Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 261 Silicon-based Virus

Pacific Rim, opposite the wormhole, the pioneer star system.

The deposit 1 and deposit 2 planets are the planets where the pioneers store their genetic backup data.

These are two forgotten planets.

Although the Pioneer clan has declined, its remaining power is still there. These backup planets have never been used due to the long-term colonial war.

It has been sealed for thousands of years.

Now, these two planets finally welcome visitors.

A snow-white scientific research experiment ship slowly entered the orbit of the host planet 1 and landed at the data center on the map.

The data center that stores Planet 1 is completely different from what people imagined.

Even this planet is completely different from what everyone imagined.

There are no man-made buildings on the entire planet, not even a trace of "civilization".

These two planets in the habitable zone have dense vegetation and flourishing life.

Land, oceans, lakes, forests, herds of animals.

It looks like a wild ancient star.

However, scientists who have studied the masterminds of the pioneers know that

Behind these prosperous wonders of life lies the pioneer race, the most important thing in this biological civilization.

Their genes!

They hide their genes in the entire ecosystem!

"It is indeed a parasitic civilization, grazing the entire Milky Way and Andromeda systems."

Dong Shihai, a local astrobiologist, was shocked when he looked at the scene in front of him.

On the side of the spacecraft is a towering ancient tree.

The ancient tree is at least 200 meters high, and its branches block out the sky and the sun, forming a huge shadow area on the ground.

The lush branches and leaves and the tall and thick trunk make it look like the legendary tree of life.

"Professor Dong, this tree is the data center where the pioneer tribes store their genes?"

In the spaceship, the soldiers protecting Dong Shihai and other scientists squeezed the electromagnetic guns in their hands, looked up at the ancient trees, and swallowed quietly.

"That's it, biological civilization. The ideas and technological routes are naturally different from ours."

Dong Shihai subconsciously raised his nose.

When I reached out, I realized that I no longer needed to wear glasses.

He smiled at the soldier beside him:

"Why, Xiao Chen, are you scared?"

"How is that possible? I'm afraid that this little gun can't protect you professors!"

Xiao Chen, who was wearing power armor, immediately put the electromagnetic gun behind his back, turned around and took out a mysterious weapon, and then straightened his chest confidently.

"It's better now!"

"What is this?"

Dong Shihai raised his eyebrows.

"This is a plasma ray cannon. The temperature of the jet is tens of thousands of degrees. I will burn whatever comes!"

Xiao Chen chuckled.

It's dangerous. No creature can escape his tens of thousands-degree jet cannon!

Burn it to ashes directly for you!

"Hehehe, okay, then we can rest assured and get ready to disembark!"

With this firepower, Dong Shihai, who was always joking, now feels more at ease.

At this moment, the spacecraft had completely stopped.

They are about to set off!

A group of people, wearing biological outer armor and protective clothing, got off the spacecraft and walked towards the giant tree not far away.

Go under the tree,

Looking at this giant tree that stores the backup gene bank of the entire pioneer civilization, Dong Shihai's hands trembled slightly.

"They actually achieved this level of genetic engineering!"

On the side, Horos, who followed, was also amazed.

This is a completely different kind of biotechnology than engineers!

"Let's start reading the information!"

After sighing for a few seconds, Dong Shihai put down a small suitcase in his hand.

Slowly opening the box, he took out a bone plate from it with both hands.

If there were any scientists from the Pacific Rim world studying monsters here, they would be able to recognize at a glance that this bone plate is a common component of monsters!

Slowly use the Skeleton Board to approach the ancient tree.

At the moment of contact——


A disembodied voice resounded throughout the entire neighborhood.

On the trunk of the ancient tree, little blue light pulses slowly emerged. From the place where they came into contact with the skeletal plate, they quickly rose to the crown of the tree!

Then, a shocking scene occurred.

In front of the ancient tree, in the void, a vague holographic projection began to appear, slowly solidifying.

This ancient tree has actually become a holographic projection device.

It is indeed biotechnology!

It is somewhat similar to the holographic projection on the Engineers' spaceship.

"According to the data on the Pioneer Master Brain, most of the genetic data here should be the Pioneer race, and a small amount of it is experimental data from the sub-prosperity era to get out of the 'Great Recession'."

In order to read these data, this universe and Kyushu have long been prepared.

This time Dong Shihai is here to implement it.

He skillfully began to operate the holographic projection in front of him, transferring a large amount of data to the optical quantum memory he brought.

However, the data was scraped to the end.

Dong Shihai keenly discovered a data file with special markings!


Pull it out of the library.

Horos also looked over curiously.

Open it slowly,

The dense data instantly occupied the entire screen.

Seeing these data, Dong Shihai's pupils shrank suddenly and his mouth opened wide:

"This, is this a record of a civilization of silicon-based life forms?!!!"

"Yes, it is indeed!"

Horos nodded solemnly.

Dong Shihai's eyes widened.

Silicon-based life forms are still civilization!

How rare this is!

Why do humans in this universe use the earth as a template when searching for extraterrestrial life?

That's because since the earth has produced life, it is very likely that other planets with the same environment will also produce life.

Where there is one there are two.

Furthermore, the conditions for forming carbon-based life are much simpler!

For example, on Ganymede, isn’t there the prototype of life?

Precisely because the conditions for the formation of carbon-based life are much simpler, all silicon-based life is even more valuable.

Silicon-based life civilization is the giant panda among giant pandas.

Engineers holding lanterns can't find a silicon-based biological civilization in the prosperous world!

Now, the genetic information of a silicon-based biological civilization is actually recorded in the gene pool of the pioneer tribe!

Not only Dong Shihai, but also Horos's eyes were shining and he was a little excited.

Silicon-based organisms are uncommon, and silicon-based biological civilization is even more of a treasure!

A treasure of biological civilization research!

"Data shows that after the pioneers discovered this silicon-based biological civilization, they originally wanted to convert the entire race of pioneers to silicon and use a different track to get rid of the 'Great Recession', but in the end the whole plan failed."

Dong Shihai breathed out and looked at the database, his eyes shining.

"Later, they conducted a detailed analysis of the information about silicon-based biological civilization."

"These data are all recorded here. Although the plan failed temporarily, the information remains here. What if future technology can do it?"

This is the reason why there is this silicon-based civilization gene in the gene pool of the pioneer tribe.


In any case, this discovery alone is worth it!

This is the genetic information of silicon-based biological civilization!

Horos burst into laughter.

If this discovery is reported to the supreme elder, the other party will have to kowtow to him.

Hahaha, that’s it!

Go on, go on.

In the end, he might even become a Supreme Elder gangster!

Lead the engineer clan to new glory!

Dino: Why do I feel a little cold behind my back? ? ?

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