Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 274 Winged beast? Just one punch!

in space,

Fang Jing looked at Panluola planet quietly from orbit.

This planet is very similar to the earth.

The whole body is blue, mixed with white clouds and vast earth.

Unlike the earth, the land here is covered with lush plants, so it is even greener.

Moreover, behind him is a giant planet.


Pandora is a satellite of this giant gas planet!

Pandora and Polyphemus behind it

"A large number of detection signals have been detected, and the intelligent system has responded and concealed the traces of the body."

"The opponent has countermeasures, and planet scanning is suspended."

"We have reached orbit and can start orbital airborne landing at any time!"

Fang Jing just floated quietly in the orbit, looking at Pandora like the earth and the huge Polyphemus behind it, his heart was shocked!

What kind of combination is this? The huge cyclone on the gas giant planet behind it is about the size of Pandora.

Just looking at it makes people tremble.

Watched it quietly for a while.

Fang Jing took a deep breath.

This is the treasure of the universe. No matter how many times he sees it, he will be shocked again and again.

"Now that you're ready, let's start logging in!"

"The best location has been selected, far away from the human base, and we are slowing down to prepare for orbital descent..."

This is Fang Jing’s first orbital airborne landing!

Although it has been simulated countless times in virtual reality, the actual operation is always worth remembering.

As the height of the square view slowly decreases,

He was immediately captured by Pandora's gravity, and then his descent slowly began to accelerate.

When reaching a certain speed, he is about to rub against the atmosphere!


The moment it entered the atmosphere, blazing fire quickly appeared around the first boarding mecha.

At this time, the scene looked like it had turned into a shooting star!

In the dark night above the planet Pandora, a bright fire suddenly flashed.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and it is getting closer and closer to the ground!

"Deceleration is continuing and is expected to be completed before reaching the ground..."

The entire orbital airborne mission does not require Fang Jing to control it at all.

The onboard intelligent system takes over the entire process.

Finally, over a mountain stream, Fang Jing completed the deceleration and slowly landed on the ground through the tail spray.

Surrounded by dense trees,

Fang Jing landed next to a giant mushroom, and his legs landed on the ground.

The huge mushroom suddenly lit up with a faint blue light in the dark night, spreading out in circles, which was extremely beautiful.

"This is Pandora, this..."

To be honest, the blue light shining in front of me is so beautiful that the scenery is so beautiful that I am speechless and feel like I am in a dream.

This is Pandora,

A planet with miracles of life, the magnificent creatures here are the most precious wealth.

Of course, ahem, the value of the superconducting ore is not low.

"The assistant reminds you that when landing, the intelligent system has scanned the Na'vi gathering place and the human mining area."

At this time, the smart assistant suddenly issued a reminder.

At the same time, the mapped location formed a map and appeared in front of Fang Jing.

Fang Jing's position happened to be sandwiched in a strange position.

The human base in the Avatar world, where the Na'vi tribe gathers, square scene.

Therefore, Fang Jing had no other choice and took decisive steps towards the gathering place of the Na'vi tribe.


"This road is really difficult!"

Fang Jing rolled his eyes and reached out to pry away the dense vines blocking his view.

Can't leave?

Then don’t leave!

take off!

"Airplane mode activated!"

A trot followed by a jump. The moment Fang Jing jumped up, the electromagnetic pulse jet on his back spurted out a faint blue light.

Fang Jing immediately flew above the treetops and flew straight towards the gathering place of the Na'vi tribe.


Why should I leave when I can fly?

Superconducting ore, here I come!

Fangjing is still a long way from the Naxi settlement.

Flying hundreds of kilometers, even at full speed, takes some time.

However, when flying over a bay,

Fang Jing still stopped for a rare moment.

Because the scene in front of him at this moment was really shocking.

High above the mountain stream, there is something like an island floating in the sky.

This is really floating in the air!

There are huge islands that are not even connected to the ground, just suspended in the air.

There is more than one such island, and they are densely packed in this area!

Such a scene made Fang Jing stunned for a moment.

Islands suspended above the ground,

Spectacular and shocking!

"It's so beautiful. This planet is so beautiful."

Although Fang Jing had watched "Avatar" and had some expectations that such a place would exist on Pandora.

But the scenes seen in the movie and in reality are really completely different.

Flying on those huge suspended islands, Fang Jing felt as if he had stepped into a dream.

This is a kind of beauty that is completely different from the earth and beyond human conventional perception.

“This will definitely become an important attraction in the future!”

Fang Jing clicked his tongue.


In the distance, on the island, there was a sudden roar.

Fang Jing came back to his senses and looked into the distance with caution.

The mecha that boarded first had locked onto the creature that roared.

In the distance, beyond the human sight, in the bushes of the island, there was a creature similar to a pterosaur, looking at Fang Jing viciously.

This is a unique creature on the planet Pandora, a winged beast, and the Na'vi call it Ikran.

It seemed to regard Fang Jing, who suddenly broke into its territory, as "prey".

"Uh, it won't want to eat me, right?"

Fang Jing's mouth twitched,

Then he decisively lowered the altitude.

There's no need to bother with the animal, if the other party wants to roar, just roar.

Let's continue on our way.

After lowering the altitude and getting close to a river ditch, Fang Jing continued to move forward along the preset route.

However, Fang Jing didn't want to bully the small animals, but that didn't mean the small animals didn't have any thoughts about him.

At the moment when Fang Jing turned around and left,

the hunter hiding in the bushes, the green winged beast, immediately spread its huge wings and sprinted towards Fang Jing silently.


will hunt down the flying creatures that dare to enter its territory to announce its existence!

The wings are silent.

If the object it hunts is an ordinary Pandora animal, it will be a perfect action.


he is facing a battle armor built with the pinnacle of the universe's technology.

The whole process of its reckless actions was recorded by the waveform sensors all around the battle armor.

A burst of current passed through,

and the signal that gathered human wisdom in the waveform sensor was quickly stimulated. In an instant, the intelligent system received the information.

The image of Fang Jing's back was quickly established!

The winged beast felt that it was going to succeed.

1000 meters, 500 meters, 100 meters.

It was about to pounce on its prey!

However, in these last few meters,

Fang Jing directly handed over the control to the intelligent assistant,

and the engine on the back of the mecha was only bent a few degrees!

Just a few degrees.

The fierce pounce of the winged beast was directly missed!


Fang Jing raised his hand, and with a tail-jet-assisted punch, he directly hit the winged beast on the head.


The crisp clang echoed for a long time.

Is it nice to hear? If it sounds good, it's a good start.

The winged beast that dared to attack Fang Jing was easily dealt with, and fell directly into the river valley.

Little guy, who still uses traditional neural signal reactions these days?

This is short-wave quantum resonance transmission, artificial intelligence control, zero delay!

Just when Fang Jing was showing off,

In the distance, in the river valley, the Na'vi warriors riding war horses and running in both directions with Fang Jing witnessed the whole process just now.

Everyone swallowed their saliva vigilantly.

In the sky, the iron man in the sky just knocked down a winged beast with one punch! ! !

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