Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 397 No, bro, why?

"What, you are humans from a parallel world?"

Chen Xiansheng's eyes widened with an incredible expression on his face.

"Yes, we are the main body of this civilization, and Engineers and Cybertron are now the participants."

The commander-in-chief nodded quietly, smiled slightly at Chen Xiansheng, and continued to explain:

"But the Engineer did originate from your universe, and he is the creator of you, 'humanity'."

After glancing at Tianling's analysis of Chen Xianxian, he concluded that he was a reliable person, so the commander-in-chief informed him of the general situation of the engineer and the node universe.

The absolutely rational spirit has the ability to see into people's hearts.

This is the man-made "Goddess Aihua". It came to a conclusion based on Chen Xianxian's character and past memory analysis. There will be no mistakes!

"That's it. Are we created by engineers?"

Chen Xian first looked at the picture on the holographic projection.

And comparing the genetic data, he frowned and muttered to accept this setting.

However, he did not become decadent because of this.

So what if engineers created them? Do we have to be grateful to engineers for this?

They are human beings with their own culture and roots.

What has brought them to this point has always been the courage and exploration spirit of mankind.

Even if there is an original creator,

Maybe the ignorant humans in ancient times would bow their heads and surrender,

But today's human beings, who have an independent spirit and their own pride, will only look at these "creators" with an equal attitude and curious eyes!

Chen Xianxian is an atheist and a firm practitioner of scientific methodology.

Knowing this news surprised him, but that was all.

"Knowing your origin, your calmness is far beyond that of the crew of the Prometheus I have seen."

Horos stood next to the commander-in-chief, looking at Chen Xiansheng in front of him, his dark eyes had changed.

It was a subtle change from looking down to looking straight up.

"Because we are human beings with our own culture and roots. Physically, it may be you who caused us to be born in this universe, but spiritually, my destination will always belong to that land and those people."

Chen Xiansheng tilted his head slightly.

He seemed to be looking back in the direction of the earth, towards the land and the people he was protecting.

"But the scientists on the Proseus are different. They have been looking for you all their lives and have long regarded you as their spiritual faith."

"You're right."

Horos looked at Chen Xianxian, his dark eyes a little dazed.


Engineers are also a race with a soul.


The commander-in-chief looked at Chen Xianxian and nodded without any trace.

first contact,

They in this universe have not let them down, they are still comrades who can be won over!

"I'm very happy that you think so. I came to you specifically this time just to talk about cooperation."

The commander-in-chief nodded and smiled, and then under Chen Xianxian's astonished eyes, he listed a long list of technical names.

"If the eastern power of this universe is willing to join our multiverse union, these technologies are the help we will provide."

"These technologies, all of them?!"

Chen Xianxian looked at the thousands-page technical catalog that the other party suddenly sent him.

Looking at the various technologies above that were beyond his imagination,

His eyes couldn't help but widen!

"Yes, all of them. We are committed to uniting the great Eastern countries in the multi-distant universe and helping each other for the faster development of civilization."

The commander-in-chief nodded.

years ago,

The technology of the alien world is still at a level that this universe has tried its best to deceive and sneak attacks to a level that is unmatched.

But only in the past few years,

The offensive and defensive momentum changes shape.

Just in terms of processing accuracy, this universe is half as far away from the microscopic world of human civilization in the alien world.


I casually browsed through the technical directory.

What about space tearing shields, high-energy neutron beams, space bubble structure transmission, space bridges, microscopic interference instruments, ultra-quantum server groups...

Chen Xianxian swallowed hard.

Although I know that it is impossible for this universe to directly bring out this top-notch technology without examining them, it is too tempting.

In an instant, Chen Xianxian realized the happiness of those countries that are like the dogs of the United States.

Wait, no, what a stinky metaphor,

Can their situation be the same?

This is the bond between cultures and civilizations!

"I will immediately find a way to send the intelligence back to the country. This matter is too big for me to make a decision directly."

Chen Xianxian suppressed the excitement in his heart and said calmly.

"Go ahead and get in touch. Once you get in touch, we will send you directly to Earth through the space bridge to talk to your people in person."

The commander-in-chief nodded slightly.


Direct space transmission to Earth!

The last doubt in Chen Xianxian's mind was dispelled.

A civilization with this technology,

There is no need to deceive them like this!

The contact with humans in the alien world is generally very pleasant.

After all, the other party gave three major gifts when they met.

At least this universe is happy.

After Horos followed the commander-in-chief to meet Chen Xianxian, he looked at the closed holographic projection and sighed with some emotion.

"They are already an independent civilization."

Engineers have guided mankind more than once,

This is why Horos is so proud when facing the humans in this universe.

Because his subconscious mind thinks,

They are their own creations!

But today's contact made Horos know that after two thousand years of vicissitudes, human beings have had their own "soul" and created their own splendid culture.

They are already a civilization independent of engineers!

"This is inevitable. Let's take a look at the gift the other party gave us."

The commander-in-chief didn’t say much;

Horos had already accepted this, and he didn't need to say anything more.

"Yeah, that's fine."

Horos brought out the strange blood that was given to him by the alien humans and found during the interstellar voyage in the experimental cabin.

"Is it the blood of some strange creature?"

Switching to microscope mode, Horos observed carefully and got up.

However, when you zoom in to the point where you can see the base molecules on it,

Looking at the complex and familiar structure on it, Horos's dark pupils shrank suddenly, and he lost his voice and said:

"This is... black water?"

"No, it's not black water. Black water is our improved version of Deacon's blood, and this blood is more pure, just like the blood of ordinary creatures, perfect, without our superfluous additions!"

"Of course, based on my current knowledge, these bloods are not that perfect."

Horos raised his head in surprise.

"What's that?"

The commander-in-chief raised his eyebrows.

Any surprises?

"This is... Deacon's blood!"

Horos's eyes widened and he stood up in disbelief.

What the hell,


Their engineers have been searching for a lifetime in the Milky Way, and even after searching through all the civilizations in the Milky Way, they still can't find Deacon's blood.

As a result, you are such a fucking human being,

As they sailed through the stars, they found the decent Dickon's blood in a corner.

No, bro, why!

Human: Dude, good luck is also part of strength, understand?

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