Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 40 Hehehe, let’s not talk about the good times, just share the hardships!

"So that's how it is."

Mr. Zhu nodded and thought about it.

This was their negligence. They didn't expect there would be such a big loophole.

"But this also has its benefits, Mr. Zhu."

Ma Weixing's doubts were answered, and his mood became clear. He poured himself tea, took a sip, and smiled slightly:

"At least, the enemy can't imitate non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse weapons at all."

"This is our unique killer move!"

Non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse weapons require fusion devices to conduct long-term and stable electromagnetic release experiments to summarize the appropriate data model.

With this model, they can now manufacture weapons according to the structure.

But without this data model.

That's pure wishful thinking.

It's better to work on controlled nuclear fusion than to make this weapon.

Maybe the speed of controlled nuclear fusion research and development will be even faster!

"Hahahaha, that's good, how do you say that sentence, killer mace?"

After hearing this, Mr. Zhu also laughed with his head raised.

The killer mace is good.

I have it and you don't, just wait to be beaten!

"Okay, I've solved the doubts. In this case, I won't bother you anymore."

After asking, Ma Weixing stopped bothering him. He was very busy at work and was ready to leave immediately.

"Okay, remember, the model must be kept absolutely confidential."

Zhu Jincheng nodded, waved his hand, and said hello.

He absolutely trusted Ma Weixing.

He himself had participated in highly secret scientific research projects in China many times and was a person who could be absolutely trusted.

"Remember it."

Getting up and walking to the door, Ma Weixing stopped half of his body, as if he remembered something. He looked back at Zhu Jincheng, smiled slightly, and said:

"When do you think we can join this project, call me as soon as possible."

"To be honest, I'm already itching in my heart."

"Mr. Zhu, you've hurt me so much. I'm going to have insomnia again when I go back today!"

After saying that, without waiting for Zhu Jincheng's reaction, Ma Weixing greased his feet, took a half step, closed the door and left.

"Hey, brat, blame your wife for your insomnia, why blame me!"

After a loud spit, Zhu Lao snorted and laughed.

This kid is quite smart.

"When Xiao Fang can open the passage to there, recruit him into Project 237."

"It just so happens that he studied electromagnetic mechanics, and he will have a lot to do in space in the future."


Xishan Base.

Zhao Guangyao left for a while, and when he came back, he had a helpless expression on his face.

"What's wrong, Brother Zhao?"

Seeing the strange expression on his face, Fang Jing raised his eyebrows.

Quickly putting down the pen in his hand, Fang Jing got out of the sea of ​​physics questions.

These physics knowledge are also part of aerospace training.

"Ahem, what a coincidence."

After a light cough, Zhao Guangyao shook his head helplessly and smiled, saying:

"I just said this in the morning. Academician Ma Weixing looked at me and Lao Chen with a strange look in his eyes. I suspected that he had discovered something."

"That's true."

Fang Jing remembered very clearly that Zhao Guangyao had just said this.

"As a result, at noon, Academician Ma went to find Mr. Zhu."

Zhao Guangyao pursed his lips and said helplessly: "These old scholars are simply dog ​​noses."

"Academician Ma saw the clues from the technical documents."

"He insisted that China had discovered some alien relics."

"What did Mr. Zhu say?"

Fang Jing felt a shock in his heart.

As expected of a serious expert, his level is different.

"Mr. Zhu took advantage of the situation and insisted that he had discovered alien relics."

Zhao Guangyao laughed out loud.

"Well, now we are digging for aliens!"

"Hahaha, alien relics? Hahaha."

Fang Jing laughed out loud and thought it was really interesting.

Think about it, an old academician, there seriously fooling the middle-aged academician who is at the peak of his career.

It's like an old naughty boy teasing his apprentice.

This scene is really interesting.

"This is a dare to guess, and the other dare to answer."

Zhao Guangyao also laughed a few times.

But in his heart, he still admires the acceptance of these scholars.

When he received Fang Jing's task, he even thought that the people above were making fun of him.

In contrast, Academician Ma guessed the "alien ruins" in an instant based on the technology.

This thinking is really active and terrifying.

But now he is in the 237 plan, and it is indeed a bit funny to look at it the other way around.


"After talking about this, what are you learning?"

After talking about Ma Weixing, Zhao Guangyao looked at the "workbook" on Fang Jing's seat with curiosity.

"It's astronaut training. I never thought that there are these things in astronaut training."

When Fang Jing mentioned these, his face turned pale, and his brain was buzzing.

This is the fear of being dominated by physics questions!

"Ha, that's all?"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Guangyao burst out laughing after looking at the things that gave Fang Jing a headache.


"What do you mean by 'that'?"

Fang Jing looked at Zhao Guangyao with a question mark on his face.

You know these? ! !

"Don't doubt it, I used to be a pilot squadron, these are the basics, learn them well!"

Seeing the disbelief on Fang Jing's face, Zhao Guangyao raised his head.


I was also a good fighter in the Air Force back then.

"Well, you all really have unique skills."

Fang Jing finally understood that the people who came to Project 237 were really talented and well-spoken.


This place feels really good!

"By the way, Brother Zhao, where has Brother Zhou been? Why haven't you seen him recently?"

Not talking about the things that made him sad, Fang Jing quickly changed the subject.

"Zhou Yuan, hahaha, he was also captured by General Yang and trained."

Zhao Guangyao had a bad smile on his face.

"Ah, hahaha, Brother Zhou was also arrested by Uncle Yang for training. Why?"

After hearing what Zhao Guangyao said, Fang Jing felt better immediately.

Sure enough, if a person is suffering, it is real suffering. Someone must share it, so that the heart can be balanced.

Brother Zhou Yuan is really miserable, hahahahaha! ! !

"If you want to go to the moon, let Zhou Yuan accompany you so that you can be taken care of."

Zhao Guangyao explained, with the same smile as Fang Jing's on his face.

"That bastard, on weekdays, he almost turns the base upside down when wearing an exoskeleton."

"This time finally someone comes who can cure him."

"Xiao Fang, you don't know that in front of General Yang, Zhou Yuan, who is not stingy, behaves like a grandson!"

Zhao Guangyao spoke vividly.

Fang Jing thought about Brother Zhou's "well-behaved" appearance.

Suddenly he couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.


It turns out that Uncle Yang is Zhou Yuan’s nemesis!

Fang Jing and Zhao Guangyao looked at each other, and the two immediately put their arms around each other and discussed how best to tease Zhou Yuan when he came back.

You must laugh hard at him then!

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