Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 216 Passing the buck, right? Withdrawing investment, right?

Pacific Rim World,

According to discussions at the United Nations meeting, the Atlantic Rim and Indian Ocean countries have officially given up investment in the Hunter program.

At the same time, countries around the Pacific began to build the "Wall of Life."

I don’t know what will happen to this thick city wall in the future. Anyway, now, the people really have high hopes for it.

People began to expect that this wall could really block those terrible monsters.

But there are always surprises.

Just when Marshal Steiger was expelled from the United States in embarrassment, he was preparing to head to the Greater Bay Area with his equipment.

A piece of news made him suddenly jump out of his wits.

The thing is this,

After the United Nations meeting, he was being sent off for the last time by his friend, General Akers.

Standing on the deck of the aircraft carrier, looking at the several Hunter mechas being hoisted in the distance, Stike felt melancholy.

Once upon a time, when the Hunter Project was in its prime, he was in great glory.

But now, he didn't expect that in the entire world, only the Greater Bay Area would become his place of refuge.

He was as tired as a lost dog!

How sad!

"Strike, my old friend, don't be sad, maybe those 'walls' really work, right?"

Akers walked to his side and whispered words of comfort.

"Ex, you and I have both flown mechas and know the strength of those monsters. Stop fooling yourself."

With the sea breeze blowing, General Stike felt that the way forward was confused.


Akers was silent.

They all knew the strength of the monsters, but they were unable to stop those idiots from making their decisions.

"Haha, I'm not here to advise you to look away. I have good news here."

With a long sigh, Akers chuckled twice and stared at his old friend.

"Good news, what other good news is there now?"

Stike has no hope. The hunter plan has been abandoned. Is there any good news?

"What good news!"

Akers blew out the smoke and looked east, where their passage ended.

"In this world, there is finally someone who is not stupid enough."

After handing Stecker a cigar, Akers continued with a complex expression:

"News has just come from China that the big eastern country has not shut down the Hunter mecha production base in Guangdong Province."

"No, not only did they not close down, they also completely transferred the production base to the military and placed an order for 12 additional mechas, with the codename being Level 6 Hunter mechas."

After speaking, he patted Stecker heavily on the shoulder, and left a final message before leaving.

"Brother, you didn't go to the wrong place."


When Stike heard the news, he was stunned.

It’s not just him, there are people who are insisting, there are still people who are insisting!

Clenching his fists, Stike looked east.

There is the last hope!

Not just here, the decisions made by the great eastern countries have brought the treacherous political situation around the world to a standstill.

Everyone is guessing,

Is this a big Eastern country out of its mind?

12 Hunter mechas, do they not want to be economical anymore and want to destroy themselves?

What is going on here?

Are they completely crazy?

Moreover, only two hours had passed,

The great eastern country seemed to have really gone crazy and announced its next plan.

These 12 hunter mechas will try to impact the gap on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean!

They want to go straight to Huanglong and attack the entrance of the wormhole.

Originally, all countries in the world basically concluded that the other party was launching satellites and talking big words.

However, until a reporter took photos, factories in Changzhou and Guangdong Province began to produce in four shifts day and night.

Believe it, now everyone believes it!

it's true,

The big Eastern countries are going to put all their efforts into it, Stud!

In the East China Sea, an aircraft carrier fleet floats on the ocean.

Captain Tian Xing looked cold and stern as he listened to the intelligence adjutant's report.

"Captain, there is a vibration in the gap. According to our judgment, it is a level three monster heading towards the coast of our country!"

The intelligence adjutant sounded anxious.

How can we not be anxious when we are still worried about the Licheng tragedy? It cost the lives of millions of compatriots!

"Don't worry, don't worry this time, the attack restrictions have been lifted from above."

Tian Xing breathed out.

Their aircraft carrier fleet is finally no longer a decoration.

The command from above has been issued. In the next period of time, all monsters trying to land will be killed without distinction!

The entire aircraft carrier fleet carries special missiles.

This is something the military has specially developed over the years to target monsters!

I used to be worried about the monster blue problem, so I never dared to use it.

But now that the order has been lifted from above, they are still scared!

"Great, then give the order to attack!"

The arms adjutant also clenched his fists, they were finally no longer vases!

In the 11 years of war against monsters, their aircraft carrier fleet has only been able to engage in intelligence work. This is really a shame!

"No, wait, we don't have to kill the monster directly this time."

Tian Xing was not in a hurry.


The arms adjutant was worried. Behind them was the motherland, so they couldn't hesitate!

"Because, we want those who are standing behind us to make sarcastic remarks to see what the monster is like!"

With a heavy snort, Tian Xing suddenly ordered:

"The destroyer's magazine opened, and a ground-penetrating missile fired, hitting the monster in its path!"

"Open the magazine of destroyer No. 03, launch a ground-penetrating missile, and launch!"

The order was issued.

In the distance, the aircraft carrier fleet was guarded with swords, the vertical hatch in front of the ship opened, and a pitch-black missile took off violently.

The fixed engine sprayed continuously, allowing the missile to complete a 90-degree turn in the air, and then shot straight into the distance.

This missile is very large, and its head is even black.

In the ocean,

a ferocious giant beast, according to the setting, is heading towards the coast of the Western Pacific.

Suddenly, a huge "plop" sounded beside it.


A cavity exploded in the water.

The violent explosion engulfed the sea water, causing the ferocious giant beast to stagnate.

Although it was created,

the instinct of living things to survive made it stop.

Because the explosion that just happened beside it, this level of explosion, if it hits it, it will definitely die!

That's right, the weapons loaded by Tian Xing's fleet are aimed at killing monsters!

There are even tactical nuclear weapons on the destroyer to prevent it from being lost!

The ferocious monster took only 0.1 seconds to make an almost instinctive decision.

It was not that it didn't want to be stubborn, but just now, it just wanted to keep moving forward, and a sense of death crisis immediately came to its mind.

At that moment, it felt like it was being targeted by hundreds of things.

As long as it dared to move forward, it would definitely be torn into pieces in an instant!

So, it immediately flicked its tail and turned its head.

It turned around without hesitation, as if it had made up its mind.

Going forward, it would really bombard it!

This road is blocked, I will change the road!

I won't play with you anymore!

Anyway, this place is so big, landing anywhere is not landing!

So, a level 3 monster was driven away from the East China Sea by the aircraft carrier fleet.

Heading further south.

And through that southern sea area,

the opposite side of the sea is where monsters generally don't land.

There are also some countries that talk without any pain in their waists.


Looking at the monster who was really scared, Tian Xing curled his lips:

"Using the monster war, you are madly harvesting us in the rear?"

"I have been thinking about it for a long time. Why should we stand in the front while you dogs suck our blood in the back!"

"The overall interests of mankind, screw the overall interests of mankind!"

"I am narrow-minded, I only care about the overall interests of China."

"In the future, all the monsters passing by will be blown to death if they don't take a detour!"

Tian Xing snorted coldly.

Why do they have to hold the line near the Pacific Ocean?

Now, I won't hold it anymore, this monster can go wherever it wants!

Just don't come to us anyway!

Kick the ball, aren't you good at it?

We kick it too!

Let's kick together and see who can beat who!

No, I'll kick the monster to your side,

Let you taste the pain of our holding the line for the past 11 years!

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