Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 242: Deep Cultivation

The war against the Pioneer Clan has entered the second stage of its final phase.

The dominant plant species will quickly occupy the entire Pioneer Planet.

Further eliminate the traces of biological existence on this planet.

Today, He Fan's entire fleet is still stationed at the outpost, and they will wait for the development of this process.

In addition, in Pacific Rim, there is no doubt about the ownership of the Pacific Ocean.

No, no one dares to have any doubts.

The subsequent supply fleet built a transit artificial island directly in the center of the Pacific Ocean.

The island lying in the middle of the sea, above the gap!

The completion of the island officially announced that this universe and the world of Kyushu have officially taken over the Earth of the Pacific Rim Universe!

That's right, officially taking over.

Just so domineering!

We are the ones protecting this earth and the great Eastern countries. I’m done.

Who agrees and who opposes? !

Lao Mi: I have nothing to say.

Xiao Liben: You are already like this. You have stopped barking.

The United States was extremely well-behaved this time, especially after watching the video of the Pioneer being bombed, it was so well-behaved that it was scary.

Without saying a word, Liben, Bangzi and all bases in East Asia and the Middle East were moved away immediately.

I can no longer be a policeman in this world!

For countries all over the world, this means that the monster has been driven away and a true ancestor has been invited!

Scientific and technological assistance to the big Eastern countries in the Pacific Rim has also begun.

Mr. Wu outside Kong's house was laughing so hard his mouth was about to burst.

How can anyone give you a full set of technical gift packages directly at the beginning?

From machine tools, processing, intelligent manufacturing to controllable nuclear fusion,

One-stop gift package for all fields.

In fact, this universe directly dragged the entire obsolete old production line to the Pacific Rim.

The space door is large, which is great!

This is the rhythm where clicking will give you a dragon-slaying sword.

What will happen when two worlds support the eastern power of the Pacific Rim world?

Something happened that shocked the entire world.

After dragging the production line over, the technicians from Kyushu World taught him step by step.

Just plug in the production line and use it.

A complete production line, from material to screws, from shell to inner wall.

In just fifteen days, the first controllable nuclear fusion power reactor was lit!

The speed of light is connected to the grid to generate electricity. This speed is really outrageous.

It can be said that every day is the same, and every day is never the same.

Some low-level technologies from this universe and Kyushu were directly thrown here in sets.

The scientist in charge of the reception was going crazy. He was so happy that he went crazy.

The key is,

These two worlds are not just messing around. What is missing is a whole set of industries, involving technologies in all fields and industries.

This is equivalent to re-creating the technological threshold for the great eastern countries in the Pacific Rim world.

It’s okay to skip a level directly! ! !

Other countries are extremely jealous.

However, envy is envy, jealousy is jealous,

When desire overwhelms reason, they will immediately pull out the video of the parallel world fleet bombing the Pioneer Planet to watch.


I calmed down instantly!

He doesn't dare to have any evil thoughts anymore.

They are really insulting you!

In the Pacific Rim world, the main gain is the wormhole and the mastermind.

Oh, and there are two planets that contain the genes of the Precursors.

These planets are precious treasures. This thing alone is worth it!

"There is no rush about the wormhole. When the time comes, we will directly find a way to activate the pioneers. With so many people, I believe they will always know the current affairs."

The one who said this was... Horos.

Well, as a former captive, his speech is very convincing.

"It's very simple. Tell the pioneers who are still alive about our engineer clan, and they will have the same reaction as Elder Dino."

The "Great Recession" of ethnic groups is the best driver.

After activating the pioneer tribesmen, they informed about the existence of similar biological civilization.

The other party will also praise this universe and Kyushu in turn, and how well Pioneer Star Destroyed them!

It's just so outrageous,

Biological civilization focuses on the genetic reproduction of one's own ethnic group.

Ahem, what if we don’t take this as a priority?

Guess why Horos was still so excited after hearing about the Precursor civilization even after he surrendered?

The merit has been exceeded!

If you don't take this seriously, the elders will tell you why the flowers are so red!

Powerful elder, I will really hang you up and whip you!

A group of people can burn you alive if they get together!

If you don't obey again, you'll be fed black water and become a Dickon creation.

"Just, when the time comes, don't forget to give us a backup copy of the data."

Horos's voice was slight.

In the future, the data of these wormhole technologies can be left to their descendants.

Their descendants will recreate the glory of the Engineer family in the vast universe!


Mr. Zhu smiled faintly and affirmed to him:

"The engineers performed very well in this battle. You have won our respect."

"Thank you."

Horos lowered his head slightly.

The reason why he rushed to the front was for this purpose.

Although this universe and the world of Kyushu seem to be weak in technology now, sooner or later they will surpass the engineer civilization.

This is a necessary price!

"Well, this battle is over. Next, you can help us and use the equipment on Paradise Planet to develop a super-light spacecraft."

This is what Mr. Zhu is still worried about.

Once there is a super-light spacecraft, this universe can be considered to have completely entered the ranks of interstellar civilization.

"The equipment on Paradise Star is also very limited, but we will try our best."

Horos nodded heavily.

After saying this, Mr. Zhu left directly.

He slowly passed through the space door, returned to this universe, left the transit room and came to the expert group.

The expert group is currently discussing the details of this battle, referred to as a review.

"Mr. Zhu, where are you coming from?"

"Let me take a look and pick me up from the Mars Orbital Base."



"This is the Mars orbital base, Mr. Zhu?"

A thick male voice sounded.

"How's the spacecraft test going?"

Mr. Zhu’s voice was calm.

"It has been tested secretly many times. There are complete design drawings, assembly and testing are all fine, and the super-light speed interpretation is also perfect."

An affirmative voice came from the other side of the call.

"That's good, continue testing, we will use this spacecraft later."

Mr. Zhu breathed out.

After completing the attack on Pacific Rim World, we have to start thinking about the next road.

Although there is no rush to open the new world, we must at least be prepared.

Among them, the super-light speed ship is indispensable.

"Yes, Mr. Zhu, are you in a hurry to open a new world?"

The man on the other side of the phone was silent for a moment and asked softly.

Originally, there was at least a fifteen-minute delay between here and Mars.


This communication used a communicator removed from the Kuvit.

There is no delay in communication within the solar system!

"Haha, don't worry, we have to dig deeper and develop science and technology."

Mr. Zhu smiled lightly, shook his head and said:

"Don't panic in the new world, Mars and the solar system must intensify their development efforts!"

"There is also the issue of population. The population of Kyushu World has begun to increase dramatically, and we have to keep up."

"In the interstellar age, how can we do without a population!"

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