Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 301 Someone should not be too arrogant

Cyril's research on the progenitor virus and life extension has made amazing progress.

However, the more alarming the progress, the more Mr. Zhu asked to keep it confidential.

Because this thing flows out casually,

It’s a sharp weapon, but also a Pandora’s box.

The advantages are self-evident; the disadvantages are not easy either.

It would be really troublesome if some old immortals really remained immortal.

Therefore, for a long time in the future, the full set of technologies will only be allowed to be used within the 237 plan.

The only things that can flow out are bionic organs.

When Fang Jing left, he took one last look at the monkey head in the culture medium.

Looking at this weird scene, the spreading flesh buds on the monkey head's neck, Fang Jing felt a chill in his heart.

This is an advancement in biological science, but it is really eye-catching to see.

Sure enough, those who engage in biological sciences must have stronger endurance and psychology than ordinary people.

Otherwise, I would be very scared during the experiment.

Fang Jing followed Mr. Zhu out of Xi Ruier's laboratory, then turned a corner and the three of them went to another laboratory.

"In addition to witnessing the breakthrough of this technology, I have called you here for one more thing."

Mr. Zhu smiled slightly and pointed to the room beside him.

"Blood drawing room?"

Fang Jing frowned, what was he doing?

"That's right, the blood drawing room."

Mr. Zhu pointed back to Xi Ruier's laboratory with his hand and introduced solemnly:

"This is the regenerative stem cell cultivation laboratory in Xireer Lane."

"Although the full set of technologies still needs to be tested, regenerative stem cells can be cultivated in advance."

"By the way, Zhou Yuan, you have some too."


Zhou Yuan pointed at himself and scratched his head. He was usually a sinister man, but now he acted honest and honest.

"This can be regarded as a layer of protection for our lives."

Mr. Zhu led the two of them into the laboratory, pointed at the various sarcomas in the culture chamber, and said matter-of-factly:

"Using regenerative stem cells, we will prepare spare organs and limbs for you in advance."

"You are an action team, especially Fang Jing. You have to venture into a new world every time."

"We have to get the logistics right, we have to make good preparations for you!"

"This is?"

Fang Jing nodded heavily to express his understanding, and then pointed to the sarcoma in the culture chamber beside him with a curious expression.

"This is Xiao Zhao's liver."

Mr. Zhu waved his hand demonstratively, and a message appeared in front of the training cabin.

Alternate information member: Zhao Guangyao

Organ: Liver (high matching type)

Status: Growing (45% completed)

"Oh, it's Lao Zhao's liver!"

Zhou Yuan chuckled, poked the glass cover with his index finger, glanced at it, and the smile on his face suddenly became wider.

"Since this is Lao Zhao's spare liver, gallbladder, and kidney, then the last one..."

Quickly walking to a small culture cabin, Zhou Yuan grinned strangely, his eyes full of teasing, and winked at Fang Jing with a knowing look.

Fang Jing was a little confused at first, but he also blinked.

Then he realized something and quietly looked down.


Taking a deep breath of cold air,

Fang Jing gave Zhou Yuan an "I understand" look.

"It's just a little small."

Zhou Yuan nodded to Fang Qingding, then shook his head.


Fang Jing barely managed to hold back his laughter, and smiled pointedly at Zhou Yuan:

"Okay, Brother Zhou, don't forget that you also have to back up here. This place is a critical place. Not many people in Project 237 can get in, but Brother Zhao happens to be the one who can get in like us."

"You're making fun of people now, cough!"


Zhou Yuan's expression froze after hearing Fang Jing's words.

"That makes sense. We are all friends, hehehe."

This is absolutely impossible.

Quietly putting the confidential mobile phone back into his pocket, Zhou Yuan turned to look at the ceiling.

Nothing happened, nothing happened!

"Haha, okay, let's get blood drawn!"

Mr. Zhu stood aside and said nothing, just letting the two little guys make trouble.

When this person is old, he likes to watch young people having fun and bustling.


Avatar World, Earth.

The air traffic control center has received the identification code of the colonial armed fleet four years ago.

This also means that although the colonial armed fleet has been defeated, the information about the earth still remains...

The colonial armed fleet passed by the Alpha Centauri star system and headed for a time 6 light years away.

The information gap between the two parties is between 4 and 6 years!

This information is so poor that it is a bit outrageous.

But in the universe with light-years as the scale, it is really normal.

air traffic control center,

The inspector bribed by the mining company was browsing the documents carefully. He breathed a sigh of relief after reading the documents.

"Why, are you still worried that the fleet will snatch Pandora directly?"

On the side, his colleague curled up his lips. Seeing how carefully the other person was looking at him, he had a guess in his mind.

But he didn't say much, he just made a tentative joke.

"Haha, it's not like Snogue has never done this kind of thing before. The helium-3 mining area in the Kuiper Belt happened to be robbed by interstellar pirates on his last return trip."

The inspector just sneered and said lightly:

"And that day, there happened to be a landing craft in their fleet that went missing. Who would believe it if it wasn't them?"

"Hey, hey, hey, you can't say that."

The colleague shook his head and told him to shut up:

"The military court and the international court rulings have proved that the other party has nothing to do with this matter."


The inspector just shook his head.

The other party robbed, and there must be some forces behind it, otherwise how could they get rid of that batch of helium-3?


It's just a lie, who the hell believes it.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, let's continue the test."

The colleague was afraid that he would continue to talk nonsense and make trouble, so he quickly changed the subject.

The inspector didn't get entangled, picked up the chair, and continued to work.

But when the two sat in front of the observation platform,

The colleague was immediately attracted by the scene in front of him. He pointed to the interstellar dust between the solar system and the Centaurus star system and smiled faintly:

"This vast interstellar dust area is the best protection for the solar system. Once an enemy approaches, it will definitely reveal its whereabouts here."

"That's not necessarily true."

The inspector rolled his eyes. Today he was arguing with his colleague. He immediately replied:

"If I were the enemy, I would definitely avoid this area; and the interstellar dust area had long been smashed apart by our fleet for convenience. The enemy can completely follow our track and we can't find it at all."


The colleague was speechless.

Do you know how to chat? Okay, okay, you can follow the dog to work in the future.

"But, where are the enemies in Centaurus?"

The inspector noticed that his colleague's expression was a little strange, and he coughed lightly, and immediately laughed dryly:

"Even if there are enemies, they won't be stupid enough to come from this direction, right? The armed colonial fleet will definitely encounter them."

"Even if Snog is defeated, he will definitely send a message to the solar system."


The colleague curled his lips, very unhappy with him now, and wanted to argue with him:

What if the enemy can fly faster than the speed of light, or even faster than the speed of information transmitted by Snog?

However, for the sake of this duty and dining companion,

he still didn't say it out loud.

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