Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 376 What kind of luck is this?

Transformers world, somewhere in a forest in Siberia,

The dispatch center of the drilling platform,

Fang Jing, Zhou Yuan, Optimus Prime and Horos were crowded here, all curiously looking at the radiation source detected by the drilling equipment on the big screen.

The location of this radiation source is extremely special.

Very far north of the first radiant point discovered by Horos, far apart, it is certain that these two completely different body fragments.

"I have clearly detected the entire earth's core, and there was obviously no radiation reaction here before?"

Horos looked at this position and raised his brows.

Can it still be like this?

He had clearly detected this location and had never reacted like this before!

"It may be that the structure of the auricle deflects the detection wave."

Optimus Prime stood up and answered Horos's doubts.

"You go straight into the core from the detection point, and then use parallel waves to scan the entire core, but the structure here allows the parallel waves to bypass the wreckage, so no discovery was made."

While speaking, Optimus Prime pointed to the surrounding heat flow layer detected around the wreckage and gave a reasonable explanation.

"So, only from this angle can we detect the remains?"

Fang Jing's eyes widened.

What kind of luck is this that the wreckage can only be found from this angle? ? ?

"The heat flow and radiation in the ground are too great, which has a great impact on our detection waves. According to the shape of this ear chamber, it can only be discovered from this angle."

Horos looked a little strange.

As soon as these words came out,

The whole atmosphere at the scene was suffocating.

Everyone looked curiously at the staff member responsible for drilling, their eyes full of surprise.

What kind of luck is this? !

The entire ear chamber can only be drilled from this direction, but you drilled it in?

"Haha, haha, haha!"

The staff member, who just now was lamenting how awesome he was and found the location as soon as he turned on the phone, realized that he seemed to be in the wrong direction, so he couldn't help but pick his head and laugh a few times.

"Ahem, isn't the drilling equipment assisted by an intelligent system? How did you get the direction wrong?"

Fang Jing looked at the uncle with interest.

Could it be that this uncle has some earth-shattering ability and discovered something unusual here?

Horos and Optimus Prime also had extremely curious eyes.

Could it be that a strange person is going to be born today?

"Well, I'm a driller transferred from Pacific Rim World. I'm still not used to the intelligent system, so I just drilled based on my feeling. Did I get into trouble?"

Shi Dahai, a driller, looked nervous at the eyes focused on him.

You won't make a mistake, right?

No, when he started drilling just now, it felt surprisingly good. It was the best he had ever felt since he started working!

Looking down at Shi Dahai who was a little afraid of making a mistake,

Fang Jing and others all took a sharp breath!

What strange people and strange things, these are strange people and strange things,

A skilled driller, following his own feelings, actually dug up the remains of the new Unicron!

How you feel...

That’s awesome!

"Ahem, you didn't cause any trouble, did you, Comrade Shi Dahai? You have made a great contribution here!"

Fang Jing walked up to Shi Dahai and patted his shoulder heavily.


"It's good to contribute. Ever since I was called into the project, the whole family has been provided with food and accommodation, and no job. It's strange that I'm not used to it."

Shi Dahai scratched his head somewhat honestly, and what he said also made Fang Jing laugh.

"What a Shi Dahai. Others think work is troublesome, but you think you have nothing to do!"

"My mother said you can't just eat for free!"

Having said this, Shi Dahai puffed up his chest proudly.

If you don't work, you will get this kind of treatment. He is not sure about it. Now that he has made a contribution, he is relieved.

"Okay, okay, I'll hand over Units 3 and 4 to you, just follow your feelings and continue drilling for me!"

Fang Jing didn't expect Shi Dahai to find anything more.

It was enough to surprise him to find this exception.


Shi Dahai nodded heavily.

He has been doing drilling for so many years. With experience, he will definitely do a satisfactory job!

After saying that,

He took people with him to Units 3 and 4.

As for the scene, Fang Jing and others surrounded the detector and asked the staff who stayed here to continue drilling along the direction of the radiation source.

Professional drilling equipment, equipped with a space tearing shield, can penetrate deep into the ground and feel like entering a realm of nothingness.

Soon, he came into contact with the newly discovered radiation source.

"Didi didi——"

Horos rushed out and walked to the monitor, staring at the fluctuating oscilloscope.

On the oscilloscope, as a continuous beeping sound sounded, an undulating line slowly appeared.

"According to the waveform, the fragments displayed by the new radiation source are dozens of times smaller than the last one. This is a very suitable structure for experiments."

Until the waveform no longer changes,

Horos was so excited that he danced a little.

Compared with the main body of the remains that was first discovered within a range of tens of kilometers, the ones discovered now are equivalent to scattered fragments of Unicron.

do experiments,

Of course these small pieces are more suitable!

after all,

If the main body of the dozens of kilometers of remnant body is stimulated and moves so much that the core of the earth surges, even if this universe can calm the surface, it will still take a lot of effort.

So these fragments are safer.

"It's still too big. This piece of debris is a kilometer long. It would be better if more pieces can be found."

Optimus Prime agreed with Horos's choice,

But he still shook his head, hoping to find more suitable fragments.

"This thing can't be so easy to find. We are lucky to be able to find this second fragment!"

Horos pursed his lips and said,

I think this is the most suitable experimental subject. Although it is still a bit big, it is much better than the previous one.

We are lucky to be able to find this one, no, Shi Dahai is extremely lucky.

"Yes, then..."

Fang Jing also expressed regret and agreed as soon as he was ready.

As a result, Shi Dahai's familiar laughter suddenly came from outside the observation room.

"Another discovery, another discovery, the same radiation fluctuation, and it is smaller than the one just now!"

A cheerful voice came from outside the house,

Just listening to this voice is enough for Fang Jing to outline in his mind an image of a man with dark skin, wearing work clothes, and a simple smile.

What's more, after understanding the content of the voice, Fang Jing was even more surprised and stunned.

What? !

Another discovery was made,

Moreover, the radiation fluctuations are even smaller,

That doesn't mean smaller.

Fang Jing opened his mouth, but suppressed the next words.

Good guy,

Shi Dahai, what kind of luck is this!

Isn't he a superlucky guy? Is he adding all the points to his drilling ability?

Innately drill into the holy body!

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