Sometimes deterrence is just that simple;

The power of the giant neutron beam launched by the destroyer can fully match his huge size.

Once it goes down,

All matter in the entire β5 star system was turned into powder.

The cosmic event caused by the explosion did not go further and form certain celestial bodies, but simply relied on its power to smooth out all obstacles within the range.

Stars, planets, and various asteroids,

They were all ejected far into space.

So powerful,

Although hundreds of light years away, the advanced human observation equipment in the alien world immediately restored the situation of the "crime scene" through slight changes in the spatial folds.

Looking at the simulated strike image on the holographic projection,

The board representative took a deep breath, clenched the cup in his hand, and returned to his position with trembling legs.

The same goes for European and American representatives, who broke out in cold sweat behind their backs.

However, in this conference room, there is a person who looks like everyone else, but his bright eyes are piercing!

Not only did Chen Xiansheng not find it scary,

On the contrary, it felt reasonable, and I secretly cried out in my heart!

This universe is so powerful. If they join this universe, doesn't that mean,

We are both so awesome!

Nothing wrong!

"I think it's time for us to evaluate the threat level of the other party. Their technological development is far beyond ours!"

"Immediately disperse the fleets in the solar system, at least station them in other star systems, and lengthen the battle line to avoid possible conflicts."


Facing a civilization that can turn star systems into powder in an instant,

In order to avoid possible conflicts, lengthening the front and spreading the power is the only thing they can do.

Although it is of no use,

But at least it can avoid being completely wiped out by one wave.

"We will notify the Solar System immediately!"


This time these representatives are really anxious!

Chen Xiansheng in the corner grinned.

The plan goes through!

Okay, okay,

You mobilize your forces to extend the front line, and we will not fall. With the internal emptiness, won't the opportunity come now?

The spirit of the raging battle to seize control of the solar system is burning!

"Representative Chen, I think we need to suspend the conflict in the solar system first. What do you think?"

The European and American representatives suddenly looked back at Chen Xiansheng and asked.

"I think this is a good suggestion. We should put aside the conflict immediately and face it."

Chen Xiansheng smiled slightly,

I accept the verbal promise,

At worst, when I take action, I can send you a message and give you advance notice!

The ritual cannot be abolished!

In this way, we go from being civilized and not keeping our promises to being civilized.

Representative Omi looked at Chen Xiansheng and let out a sigh of relief.

As long as we reach a consensus,

At least it can give the solar system defense fleet a breath of relief,

Otherwise it would really be taken down in one fell swoop!

The offensive of the alien world,

Because the other party gave in too quickly and nothing happened, Mr. Zhu decided to leave it to the Eastern powers in the parallel world to solve the problem themselves.

They mainly serve to distract opponents externally.

And, provide various technologies to the eastern powers to avoid combat casualties.

The effect of technical support is also very good.

In particular, super quantum computer groups and artificial intelligence have played miraculous effects in wars.

The enemy hasn't figured out what's going on yet.

The attack has already flown to the face!

Then, there is no more.

"The ending of the alien world is left to them. What we want to talk about next is how they integrate into us."

At the regular meeting of Project 237, Mr. Zhu tapped the table with his serious fingers, turned to look at Horos and Dino, and said:

"Due to the complexity of human origins in the alien world,"

"The parts of their genes that are different from ours are absolutely prohibited from being mixed into the human gene pool."

"Yes, if the blending is successful, it will become the weakness of your tribe."

Dino nodded slowly, proving the fact that there was a backdoor to the Blackwater creation.

"So we want to knock out these abnormal genes."

Mr. Zhu looked solemnly and informed all 237 members:

"Before eliminating the opponent's abnormal genes, the assistant will mark every human being in the alien world. The intimacy level of anyone with them cannot exceed three levels. Please note, this is an order!"


In this regard, Mr. Zhu just mentioned it,

He believed that the soldiers of Project 237 would not make such a low-level mistake.

"The next step is to develop a forward base in this universe. Due to the breakthrough in space bridge technology, it is time for us to develop the Alpha Centauri star system!"

The affairs of several worlds have generally been dealt with.

Space bridge technology can at least allow this universe to span thousands of light-years without any problem.

So developing a small Centaur star system is no longer worth mentioning now!

“Are we going to open up the private exploration process?”

At the meeting, representatives read out issues collected outside the 237 system.

"I strongly do not recommend private exploration programs. I don't want 'alien' to appear in this universe, or a huge crisis to occur because of the stupidity of a few hot-headed scientists."

As soon as this proposal came out, it met with serious opposition.

Private exploration, the quality of people participating in colonization varies,

It's easy to see the crew of the Prometheus in Alien, entering the engineer spacecraft, and taking off their helmets without saying a word!

You know,

Destruction is easier than construction,

These people have caused problems, and they need to deal with them.

Why bother?

Why don't we just close the door to private exploration for the time being and let them who are more systematic, more experienced, and more disciplined participate.

"Issue dismissed!"

Mr. Zhu did not hesitate,

Someone outside the system mentioned this. Let your assistant check it out when you get back!

See if the "privatization" believer got in.

Some things can be privatized, and some things cannot be touched. They are related to the core of the operation of the entire society!

"Okay, the meeting is over. I will see the Centaur development plan tomorrow."

Mr. Zhu waved his hand towards the camera and everyone.

The development of Centaur is about to begin,

This also means that the door to the new world is opening to Project 237.

Everyone present at the meeting was a little excited.

What does the new world mean?

It goes without saying to them.

"Yes, we will immediately deploy, mobilize the population, and turn the Alpha Centauri star system into a territory that we actually control."


Mr. Zhu nodded and glanced.

"Besides, where is Fang Jing?"

It is true that Fang Jing does not need to participate in the pre-meeting, but it seems that he and Zhou Yuan have not been seen making trouble at the base in the past few days?

"Oh, he and Zhou Yuan went to Mars Park to catch pets."

"Catch pets?"

Mr. Zhu raised his eyebrows.

"Fang Jing keeps... pets?"

"I guess so?"

Zhao Guangyao took a deep breath when he thought of Pandora's "Strange Rabbit" that Fang Jing raised to death, which was known to be extremely resistant to death.

It seems that another pet is about to face a tragic fate!

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