Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 278 Aihua's Request

Goddess Aihua's voice is strange, gentle and chilling in the back.

Just like...a god who truly looks down on the entire earth!

He casts his gaze on the entire planet Pandora,

He doesn't care about the demise of the Na'vi tribe as a single group or of certain species on Pandora.

In other words, it’s not that I don’t care, but I look at it from an absolutely rational perspective.

Everything is a necessary price for evolution!

Even Goddess Aihua has a positive attitude towards human invaders.

Because He doesn't care about human invasion.

In other words, in the beginning, Pandora's plants were very afraid of humans.

Because of mankind's wanton mining of minerals, large-scale land waste and death have occurred.

However, as time went on, the plants gradually calmed down.

Human mining operations are very limited, and they generally only pick high-purity superconducting ores, and do not care about the many impurities underground.

More importantly, human mining is too slow.

If you want to mine the superconducting content of Pandora planet with devastating results, if you continue to mine it at this rate, you can't even think about it for tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, they bring greater benefits than risks!

New plants, humans have brought some plants, completely different species from Pandora, plants with completely different genes!

These are the benefits!

As long as it is a plant planted on Pandora, no matter where it comes from, it will eventually become a part of Aihua!

Because Goddess Aihua is the common intelligence of the plants on Pandora!

Obviously, humans in this world are not yet able to master the wisdom of plants and use plants as weapons.

Therefore, by planting these plants, they are actually helping Aihua.

This is also the reason for Aihua's ambiguous attitude.

This is also the reason why the sentence "During this period, the decline of plants and the extinction of species is inevitable, this is a necessary price" was exported.

Fang Jing was shocked by Ai Hua's "absolute rationality".

But what soon became even more shocking was that I had just been thinking about this in my mind. Why could Goddess Aihua see through him?

Could it be mind reading?

"It's not the mind reading in your work, it's your electrical signals."

Just when Fang Jing was confused again, Goddess Aihua explained lightly.

"I have been observing you humans for a long time. I can interpret what you are thinking just by capturing electrical signals."


Goddess Aihua's explanation made Fang Jing take a deep breath.

Holy shit!

This is truly outrageous!

In front of the other party, he is just like an unobstructed white paper.

People can see through it at a glance!

But Fang Jing is not too worried. He can see through it, but it is impossible to influence him.

One of the functions of brain plug interface chips is to protect the brain.

Ai Hua saw that he could do it, but he couldn't if he wanted to invade his consciousness.

After all, in the original work, the Na'vi still need to use nerves to connect to the spiritual tree in order to talk to her.


Taking a deep breath, Fang Jing did not intend to say too much to the other party, but asked Ai Hua seriously:

"Now that you know where humans come from, do you know the entire universe?"

"Originally I only had some concepts, but after humans arrived, I learned a lot from those scientists."

The pure white light goddess Aihua nodded slowly.

"That's good. As I said before, we are not the same as the humans here."

Fang Jing slowly raised his head, raised the corner of his mouth, and said proudly:

"Because we are... from other universes!"

Every time Fang Jing talks about his origins, no matter who he hears, he will be extremely shocked.

Fang Jing was not surprised.

However, this time, after Fang Jing finished explaining his origin, he cast an expectant look at Goddess Aihua.

He is really curious,

How will Goddess Aihua, whose eyes are always gentle, whose voice is always calm, and rational like a real god, react when she hears this news?

It turns out that

Plant intelligence is not cold biological computer artificial intelligence.

Goddess Aihua obviously has emotions common to living beings.

After learning about Fang Jing’s origin,

A look of extreme interest appeared on her face that had not changed for thousands of years.

At the same time, her tone also became expectant and slightly excited.

It seems that Goddess Aihua has been calm before and nothing surprised her!

"What do you want?"

The image condensed with pure white light flashed violently, and then Goddess Aihua asked Fang Jing excitedly.

"We need superconducting ore from Pandora!"

Fang Jing also got straight to the point and stated his purpose.

"...Violent mining will interrupt the connection between plants on Pandora."

This time, Goddess Aihua hesitated.

She's not stupid.

If the humans here are allowed to mine, it is because the other party may not be able to finish it even after tens of thousands of years.

But the power behind Fang Jing is not certain.

They have traveled through parallel universes, who knows how the other party mines?

What if the other party runs out of mining within a few months!

The main reason why she exists now is because of the superconducting ore underground!

"We will not mine it directly, Goddess Aihua, please rest assured."

Fang Jing noticed her concerns, smiled lightly, and explained:

"Our scientists and superconducting ores will certainly be equally excited about your presence."

"We will help you complete your evolution first, in exchange for the mining rights of Pandora."

It is said that it is helping Goddess Aihua complete her evolution, but it is actually studying her.

For the study of such a "god" who is a true naturally occurring plant intelligence and controls the plants of the entire planet.

Those biologists in Project 237 must go crazy!

"In that case, I'll leave it to you."

The pure white goddess Aihua just looked at Fang Jing quietly.

She seemed to have seen something, and coupled with Fang Jing's request for mining rights, she knew that the force she belonged to had much better senses than those of the humans who were still mining on the planet.

This is the only chance, and it's one worth trying.

"However, before that, I would like to ask Goddess Aihua to give me a sample so that I can go back and deliver the work."

Fang Jing asked politely.


Ai Hua, who was composed of pure white light, responded and then his figure faintly disappeared.

At the same time, there was a sudden slight shaking on the ground in the distance.

A section of tree root slowly stretched out from the ground,

Then a piece of dark ore was rolled up by tree roots and slowly handed to Fang Jing's hand.

The ore was pitch black, and when it was loosened by the roots of the tree, it actually floated directly on the mechanical hand of Fang Jingxian's armor!

In this case, Fang Jing was ecstatic.

This is a high-purity superconducting ore!

Naturally produced room temperature superconducting ore!

Just such a piece can directly confuse the material scientists of this universe and Kyushu.

What the hell?

Can room temperature superconductivity occur naturally? !

Are you lying to me?

Of course, what comes after the confusion is the vigorous development of materials science!

But before materials scientists get confused...

Fang Jing looked at the dissipated pure white light man indifferently and muttered in his heart.

Before materials scientists are confused, biologists are already crazy!

Not only biologists, but that "braised egg" of Horos is probably also going crazy.

Plant intelligence community,

The Almighty Mother of Nature.

This research value is huge.

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