Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 327 Be careful, be careful

This universe, Mars Node Island.

This is the first time that Horos has set foot on the ground of this universe.

As a captive of the Engineer Civilization, he usually can only travel through several parallel worlds. This is the first time he is allowed to set foot on the land of this universe.

This is undoubtedly recognition of his merits and recognition of his identity.

At this time, it was the sixth day of the sky on Mars Node Island, and the temperature was in line with Horos's wishes.

Wandering outside the base,

The surrounding staff all cast curious glances at him.

The staff outside the base knew that there were aliens, but this was the first time they saw aliens appearing directly outside the base!

So they all felt very strange.

If they didn't have their own work at hand, they might have gathered around to watch the fun!

"Is this Mars?"

Horos walked for a while, felt it a little, and asked the scientists beside him in a low voice.

"It's Mars, how did you recognize it?"

Next to me, the scientist was a little strange. He could be recognized after being transformed like this?

"We have stayed on Mars before. Although we are not in this universe, my genes will be recorded. This sense of familiarity will induce my brain to recall the corresponding memories."

Horos smiled slightly, looking at the green grass, his mood became more comfortable.

As a biological civilization, it makes sense to get closer to this kind of nature!


The scientist on the side heard this explanation, what else could he say.

I can only praise it from the bottom of my heart, biotechnology is awesome, and it can be used like this!

The civilization of engineers is really a bottomless pit of technology. Until now, they have only dug the tip of the iceberg.

The biggest treasure trove is actually hidden in the engineer's body and the "gene bank" on the spacecraft!

Even if today's engineers have forgotten their glory thousands of years ago, the gene pool has helped them preserve the once glorious technology from generation to generation.

"I will build a small courtyard on this node island in the future."

Horos secretly promised a short-term goal.

This is scientific research. After studying and studying, he became addicted.

But now, the right path is to hold on to these humans who can travel through various parallel universes.

Just hold them close, you will have access to any scientific research projects, and you won’t have to worry about any materials!


Horos has never lost a bet!

What, you said the spacecraft on LV233 crashed.

Please, don’t forget that Horos was the only dormant person alive on the crashed spaceship!

Therefore, he has never lost a bet!

Take advantage of now, when people's skills are low, to crazily take credit.

From now on, he will be the elder!

In fact, Horos has a greater ambition in his heart. This ambition is so big that the great elder Dino was horrified when he heard it.

In addition to wanting to lead the engineer clan to ancient glory, now that he has stayed in Project 237 for a long time, he also has other ideas.

He doesn't want to go to a single universe to play with biological genes anymore. How can making genes be fun in Project 237?

At this stage, he is an engineer, and humans are humans. There is still a gap and wariness between the two.


The technology of this universe must continue to evolve.

As we come into contact with more and more technologies, the technology in this universe becomes more and more developed.

One day, their technology will gradually develop into life forms that abandon the physical body.

And at that stage,

Engineers can naturally integrate into it and become a branch of this prosperous civilization.

Why do you have to work so hard on your own genes?

Therefore, he wants to become the patriarch, the ancestor of engineers, and the technological patriarch of Project 237!

Unknowingly, the ambition in Horos's heart grew more than once!

People... bah, engineers always change!

After witnessing the splendid technology and civilization of distant universes, who would still be willing to go to a single universe and practice technology on their own?

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality!

Node Island, the underground part of Project 237.

In a comprehensive production workshop, some equipment is being assembled.

The first one was a pitch-black Advanced War Armor skeleton, densely arranged around it were all the parts that had been transformed this time.

"We have made professional modifications to the First Ascension Armor for the world we may face in the future."

Staff members wearing full-body anti-static clothing took Mr. Zhu to the equipment on the ground, pointed at several fist-sized sensors and introduced:

"This is an object radiation numerical sensor. It will be installed throughout the entire body of the armor."

"It's aimed at the world of Transformers, which has a unique amount of radiation."

Of course, there must be more than just this piece of equipment. The staff brought Mr. Zhu to the huge supplementary body armor and solemnly introduced:

"This is a concealed armor specially developed by us!"


Mr. Zhu was thoughtful.

"That's right, this armor uses a polarized light setting. Once it is turned on, the existence of the mecha cannot be detected by the naked eye."

"Of course, this is for people, but also for equipment. The expert team even made strange requests."

The staff member scratched his head.

Their working group is immersed in design and has the least understanding of other departments of 237, so they find this request of the expert group strange.

"What request?"

Mr. Zhu came here to understand the situation here, so he naturally wanted to ask clearly.

"You always come to see this equipment."

The staff led Mr. Zhu to the corner.

This is a polyhedron with a red sensor on the sharp corner at the top. The surface is extremely smooth. The installed pipelines come out from one end and are so densely packed that it gives the installer a headache. The most important thing is that the thick shell allows Mr. Zhu to see it at a glance. Come out, this is the shielding box.

Seeing the shielding box, Mr. Zhu knew that this thing was directly connected to the fusion battery.

"The expert group came to us two years ago and asked us to make a device that can prevent particle penetration."

The staff member made a puzzled expression and continued:

"We have made several sets of equipment. There are negatively charged materials that can absorb protons, there are vibrating spaces that directly immobilize particles in the area, and there are also ones that can collide with particles..."

"Finally, the expert team selected this set of equipment, the space stasis device, which was miniaturized and installed on the first-board mecha."

"His role is very simple. At the moment when Fang Jing passes through, he constructs a space nearby. This space can stop the particles and cover up what happens in it. In this way, in a physical sense, Fang Jing will temporarily not exist in the observable range. ”

"Only to less civilized observers, of course."

"I probably understand."

Mr. Zhu nodded, knowing why the expert team was preparing for a rainy day.

At the same time, he was also a little relieved,

The expert team’s foresight was exactly what he wanted!

After all, Mr. Zhu is not a super brain, so he cannot understand everything in detail.

Therefore, the expert group's ability to achieve this step shows that the original establishment of this organization was indeed correct.

So cautious,

It is an important part of the success of their mission!

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