Warning to the Pacific Rim United States,

This universe is certainly not joking!

Nonsense, you dare to send spies to the space gate, will you dare to send people with bombs to carry out terrorist attacks next time?

Although, this is also the reason for the fishing enforcement of this universe.

But the United States has no fault at all? !

Apart from the facts, you have no fault at all?

Without your crooked thoughts, can my fishing enforcement succeed?

When fighting the pioneers, I am cautious and careful.

Bullying the United States, I will directly hit hard!

That day, in the Pacific Ocean, under the pale light, all the US fleets were silent.

Stuart's fleet, an amphibious assault ship, two cruisers, and four destroyers, disappeared in an instant.

Facing the pale light shot down by the spacecraft in the low-Earth orbit above the sky,

the most powerful surface fleet force on the entire earth did not have the slightest power to resist.

Of course, if the "fleet" of this universe wants to swim on the sea, then the strongest will have to change its flag.

Under the horrible pale light,

both people and animals in the sea were instantly disintegrated.

Even a passing blue whale turned directly into a ball of blood in the sea.

Blue whale: ? ? ? I provoke you, accidental injury, I want to complain!

The next morning,

the whole world was as silent as the Pacific Ocean.

After seeing Stuart's fate, the US fleet floating on the Pacific Ocean did not dare to disobey, and retreated to the mainland in disgrace.

The fleet of the Eastern Power, following behind the fleet of this universe, also took these bases.

The high-altitude sky fleet pressed all the way to the edge of the US coastline before stopping.

Below, the guards and the navy who were staring at the spacecraft through observation equipment had a basin of cold sweat on their foreheads.

Although the other party only had one spacecraft,

this is not the filming site of the US blockbuster.

Even if the spaceship has no shield, it can directly destroy the country by floating in the low-Earth orbit and sweeping with the pale light!

A spaceship,

just a spaceship, is like the sword of Damocles hanging overhead.

It makes the whole United States feel powerless.

During the whole process, the spaceship did not send any communication.

No matter how the US military and the guards requested to talk, the other party simply ignored you.

Silence is the greatest contempt.

Whether it is the United States in this universe or the Pacific Rim Universe, it is now not qualified to stand at the negotiation table with the Eastern power.

If you don't provoke me, I will treat you as my own kind. If you provoke me, I will beat you without negotiation!

Of course, let's forget about the matter of exterminating humans.

The spaceship just floated quietly in the low-Earth orbit for 7 days,

and the whole United States was tense for seven days.

Finally, in the United Nations, after the US representative paid an extremely painful price, he persuaded Chen Zhiming to mediate.

The spaceship slowly left.

A spaceship lying across the low-Earth orbit can make a country feel fearful and afraid to fight.

The low-Earth orbit seems to be the coastal waters of the Eastern powers in the 19th century.

The ships on the sea are weak wooden ships, and

the spacecraft seems to be the strong ships and powerful guns of the past.

However, the roles have suddenly changed.

The era of setting up cannons near the coast to threaten a country has never passed, but the protagonist of the story has changed.

This world is still the law of the jungle!

But the United States and other countries should be thankful that

the Eastern powers have always been civilizations disguised as countries.

At least, they will not be as barbaric and vulgar as the West in the Age of Discovery.

They will only gradually annex other weak cultures around them as they have done since ancient times.


You can't do anything if you don't want to be annexed,

My physical education methods are not weak!

Pacific Rim, near the transfer station.

Mr. Zhu rarely came here, and this time he came for mining.

The resources in the star system of the pioneers are outrageous.

Mining must require manpower.

There are only so many people in this universe now, and there are not enough people to mine on the asteroids, so it is impossible to send more people over.

Therefore, this important task is handed over to the Eastern country around the Pacific Ocean!

For this reason,

Jiuzhou and this universe even don't hesitate to directly throw technology down!

Anyway, the production equipment of the alien world humans has been obtained, so just start the production line.

Production line of production line!

"Old Wu, the mining is left to you."

There was joy in Zhu Lao's voice. He looked into the distance quietly and continued:

"The relevant technology, no, the spacecraft production line for mining, we will pull it over later."

"You should prepare to train the pilots now."

"By the way, all kinds of benefits must keep up!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, Lao Zhu, this matter is left to us!"

Old Wu patted his chest excitedly.

Now, this is considered to be a brother, and there is a big brother.

As long as you mine for the big brother, you have the technology and resources.

Old Wu dare not imagine how advanced their technology will be in a few years.

At least,

simple spacecraft can be built, right?

At least, it won't be a problem to crush other countries in the world!

By then, they can also develop the solar system!

The more he thought about it, the more excited Mr. Wu became.

This mining business must be done well and properly, without any negligence.

"I feel relieved with your words!"

Old Zhu nodded with satisfaction.

The two old men have become familiar with each other and started to call each other "Old Something".

Having the same status in the Eastern country, the more they communicate, the more they feel in tune with each other.

This is a soulmate!

"How many minerals are there on the other side?"

When the conversation was about to end, Old Wu remembered and prepared to ask for a rough estimate.

He had to know how many mines there were so that he could arrange manpower and prepare a mining plan.

When the mining is completed quickly, these equipment can be transformed on the spot and directly enter the solar system!

"How many are there?"

Old Zhu was so happy just now that he only cared about talking to Old Wu about this matter and had not yet told him the bottom line.

Seeing the confident expression on Old Wu's face,

Old Zhu smiled mysteriously.

Okay, okay, it's good to be so confident. Don't be confused when you hear the specific number later!

The voice paused, and Zhu Lao said softly:

"97 planets, all of them are larger than the earth!"

"Yeah, one planet, right?"

Wu Lao had expected it, and estimated that it should be the planet of the pioneers.

As soon as Zhu Lao finished speaking, he immediately nodded in response, but he suddenly reacted as soon as he said it.



"How many did you say!"

"97 planets, all of them are resource planets, and all of them are larger than the earth!"

Zhu Lao laughed and repeated it.

"97 planets?"

Wu Lao took a deep breath and his eyes widened.

My goodness.

Who wouldn't be confused when seeing this.

With so many resource planets, it will take a long time to dig them up? !

Compared with these resources, the solar system is just a little brother!

Wu Lao's head turned wildly, and after a few seconds, he made up his mind:

"Let's do it!"

This universe must not be able to eat up so many minerals at once,

even if there is some soup, it will be enough for them to eat.

As for the solar system, save it first and open it later!

"97, dear, Lao Zhu, you must give me the right technology!"

"Don't worry, it's done."

"Then I'm completely relieved."

"I'll solve the livelihood problems first, and then train millions of laid-off workers, open mines, and make sparks for you in the smelter!"

"Nonsense, the smelter already has sparks!"

"You don't have any sense of humor."

"I'm a robot now, where do the cells come from!"


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