Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 372: Why is Pandora different?

avatar world,

The sporophytes fell like rain on the stretching land.

The ignorant people looked at the white cotton wool flying in the sky and the violent explosions in the distance, and did not understand what was happening.

All they knew was that their mobile phone screen flashed inexplicably and went dark forever.

Not just mobile phones,

All electrically charged equipment, including computers, washing machines, and refrigerators, instantly flashed sparks and stopped functioning.

Even, the holographic projection in the sky was interrupted,

The factory in the distance was even completely blown into the sky!

At this moment,

It seems like the end,

No, it’s more despairing than the end of the world! ! !


People were horrified to find that the spores that fell to the ground reacted in some way immediately after contacting water.

The spore body, which was originally white like catkins, immediately absorbed the water when it encountered water and penetrated towards the core. After penetrating, the white cotton wool was immediately dyed ink black, and then twisted and expanded crazily!

It’s not that the black cotton wool expands and becomes the size of a fist.

The black cotton wool turned into flesh and blood that made people feel scalp numb!

Bloody, red, blood cells beating and contracting like a heart, constantly enlarging, enlarging!

This scene,

It just makes the back of one's neck feel cold when watching it.

The people surrounding him screamed and ran away!

Human intuition tells them,

If they don't run away, they will most likely become the protagonists in a fatal horror movie.

streets and alleys,

On the streets and alleys, as long as there is water, the meat balls are constantly expanding and getting bigger!

frightened, uneasy, flustered,


The "order and civilization" that human society is proud of was disintegrated and collapsed in an instant.

High above the sky,

Some kind of long fluctuations are constantly projected,

The invisible ripples made some people in the crowd suddenly think for a moment, as if they had lost some kind of memory.

On the puddles of city streets,

The swollen meat ball suddenly turned inward, and an adult Dionysus walking upright with two legs and huge claws appeared on the spot at the moment the meat ball turned inward. Its eyes were cold, and it tilted its head fiercely to observe the surroundings. environment, and then suddenly raised his head and let out a long and terrifying roar.


After looking up to the sky and screaming forty-five degrees,

He lowered his head suddenly, sniffed his nose, and rushed straight into the nearest alley.

The tail flicks,

The two-clawed dragon walks as fast as flying!

low earth orbit,

On the expedition fleet flagship, the orbital artificial intelligence was debugged. Looking at the scene of the completion of the sporophyte release, Chen Yumin felt that something in his heart seemed to be unblocked.

He is not a qualified leader and does not have that kind of generosity and magnanimity. His long repressed life has filled his heart with hatred and anger.

Now, the anger dissipated with the wind, and it was time for him to lead his people and live a new life.

However, in the end he still had to ask:

"Will these spores die directly if they are thrown into a place without water?"

"Not at all. The sporophyte has a very strong dormancy ability. We use technology to modify it, so that it can stay dormant for thousands of years."

Pang Hai pointed to the satellite in low-Earth orbit, smiled slightly and said:

"Don't worry, they can't pass the level of dinosaurs. Even if they pass, there will be no place for them in the earth's orbit."

Let these people stay on earth and take pictures with the dinosaurs:

Battle royale between humans and ancient creatures!

"Buzz buzz-"

In front of the fleet, an illusory area gradually appeared, and the space bubble completely enveloped the entire area.

Pang Hai, who was observing the city situation on the ground, grinned, pointed ahead and said happily:

"The teleportation has started, we can finally go back!"

"Yeah, I can finally leave here."

Chen Yumin took a deep breath,

Looking at the emptiness that has reached the extreme of illusion and then begins to solidify, I can be said to be filled with tears.


Maybe I can only come back to watch dinosaurs versus humans in the future.

The Earth of the Avatar world has come to an end.

On Pandora's planet, there are more than 850 cities, large and small, as well as scattered villages.

The entire Pandora planet looks like a replica of the Earth.

As there are more and more people,

Goddess Aihua simply made a decision,

Give Pandora a new atmosphere!

Just replace Pandora's atmosphere with oxygen and save the trouble of humans coming over.

at this point,

Even if this universe could do it before, it is naturally a small problem for the goddess Aihua who controls the plants on the entire planet.


On this day, all the animals on Pandora felt the "apocalypse", gave up fighting, and harmoniously connected their nerves to the roots of the nearby trees.

The plants that occupy the entire planet connect all the animals in the planet’s nature.

Even the microorganisms in this world are enriched in the roots of plants and begin to accept the will of the goddess Aihua.

Evolution, the command to change is issued instantly,

Including Pandora's atmospheric environment, biological respiration, and plant photosynthesis, they are all slowly changing.

After the animals were connected to the tree roots by nerves, according to Aihua's will, their strangeness began to change under Aihua's calculation.

Even the Na'vi are being affected and gradually adapting to the oxygen environment.

However, under Aihua's guidance, the plants on Pandora did not become as irreversible as on Earth.

The plants here absorb the green part of the sunlight, so most of the plants gradually turned purple.

Adding the fluorescence of the superconductor,

the entire Pandora is even more gorgeous!

Goddess Aihua is the "god" worthy of all plants on Pandora, not even all creatures!

She can control their growth and even evolution.

This is the authority He was born with.

It is the power given to Him by all the plants on Pandora!

With the guidance of the planetary consciousness and the help of the universe,

the atmospheric environment of Pandora is changing very quickly, very quickly.

The proportion of the atmosphere is changing at an outrageous speed every day.

"Nitrogen: 78%; Oxygen: 20%; Argon: 0.9%..."

When the last fleet on Earth was transmitted, looking at the values ​​on the atmospheric detector, the various gases were almost exactly the same as on Earth.

Chen Tunmin stood on the bridge, his eyes slightly glared, turned his head to look at Pang Hai in confusion, and asked:

"Is this the Pandora planet you said humans can't breathe?"

He stared at the magnificent Pandora,

and then looked down at the biological armor he was wearing, and looked at Pang Hai, who was also confused, and then laughed out loud.

I'm back,

Pandora is still the gorgeous and beautiful planet.

In fact, it is now much more beautiful than the Earth!

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