Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 394: Radical march toward the universe!

The location of the live broadcast meeting is the government hall of Yongri City.

The participants were all scholars and experts from think tanks from all walks of life.

When they received the news, they were no better than the netizens.


We are still exploring the scientific and reasonable development of the solar system,

Then you suddenly rushed out and told us,

The super-light spacecraft and space jump technology have been completed. There is no time to think more. Come up with me quickly and come up with the plan to develop the entire universe!

? ? ?

As for the experts and scholars present, it’s okay if they didn’t spray you directly!

"Everyone, please watch the experimental video of super-light speed technology and space jump technology."

The official sitting in the main seat didn't talk nonsense, he had pictures and the truth.

In the video,

A huge spaceship suddenly flashed with dazzling light, and then the surrounding light was distorted and inward. The space twisted around the spacecraft, and the space in front of the spacecraft flowed, causing the spacecraft to be squeezed forward by the space even if the engine was not started. shuttle.

After the broadcast is completed,

The scene changed again,

The spaceship was hovering in space, and the surroundings suddenly became distorted and began to become illusory. A strange bubble-like structure enveloped everything including the spacecraft. Then the screen turned and the spacecraft disappeared!

Seeing these two pictures,

The experts and scholars present were stunned.

This is actually true, super light speed, space jump!

"Quick, give me a pen, I want to immediately plan the development plan for Centaur!"

"We must build a new symbolic planet. Mars is no longer suitable as a bridgehead. There are rogue planets in the interstellar dust area. We can build a transit planet between the solar system and Centauri!"

"People, we need a large population, we need a trillion-level population to develop!"

"What the hell, the welfare of Mars is so good, how come there were only 20 million newborns last year? How can there be enough for this small number of people?"


There was silence for a moment,

The whole venue exploded instantly.

All the experts and scholars are going crazy,

Super-light speed and space jump, with the help of this technology, the great Eastern countries will directly become an interstellar civilization across star systems.

The vast star field,

Countless resources, countless scientific research projects, countless opportunities,

Scholars simply cannot imagine that

How many benefits are there in this? If you eat this wave,

The great Eastern countries can build super civilizations covering several star systems!

It’s not just experts and scholars who have figured this out,

Netizens who are watching the live broadcast of the meeting are not fools. They still understand such a simple truth.

"It's across the star system. Then we can go to Trisolaris' hometown, right?"

"Excuse me upstairs. There is no three-body system in Centauri, nor any chaotic three-body system. There is only one Proxima Centauri, and a binary star system AB, and a larger binary star system Proxima Centauri and AB stars."

"Haha, on the top floor, I see your IP is from Mars United University. Study hard, you might see Trisolarans in the future."

"Damn, the first half of the people upstairs are good, but the second half is not so bluffing, okay?"

"I just smiled and said nothing."

"The building is crooked. Damn it, I want to travel to M78 Xinyun!"

"You're so awesome, you've already done this in the solar system!"

"Why the hell am I still planting trees on Earth? You are about to leave the solar system. What are you doing?"


All I can say is,

The content of this meeting was indeed explosive.

Everyone was almost stunned by the explosion.

However, what happened next shocked everyone even more.

The meeting continued, and the official sitting in the chair introduced:

"Everyone, the content goal of this meeting is very small, which is to carry out reasonable development of the Alpha Centauri star system."

"Although we have mastered the ability to jump into long-distance space, the population and infrastructure do not allow us to carry out radical large-scale expansion, so we should establish a human outpost in Centauri."

Isn’t this radical?

This is the thought that popped up in the minds of netizens, experts and scholars at the same time.

What the hell,

Three years to reach Mars, five years to transform Mars, and ten years to break out of the solar system and develop Centauri.

that is,

This is not radical, so what is radical?

However, this radicalness brought silent excitement to everyone.

"I want to learn to fly a spaceship, and I want to travel in space!"

Instantly became everyone’s hope!

Mars, orbit.

The improved model of the space bridge has been constructed, and the next experiments do not dare to be conducted underground.

Therefore, Yu Tian En and others, along with their equipment, were sent directly to the military's secret docking area.

"The space bridge transmission experiment is in progress. The target is the Alpha Centauri star system 4 light-years away. Selected area."

Hundreds of energy bars,

Following the command, a huge ring was built outside the parking area.

The space in the middle of the ring quickly began to collapse,

Then a huge space bubble enveloped an unmanned spacecraft and disappeared instantly.

"Transmission completed, positioning the unmanned spacecraft..."

In orbit, a huge real-time space wave detector begins to lock based on the signal.

On the holographic projection, the green circle kept moving. In an instant, the circle moved into the Alpha Centauri star system.

"The location is confirmed and there is no deviation from the specified location."

"Very good, the model experiment was successful!"

The people in the laboratory clapped their hands excitedly.


The transmission position is 2% more accurate than the unoptimized space bridge, and the speed and comfort have also been improved a lot.

"After comprehensive safety testing is carried out, the product can be finalized and mass-produced."

mass production,

That means,

Can be rolled out on a large scale!

This key that allows this universe to travel throughout the universe was finally firmly held in his hand!

"However, the natural flaw of the space bridge is that it can only perform short-term instantaneous transmission, which means that in the future, transmission can only be carried out in units of spacecraft."

Mr. Zhu was very sorry about this.

The intergalactic republic he envisioned,

There are various space gates all over the place. If people want to enter other planets, they can go directly through the space gates.

It can be transmitted on an individual basis or on a spaceship basis!


The space bridge can transport humans directly.

But for teleportation beyond light years, the human body is not as durable as Transformers.

The safety hazard is huge!

"Don't worry, we can reproduce the space bridge. As our research deepens, we will definitely be able to achieve the effect you want. This is the responsibility of the 3rd team."

Zhao Guangyao smiled faintly;

"The progress over there is not slow either. They have also completed the optimization of the space bridge using the beta model, but their optimization is more focused on minimizing the damage to the human body."

"That's good!"

Mr. Zhu nodded slowly.

Experiment, how is it possible to hang from a tree with a crooked neck?

The alpha model is just one of many experimental groups. With a population of several worlds, Project 237 has no shortage of geniuses.


It’s just the ticket to see the true nature of this plan!

Saturated experiments, this is the true meaning, right?

Cast your net wider to catch better fish!

This is not now,

The results of each group are starting to show value.

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