Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 231 A cloud of blood mist

In the Pacific Ocean,

all countries sent their fleets forward, intending to establish defensive positions outside the coastal waters.

This is also a normal idea.

After all, if you wait until dozens or hundreds of monsters have reached the coastal waters before you go to defend, it will be too late.

But there is a country that did just that!

Pacific Defense Joint Online Command Center,

"What is the Eastern power doing? It rejected our communication application!"

"The keyhole satellite found that their fleet was arranged in the coastal waters. There is no defense outside the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea."

"If they don't defend the distant seas, how are they going to defend?"

"I don't know, are they crazy?"

"Are they giving up resistance???"

In the online command center, representatives of fleets from various countries in the Pacific Ocean and even from all over the world were very confused.

What is this doing? They don't answer the phone and the fleets don't pull apart.

Is this giving up resistance and preparing to let the monsters land in the coastal waters? ? ?

As the second largest naval force in the world, you make others helpless!

"No matter what, facing the current gap, we must defend immediately."

Ex also rubbed his head, with a headache.

"How to defend? There are hundreds of monsters rushing towards us!!!"

A fleet of a small country near Oceania made a desperate voice.

Thousands of monsters were diverted from the gap, but the other party's diversion was very random and abrupt.

Their small country actually divided hundreds of them.

They only have three destroyers in total, and they have to defend with their heads!

"We request assistance from the US fleet and from fleets of various countries!"

"We also request assistance, we have thirty here!"


The noisy cry for help instantly drowned the entire channel.

Ex opened his mouth, swallowed his saliva, and had to stare and pretend to be stuck.

Then, he immediately kicked the cable of the communication channel with his foot.

[The US side was disconnected due to abnormal network]

"Huh, damn, it's better not to hold this meeting."

Rubbing his head, Axe understood that the number of monsters this time was beyond the capacity of all countries.

All countries are asking for help.

Who are they asking for help from?

Of course it's the United States.

But, you ask me for help, who the hell should I ask for help from!

I am helpless with a fleet facing hundreds of monsters.

"Don't go to this Pacific Defense Joint Online Command Center again."

Axe waved his hand.

In the words of China, now all countries are in a difficult situation!

Save yourself first!

"Then how can we refuse?"

The intelligence adjutant couldn't think of any reason to refuse for a while.

"Just say that we were attacked by monsters and the electromagnetic pulse temporarily paralyzed our communication system."

Axe waved his hand. He remembered that the report made by the Eastern power stated that monsters already had the ability of electromagnetic pulse.

This is a good excuse.

However, it was also information that made him even more desperate.

Damn it, it would be better if he didn't know and died in confusion.

It was so frustrating to die so clearly like this!

Time passed slowly as the countries waited anxiously.

One week was up!

In the Pacific Ocean, the US fleet finally faced their fear...

The monster group had reached their long-range detection range!

Since there was no unmanned detection ship, the warriors of the death squad, dragging sonar and driving a small boat, had already rushed towards the monster.

On the small boat, Hills, Moby, Thomas, and Ekre let the waves hit the hull.

The four were silent, with only determination and resoluteness in their eyes.

They were on this trip to determine the specific number of monsters for the fleet.

"Moby, keep an eye on the sonar; Thomas, tie your hands to the communicator for me, and be sure to send the message to me before you die!"

"Ekre, have we reached the location?"

Captain Hills' voice was free and easy. He stood at the stern, controlling the engine with his hands and rushed straight towards the mission target.

"There are still 3 nautical miles before we collide with the other side!"

Ekre's voice was serious.

"Hahaha, guys, are you afraid?"

Hills asked excitedly in the sea breeze.

"Of course not, before I die, the information will be transmitted to the fleet!"

"FXXK, of course I'm afraid, I'm afraid I counted less!"

"Then count it carefully for me!"

After the four of them laughed and talked freely for a few times, Ekre suddenly said in a firm voice:

"Attention, we have reached the detection position."

"Sonar ready!"

"Beep, beep, beep, beep--"

Moby, who was observing the sonar equipment, was shocked when he saw the number displayed in front of him.

"FXXK, FXXK, Thomas, 312, 312 monsters are rushing towards our east coast!"

"Damn, 312!"

Thomas' hands trembled.

This is a full 100 more than expected!

At the same time, his hands moved quickly, and the information was transmitted quickly.

After receiving the information detected by the suicide squad, the entire defensive fleet was dumbfounded.

One hundred monsters made them despair, and here came 300!

And they are still going up!

How to fight!

And the sonar map shows that the opponent is still very scattered.

They have even deployed their troops!

"Ding ding ding, Hills and his team lost the signal..."

In the communication room, the intelligence adjutant sighed.

"We can't let these guys die in vain!"

Axe gritted his teeth and immediately ordered and roared:

"Battle formation, prepare to attack!"

"Missiles are ready, ready to launch."

"No matter what, fire them out, immediately!"

Axe knew that these missiles must be fired at this time.

Otherwise, there will be no hope later!


In the distance, the monsters that sensed the existence of the fleet,

A level 6 chrysanthemum beast, directly jumped out of the sea, with a flower-like structure on its head, and blue light was constantly gathering.

Finally, at a certain moment, the blue light flashed at high speed and suddenly burst out.

A circle of electromagnetic pulses, with the chrysanthemum beast as the center, expanded rapidly!

The blue light circle rushed past.

All human electronic equipment and circuit chips that were impacted were damaged.

The first fleet of the United States seemed to repeat the history of this universe. With an electromagnetic pulse, the entire fleet was directly destroyed.

Fortunately, the missile was launched.

Yes, it was launched,

but it was a bit off-center,

and plunged into the vast Pacific Ocean, causing hundreds of big explosions, without even hurting the monster.

The monsters that continued to move forward on the seabed raised their heads: What's the noise? ?

In the fleet command room, looking at the radar and command system that were completely black, Ax lowered his head in despair.

Time was too urgent,

although they knew that the monster could use electromagnetic pulses, they had no time to install protective equipment.

"We lost, we lost."

"Roar, roar, roar!"

"Bang! Bang!"

In the distance, the monsters were cheering, roaring and roaring.

They swam towards the completely scrapped fleet on the sea with great momentum, ready to enjoy the fruits of victory.

On the fleet,

the crew members came to the deck one after another, and Ax also came to the deck.


Not far away, a huge monster stretched out its huge body from the sea unscrupulously and roared to the sky.

The piercing roar made the crew silent and angry.

The upper body of the monster emerged from the water, and under the angry eyes of everyone, it slowly attacked the fleet.

Like an island, the hideous monster slowly approached the huge aircraft carrier reflecting the metallic luster.

What will happen next seems to be destined.

The crew is desperate.

Some closed their eyes and waited for death, some raised their rifles to tell the courage of human beings not to surrender, and some opened their eyes to welcome death calmly.


The monster approaching the deck seemed to have a hint of mockery in its eyes.


"Buzz buzz buzz!!!"

A bright ray shot from an unknown distance and hit its body directly.


Under the astonished and shocked gazes of the First Fleet of the United States,

the Level 6 monster that was eyeing them covetously was directly blown into a ball of blood mist less than a hundred meters away from the fleet!

"What was that just now?!"

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