In the chemical isolation cabin,

Horos looked at the extremely magnified image of the electron microscope, his eyes widened.

The atomic patterns on this fragment, which was only five meters in size, were extremely tight, so tight that it instantly gave birth to the Unicron, who could use his own strength to create a black hole in the universe!

"Switch the mode to microscopic perception and continue to zoom in!"

Observing with a traditional microscope, if you go deep into this level, you have reached the top.

In order to observe the details of the surface of the fragment in more detail, we can only use more detailed equipment, microsensors.

This is the use of combined particle waves to simulate the internal structure of the object by irradiating the object for a long time. The maximum amplification limit of the device is to the quark level, and can even simulate the full three-dimensional microscopic world.

The most important thing is,

The microscopic world simulated by this device cannot be observed by the device, and its existence and specific conditions can only be sensed using sensing devices.

"The sensing device has been connected, and microscopic sensing is in progress..."

Horos took a deep breath and put a military green helmet on his head.

The moment you put on the device,

The staff had already pointed the sensor at the debris, and the moment the machine started, a "buzz-buzz-" sound came out immediately.

From the perspective of Horus,

In an instant, all kinds of exquisite suddenness burst out from the darkness in front of me. Some of them were like the Crab Nebula, some were like rotating giant star systems, and some were like star clusters. The magnificent and wonderful scenes were instantly reflected in the scene. In Horos’ perception,

As the particle wave collides and rebounds more obviously,

The image in Horos's mind became increasingly enlarged, magnified to the extreme, and rows of densely packed dots finally appeared in front of his eyes.

The small dots are shining with light one by one and arranged neatly, like a dense military formation. It is simply the gospel of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

More importantly,

Most of these small dots have movement flashing out from inside.

With the help of the perspective of microscopic perception, Horos enlarged the image again, expanding the three-dimensional perspective to the extreme, trying to observe what is going on inside these small dots...


A neatly arranged small dot immediately expanded and expanded. Horos saw that a violent explosion occurred inside the small dot, and the orange-red light suddenly dyed half of the small dot red.

"War, war is happening in the small dots. A huge amount of energy is being absorbed by the remaining body, and is supplied from the small dots to the entire body."

Eyes widened,

Horos screamed in shock.

Those neatly arranged light spots were actually looking at the universe one by one!

These neatly arranged light spots make up this extremely smooth material. No wonder He wants to be called the Unicron. No wonder!


Shocked, Horos took off his helmet and stayed where he was.

The existence of this thing is enough to defy the heavens.

Unicron's body may be made up of captured and imprisoned people watching the universe.

How He obtained the energy surrounding the universe, Horos didn't know; how He did it, Horos didn't know either.

This is an...existence that exceeds the current observation limits of this universe.

"It's not that the technology of this universe is weak, it's that the development time is too short. But even so, now we can observe the fully three-dimensional and partially two-dimensional microscopic world. If we continue to go forward, the body of Unicron will be a test."

This is the conclusion that Horos came to through observation.

The body of the Unicron gave him the shock of seeing hundreds of millions of people around the universe.

Seeing the magnificent and wonderful microscopic world, Horos discovered that engineers had been working on biological genes. Why didn't they think of continuing to develop in dimensions?

"Record, and then try the model's impact on the wreckage."

In the monitoring room, Fang Jing was shocked and took off his sensing equipment. Thinking of the magnificent world, he couldn't help but sigh, how wonderful the universe is!


Horos nodded to the surveillance,

He controlled the manipulator and inserted the output device into the smooth body, with super fiber on the top of the device.

"Contact has been made, model is running, signal has been sent..."

The entire process of model implantation is carried out by an artificial intelligence assistant.

"Will the original model in the fallen King Kong really have an effect on the fragments of Unicron?"

Fang Jing turned his head and looked at the scholars from the Institute of Computer Science with curiosity on his face.

"It should be so. The original model obviously has traces of artificial adaptation. It must be the traces left by the original Tianzun according to himself; just like engineers and humans in the alien world, this is the genetic similarity between the two!"

Scholars from the Institute of Computer Science are certain that this must be the case!

"Gudong, Gudong!"

"Look, the fragments have changed!"

At this time, Zhou Yuan pulled Fang Jing sharply and pointed at the monitoring screen excitedly.

In the chemical defense room,

Horos's face suddenly became solemn. He looked at the situation in front of him and roared angrily: "Quick, stop loading, there's a situation!"

"Loading has stopped..."

Loading stops, but it's too late!

As the model was implanted, the entire mirror-like fragment immediately began to surge like water. At the moment of the surge, an inexplicable energy surged out of the fragment.


The gushing energy actually passed directly through the chemical defense room, turned into wisps of lines, and suddenly rushed towards the monitoring room!

The dome of the monitoring room suddenly shook slightly.

It was this that made Zhou Yuan look up suddenly, and his pupils shrank instantly.

A wisp of white smoke-like thing appeared above the dome, but Zhou Yuan was sure that it was definitely not smoke. Whose smoke could penetrate a wall, and penetrate an alloy wall? !

The white line was moving forward, unstoppable, and the direction of advancement was...

"Be careful!"

Zhou Yuan stepped forward suddenly, shouted angrily, and directly pushed Fang Jing away from his side, stepping heavily in front of him.

The target of the white line was Fang Jing!

It hit the heavy armor on Zhou Yuan's chest, and then passed through as if nothing was there.

The armor and the human body seemed to no longer exist in front of it. It drilled out from the armor behind Zhou Yuan again.

At this time, there was no obstacle in front of Fang Jing?

"Attack, block it!"

Sun Wang, who had been following, saw that this thing was similar to some kind of energy, and decisively took out the radiation instrument, gritted his teeth and put his hand on it, ready to press it down!

Optimus Prime beside him also prepared to take out the energy collector and prepared to step sideways to block it.

"Wait, Lao Sun, don't block it!"

Optimus Prime was fine, Lao Sun's hand was on the radiation instrument, and it would be directly useless if it was activated!

Fang Jing sensed that a machine in his consciousness suddenly shook, and it turned out that the thing was attracted by this guy, so he quickly reached out to stop Sun Wang and hurriedly said:

"This thing should be similar to the fire source energy, I attracted it, don't worry!"

Until this sentence came out,

Sun Wang, who was pressing on the radiation instrument and preparing to energize his palm to block the white strip of energy, and Zhou Yuan, who was pierced through the body, and Optimus Prime who held up the energy collector, breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay!

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