Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 309 An unknown corner

Avatar world, Earth, the United States.

Torres lowered his head and walked quickly through the streets.

This is a city on the east coast of the United States. The whole city looks like a cyberpunk game.

Crossing this street is the slum.

It is hard to imagine that in the United States today, which has completed the fifth industrial revolution and even entered the space age, there are still slums on Earth.

Crime, poison bottles, racial discrimination, here are just like a hundred years ago.

In fact, because of technological innovation, these are even more serious.

The illegal immigrants, the bankrupt middle class, the low-cost discriminated and uneducated people, the place where they gather is full of various crimes, which is the darkest and most chaotic place in the city.

Torres is a black man born in the slums.

However, unlike others, he is not bound here forever, but through his own efforts, he went to college.

However, just when he walked out of the slums and entered the metropolis of the United States.

The shining neon lights, the flying cars in the air, the holographic projections filling the streets, and the advanced technology reminded him of the life in the slums, which created endless absurdity in his heart.

This absurdity planted a seed in his heart.

It was also the reason why he came back here again today.

Carefully straightening his clothes, Torres glanced sideways and found that no one was following him. He turned around and disappeared into the alley.

In the alley,

several gang members were smoking unconsciously, limp on the street, and their bodies twitched from time to time.

Torres' heart tightened when he saw this scene, and he left here quickly, turned around and entered a small bar, and went straight into the small box No. 8.

"Have a glass of whiskey."

In the box, an Asian face who had been hiding came out after Torres sent the waiter away.

"Someone is watching you!"

The Asian man opposite looked very anxious, stretched out his hand, and said hurriedly:

"Give me the things quickly, I will change people and help you clear your suspicion!"


Torres's face was also fierce, and after reaching into his inner pocket, he immediately handed the things to the other party.

"Chen, be careful!"

"You just drink here, remember, nothing will happen!"

The Asian man called Chen picked up the cup, replaced a white man in, and immediately left far away.

The white man came in and immediately said seriously:

"Remember, what I am talking to you about is the spacecraft construction plan of Telos Company and the issue of shares!"

"I know!"

Torres exhaled heavily, nodded, and was a little worried about the situation of Chen.

However, just when the two began to chat about the new topic, there was a sudden sound of dense footsteps outside the small box.

"FBI, open the door!"

A strong male voice sounded, followed by a fierce kick on the door, and several FBI rushed in with guns.


Seeing the situation in the box, the FBI's face changed, and he immediately shouted into the intercom:

"The Asian is not here, we have been deceived!"

"I saw him on the nearby street, go chase him!"

"Let's go!"

The FBI knew that the person here must have been replaced. He glared at Torres fiercely and immediately turned around and led his people away.

A few roads outside,

a man named Chen hurriedly wrapped a document in a waterproof bag and stuffed it into the marked city septic tank.

Then he took another document, gritted his teeth, and rushed out of the hidden place.


Just as he turned his head,

the FBI team roared and blocked him with guns.

"I finally caught you!"

Knowing that the other party was a spy, the FBI curled his lips. This time he caught him, he would definitely be able to get something out of him!


Chen had no expression on his face, but just glanced at an iron bucket that had been prepared long ago and placed behind the trash can next to him.

Sniffing the smell of the septic tank on his body,

Without the slightest hesitation, he rolled over quickly and hid behind the trash can in the alley, and reached out to open the iron bucket.

This iron bucket was originally used to cover up the smell and traces.

Now it seems that it will be used on himself...


"You have nowhere to escape!"

The FBI shot at the trash can the moment he jumped out.

The bullet splashed and made a crisp "ding!" sound.

"As long as I am caught, with the other party's criminal investigation technology, they can definitely guess where I hide things from my clothes!"

Time is urgent.

If things are hidden in ordinary places, they will be searched out by the other party; if they are hidden in the septic tank, the smell on his body and the traces on his clothes are the only flaws.

The alley was blocked by people at this time.

Thinking of the current situation, Chen's expression became more and more indifferent.

He has nowhere to escape.

Ignoring the FBI's persuasion to surrender when they approached, Chen was ruthless and raised the iron bucket calmly.

The cold and pungent gasoline poured on his body.

Fire will cover up all traces...

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes, without gnashing teeth or unwillingness. He just looked normal and calmly took out a lighter from his pocket.

"Come out!"

"You have nowhere to escape. We have surrounded this place."


As the FBI approached, several cars stopped at the other end of the alley, and more FBI came out from above.

The alley was blocked in an instant.

"Heh, if you come out and cooperate with our investigation, we won't make things difficult for you!"

The FBI had already come to the trash can with guns raised.

His face was full of pride, which was the pride of the winner.

In his eyes, the Asian man hiding beside him was already trapped, and there was no way he could escape his net.

So, his voice also seemed harsh and proud, proud and disdainful and contemptuous.


However, there was no response from behind the trash can, only a strange friction sound.

Then, a ball of fire slowly rose up.

In the horrified eyes of the FBI,

behind the bunker, a man holding an iron bucket rushed out with blazing flames on his body.

The flames had just risen, like a battle robe, rising around him.

This was a middle-aged FBI man, looking at him with fear in his eyes.

He didn't know what he was afraid of.

Even though the flames were raging on the body of the self-immolating Asian man in front of him, he could still see his face clearly.

What kind of face was that?

No pain, no hideousness, only calmness.

The scorching temperature and the burning pain did not make him scream. He just held the iron bucket and kept pouring gasoline on the ground.

The fire was burning violently.

Where the gasoline was poured, the flames were blazing.

The smell of burning filled the whole street.

"Hahaha, my mission is completed, completed!"

Chen looked at the fire around him indifferently, and turned to look at the middle-aged FBI who was only a few steps away from him.

"Come with me!"

The last bit of gasoline in the iron bucket suddenly poured out.

Chen rushed towards the middle-aged man with a carefree smile.


A painful scream came,

Everything happened in an instant.

The FBI team came back to their senses and watched their leader scream in pain, and their hands holding the guns were shaking with fear.

"Put out the fire!"

"Mike, save Mike!"

The flames have covered all traces. Chen, his mission is complete...

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