Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 42: Silenced by a Shot

In the desert, all the big guys who came were silenced by this power.

This is too powerful, isn't it?

The drones used by the army for monitoring fell down directly without any cost, like rain.

The Air Force boss took a deep breath, hurried to the restored computer, and observed carefully.

The result was just a glance.

He took a deep breath, and his heart was shocked.

It turned out that the aerospace-grade crystal that he had high hopes for could not withstand a single pulse and was destroyed at the first time.

"Quick, let someone collect equipment damage data!"

The Air Force boss exhaled deeply, turned around and looked at Ma Weixing with a look of passion.

There is no doubt that this is a weapon that can subvert the existing rules of war.

But Lao Xu from the Army was one step faster than him.

He rushed forward, angrily, and asked impatiently: "Fuck you, didn't you say that the killing range is only 300 kilometers?"

"All the drones I deployed at 600 kilometers were shot down!"

What a big loss, what a big loss.

Drones are very expensive, right? !

"Old Xu, get out of the way, I thought you were going to say something important."

The Air Force boss heard that Old Xu was heartbroken for those drones, and pushed him away.

"You are really poor and hypocritical."

"With kinetic bombs, what's the use of your drones?"

"Scrap them early, keep them for weaving, and wait until the anti-electromagnetic pulse technology comes out, and then replace them with new ones?"

As the saying goes, a crying child will be loved by others.

Asking for funds is a technical job.

In addition to the regular funding every year, why can the Air Force get so much more than the Army?

If I pull out the J-5 for a round every year, won't the money be approved?

So, Old Xu is stupid!

"That's right?"

The old officer surnamed Xu was slightly stunned when he heard this.

The drones this time were all considered "specially damaged", so he didn't feel bad at all.

After "giving a hint" to the other party, the Air Force boss looked at Ma Weixing with shining eyes and said hopefully:

"Academician Ma, has this kinetic bomb been finalized?"

"It has been finalized!"

"And the frequency, intensity, and range of the electromagnetic pulse can all be adjusted!"

Ma Weixing affirmed and explained:

"After the Academy of Military Sciences came up with the technical model, the higher-ups immediately knew that this was a weapon that would change the rules of modern warfare."

"As long as we firmly grasp this weapon, it will not be an exaggeration to be the only one in the world in the future."

"Therefore, we have always attached great importance to research and development. Now the industrial line of kinetic bombs has been opened, so don't worry, General."

"That's good, this thing must be equipped to our Air Force as soon as possible!"

The Air Force boss clapped his hands excitedly.

"Hey, hey, hey, have you forgotten our Navy, Old Wu, you're itching for trouble, right?"

The Navy boss couldn't stand it anymore.

Tell me, what does it mean, must it be equipped to the Air Force first?

Have you asked our Navy? !

"Hey, hey, hey, okay, the boss is not young anymore, but he still has a bad temper."

Just when the two big guys were about to have a justice PK, Zhu Jincheng covered his forehead and had to speak.

He glared at the two of them, looked around, and made a decision:

"This kinetic bomb has a small chance of being used, so first distribute a small number of them to each branch of the military."

"These few bombs are enough for combat readiness. You are not going to beat the United States back to the primitive age."

Old Zhu finalized the final distribution plan.

At the same time, the researchers who went to check the experimental data also came back.

The data was sorted together.

Everyone gathered together and flipped through the data.

"Good fellow, Old Wu, hahaha, the core of your space-grade crystal melted directly!"

"What are you laughing at? Your radar car is not much better, it is directly destroyed."

"And you, your shipborne radar is also destroyed?"

"Second brother, don't talk about the eldest brother, damn, the 128-nanometer process, radiation-proof and interference-proof crystal, it is destroyed just like that, this thing is incredible!"


A group of big men, looking at the statistical equipment damage data, all took a breath of cold air.

The air at the scene was directly sucked down by several degrees.

Everyone imagined it.

If the enemy was hit by a passive energy projectile without knowing that the enemy had such a weapon.

It would be a disaster.

All kinds of radars, communicators, data links, and command systems would all be destroyed.

You will be directly beaten back to World War II.

And it is World War II without telegraphs.

Especially this kind of weapon is in the hands of China, one of the only two countries in the world with a highly informationized and modernized army.

It can be said that the enemy does not need to fight this war.

Rabbit threw the Dongfeng 17 and kinetic bomb combination on the table with a snap, and shouted to other countries in the world.

"I'm all for the draw, you guys can do whatever you want!"

Rabbit: "It's not that I look down on anyone, I just want to say that everyone here is rubbish!"

From now on, can it really be said that the world is invincible?

How to fight this?

If you dare to fight a certain Eastern power, you will be beaten back to World War II with an electromagnetic pulse.

Your radar and communication will be destroyed.

Then you will directly fight with information technology, just like the United States fought the Gulf War, and you will be pressed into the ground and beaten.

You can't even return your hands!

World War II, what kind of war was that?

Mechanized warfare.

In modern information warfare, fighting mechanization means hanging and beating.

Thinking of this, the military leaders gathered here were all excited.

At the same time, they were also worried.

After all, such a powerful weapon.

If China can make it, there is no reason why the United States cannot make it?

After all, if the United States knows about it, even if it is stolen, the other party will touch it.

So if the enemy also has this weapon, and they think that they have no countermeasures, the leaders with a sense of crisis will immediately start to worry.

The Air Force leader immediately asked Ma Weixing, saying:

"Academician Ma, do you know if the Academy of Sciences has a plan to counter electromagnetic pulse weapons?"

"If this weapon is obtained by the enemy, we have no countermeasures, which is terrible!"

As soon as the leader finished speaking, all the generals around him looked at Ma Weixing.


Ma Weixing was stunned.

What he wanted to say was that this technology would never be obtained by the enemy.

But on second thought, if this sentence was said, others would definitely not believe it.

So they could only look at Mr. Zhu.

"Haha, don't worry, everyone. Our Academy of Sciences has a plan."

Mr. Zhu smiled slightly and waved slowly.

In the distance, a car was rushing over.

Under the puzzled gaze of the group, the car stopped in front of their camp and a soldier jumped out.

The soldier was holding a drone in his hand.

The drone was directly taken off by the operator, flew for a while, and then landed again in the hands of the soldier.

"Mr. Zhu, what is this?"

All the big guys looked puzzled.

What's going on?

Show us a drone flight?

"Haha, this drone was placed by the Academy of Sciences five kilometers away from the explosion center."

Mr. Zhu smiled faintly and introduced:

"When we developed the spear, we were already researching the shield."

"The circuit board of this drone uses a new type of composite material. This composite material can block electromagnetic pulses within a certain distance!"

After hearing this, the Air Force boss almost laughed his mouth off.

"Within a certain distance, can it block the electromagnetic pulse?!"

"Doesn't that mean that our troops can continue to advance with the electromagnetic pulse?"

"And the enemy's radar and other equipment will be scrapped without any resistance?"

The enemy's air defense system was scrapped, communications, and all electronic components were scrapped.

The drone also died directly.

Thinking of that scene, the Air Force boss almost laughed crazy.

As we all know, modern warfare, confrontation, is about air superiority.

Without the air defense system, China can even beat the United States!

With this weapon, with this anti-electromagnetic pulse technology.

Who else on this earth? ! !

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