplies, so they were acting so strange.


On the Prometheus, in the cockpit,

Vickers stood on the command platform and responded to Swick with some helplessness.

Of course she had to "know the times".

Now, her spaceship and control systems have all been replaced.

If she doesn't know the times, who knows what will happen.

As for Swick,

This guy, from the moment he decided to set off, his fate was doomed!

She was indeed mocking just now.

This guy had been against it when he set off, but when he saw that it was profitable, he ran faster than anyone else.

So fast,

He's rushing to die!

After mocking Swick, Vickers continued according to Cheng Yuan's instructions:

"Swick, come down as soon as possible. We don't have much supply on our spaceship. In addition, we have eliminated the danger at the spaceship ruins. You can go and take a look directly."

"Okay, got it. I will go and take a look at the 'Creator's' spaceship."

Swick grinned.

Creator, he doesn't believe this!

No, no, he believes in the Creator. In his eyes, the Creator is just a bunch of money!

At this time, the Kuvit spaceship, with its engine standing up, has slowly landed on the ground with the help of reverse thrust.

The moment it landed on the ground, the rear hatch opened immediately.

Kuvit, who had been impatient for a long time, immediately led the team, wearing an extravehicular protective suit, driving the same armored vehicle as Prometheus, and rushed towards the spaceship ruins.

As for supplying the Prometheus,

it's already here anyway.

Supplying things,

it doesn't matter when to replenish,

it's most important to see the spaceship ruins first!

Swick took the lead, driving a cool-looking two-wheeled motorcycle, heading straight for the ruins.

Ruins, ruins, the key to him becoming a "big man" among humans!

Raising dust and mud,

Swick drove the car sideways in front of the broken ruins,

Swick jumped off the horse... and swung his hand,

Is it handsome!

I just want to ask if it's handsome!


Then, he was stunned on the spot.

Because, a black steel gun was pressed against the glass helmet of his protective suit.

A gun suddenly stretched out from the dark place in the ruins!

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, Swick was stunned.

What's going on, what's going on! ! !

Swick, who was still majestic and in the limelight a second ago, hurriedly raised his hands, saluted in French military, and said in a trembling voice:

"Vickers, you, didn't you say there is no danger here???"

In front of him, the black muzzle of the gun was pressed against his head,

a humanoid creature wearing a black exoskeleton, wearing dark glasses, with no visible face, and about the same size as him, said nothing.

He said nothing,

Swick dared not move even more.

At the same time, several armored vehicles behind Swick were forced to stop.

The scientists in the car were stunned to find that a van of people suddenly jumped out from the ruins of the spacecraft.

"Don't move!"

"Take off the car keys!"

"Quick, quick, Team A, take the opportunity to break into the Kuvit!"

"We have entered the airlock and accessed the data. The Kuvit has 'mother' artificial intelligence. We can't break through the spacecraft's system defense!"

"Refer to the Prometheus spacecraft, trying physical attacks..."

The Kuvit has authentic artificial intelligence.

It is definitely much more difficult to control this spacecraft than the Prometheus.

The commando team that only retains quantum key communication has terrifying data, so they have to go all out!

The most advanced hackers often use the simplest methods!

The hackers you think can't hack in, they use means to capture chickens, and then use superb technology to hack into the opponent's network; the hackers in reality can't hack in, those without power steal chickens, and those with power——

Bomb him!

Bomb his server!

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