Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 237 The power of the sun, burning mountains and boiling seas!

Pacific Rim, on the home planet of the Pioneers.

At this time, this planet, which is very similar to the earth, has become dilapidated.

The sky is filled with radiation clouds, and dust blown into the atmosphere forms a thick isolation layer.

The star's light and heat are isolated here.

The temperature of the planet's surface dropped rapidly.

In just one day, the temperature dropped by 25°!

And, this is not the end yet, the temperature continues to drop.

If this downward trend continues, in two days at most, only the equator of this planet will be suitable for life.

"I'm reminded of the Earth's Great Ice Age."

Standing next to the command podium in the cockpit of the spacecraft, fleet commander He Fan murmured.

"Yes, it is said that the earth also experienced the great ice age that destroyed life. At that time, the entire earth only had the equator and the depths of the ocean, and those tenacious lives survived."

The intelligence adjutant next to him nodded.


He Fan raised his eyebrows, looked at the planet in the holographic projection and said thoughtfully:

"Since life on Earth in ancient times was able to survive such a great ice age, then there is no reason why such a prosperous biological civilization as the pioneers would become extinct easily, right?"

"Yes, Lao He, so we will bomb it for three days and then put black water in key areas."

The arms adjutant has been feeling great these past two days, and his syndrome of insufficient firepower has been mostly cured.

He laughed heartily twice, his eyes gleaming fiercely.

"Well, the key area..."

He Fan continued to ponder.

He stared at the ocean on the Pioneer planet and kept thinking.

According to the above instructions, not even a single bit of the opponent's genes can be left behind.

"By the way, how is the reading situation on the engineer's side?"

"Horos has already read the opponent's mastermind, and our people are also there to assist."

The intelligence adjutant waved his hand and called up a document. While reading it with the help of a smart program, he introduced:

"The Pioneers rule the entire Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy, and are the well-deserved overlord civilization."

"But as biological civilization developed to its extreme, the problem of 'gene reproduction' became increasingly serious. In the end, over tens of thousands of years, they, like the Engineers, spawned many factions."

"Among them are the 'Return Faction', 'Destruction Faction' and 'Parasitic Faction'..."

"Wait, then this is the home planet of their parasitic faction?"

He Fan suddenly realized, so this is the home planet of the Parasite?

"Yes, the mastermind records that since the birth of several factions, the Parasite Faction has controlled a huge population. The Destruction Faction and the Return Faction felt that the two galaxies were useless, so they directly left the Milky Way and Andromeda Systems."

The intelligence adjutant chuckled:

"Then, as the parasitic faction continued to graze the two galaxies, its territory shrank more and more, and its population became smaller and smaller."

"In the end, there was only this one planet?" He Fan raised his eyebrows.

"No, there are still three planets, but those three planets are just their gene pool in case there is a problem with the main star's gene parasitism plan."

The intelligence adjutant touched his chin and then said with some clarity:

"No wonder before the war, the Engineer family was sure that the scope of control of this Pioneer family must be very limited."

“I didn’t expect that the declining biological civilization’s power would shrink so quickly!”

"You have to understand biological civilization!"

No matter how powerful a civilization is, it will come to an end one day.

Isn’t the engineer civilization also a super-powerful civilization? The galaxy has been killed out of the civilization vacuum.

But when strength returns to strength, it must decline when it should.

Strength means strong strength and technological level; decline means endogenous and irreconcilable factors.

There is no contradiction between the two.

Like the definition of decay,

Decay always equals weakness. Decay means the inability to reconcile internal contradictions.

After all, some countries should be decadent and decadent, and should be strong or strong.

"Where are the three planets?"

He Fan nodded, and after confirming the Pioneer Clan's sphere of influence, he felt completely relieved.

"It's not far from here, within the star system."

The intelligence adjutant opened the star map collected from the Pioneer Clan.

This is a star system that obviously has artificial intervention.

One star, and then four planets all in the habitable zone!

"very good!"

The enemy's intelligence has been completely controlled,

He Fan waved his hand to turn the screen back to the Pioneer Star, pointed at the ocean, and suddenly said sharply:

"I still don't trust Haiyang. This time he issued an order to completely exterminate the pioneer tribe!"

"Report immediately and apply for a few artificial suns."


The intelligence adjutant loyally reported the commander-in-chief's order.

The higher-ups are very concerned about this battle against the Pioneers.

Commander-in-Chief He Fan's request was approved almost instantly.

Kyushu World, in front of the huge space.

After Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan finished chatting, they saw a giant sphere with a radius of one kilometer being slowly transported to the transfer square by a super crane.

This giant sphere is made of metal, with a dense first wall of armor on top.

"If I read correctly, the first wall is used for controllable nuclear fusion, right?"

Fang Jing opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at the first armor in front of him, which was as large as several pieces of it.

The entire sphere is densely covered with this kind of armor, arranged neatly one by one. The sight of it can drive people with trypophobia crazy.

"Okay...it seems so?"

Zhou Yuan is also full of doubts. This thing is beyond the scope of his knowledge!

"This is controllable nuclear fusion, it just turns the internal structure outside."

On the side, a passing scientist saw Fang Jing, smiled slightly, and explained:

"This is a super artificial sun. Once activated, a huge high-temperature layer will form outside the sphere."

"The core temperature reaches 300 million degrees, and gradually decreases outward, and the distance of decrease reaches 300 kilometers."

"In an area of ​​300 kilometers, the temperature reaches 1,000 degrees."

In other words, this artificial sun will have a high temperature zone of 300 kilometers!

"What is this for?"

Fang Jing was stunned,

This artificial sun doesn't look like it was left in orbit and used as a heat source...

Instead, it looks like - a weapon!

That's right, this huge high-temperature zone is obviously a weapon setting!

"Of course it's a weapon."

The scientist chuckled twice and shook his head:

"As long as you use it well, anything can be a weapon."

"This thing was applied for by He Fan, the commander-in-chief of the Zhengtu Fleet, and it is used to..."

"For cleaning up the pioneer clan."

High temperatures will destroy all limits of life.

If there is no destruction, it means the temperature is not high enough or fierce enough!

"Holy shit!"

Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan opened their eyes wide.

This thing has a core temperature of 300 million degrees. When this thing passes through, even the ashes will be burned away.

And, most importantly, yes.

More than one,

Fang Jing saw at least five in the transit square being slowly dragged into the space door.

Five super heat sources capable of radiating for 300 kilometers,

It is said that the ocean of the pioneer planet is much smaller than that of the earth.

Much smaller, ocean, super heat source, huge radiation range.

These conditions combined,

He suddenly realized that this thing might not be going...

Boil the sea!

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