Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 431 It’s Him!!!

The research on the mysterious space debris began,

After receiving this fragment,

This universe immediately transported it to the rear of the world of Kyushu.

After all, the scientific research equipment in Edge of Tomorrow is so backward that it is very inconvenient to do any research.

That is to say, Omega, a guy who can take advantage of loopholes, has no luck in this universe and other worlds, so he can only stay here.

Without stopping for a moment, the new holy land of Pandora, the holy land of biology, has appeared!

Biologists have seen another large-scale migration!


None of this has anything to do with Fang Jing.

The meeting is over,

He was also ready to go back and have a good rest.

But just when he walked through the space door to Node Island and was about to go back to his room, Zhou Yuan appeared at his door.

"What's wrong, Brother Zhou?"

Fang Jing looked at Zhou Yuan who was leaning against the wall with confusion, as if he was deliberately waiting for him.

"Ahem, I think you can go to the laboratory that studies space debris."

Zhou Yuan crossed his hands, leaned against the wall, took a sip of energy drink, and turned his head to suggest to Fang Jing.

"I don't understand that stuff. What are you going to see? It makes me want to sleep!"

Fang Jing ruthlessly refused,

Watch scientists research that stuff?

That would be equivalent to him going to junior high school to take advanced math classes at the university. Wouldn't he be trapped to death? !

Why go and see that thing!

"I suggest you go take a look. Maybe it will be helpful to those old men and women."

Zhou Yuan shrugged, with some profound meaning in his words.

"If I go, will it be helpful to their research?"

Fang Jing frowned,

How would it help if he went over?

Fang Jing was very confused, but when he looked at Zhou Yuan, it didn't look like he was joking.

He turned his head and thought for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, I'll go over and take a look."

He waved his hand,

Fang Jing took steps towards the space door disinfecting room in Kyushu World.

Just take a look,

Even if there is no help, he can still go to a restaurant outside Kyushu United University to have a meal.

"There are more Wonton Thieves tunnels there than there are on Mars, so let's go there!"

You can’t take the credit, but you can still have some good taste!

Kyushu Union University, underground part.

Now, the underground of Kyushu United University can no longer be called a laboratory, it should be called an experimental city!

The entire underground part is already much larger than Kyushu University above ground.

The fragments of high-latitude space are placed in the laboratory on the lowest floor, which is also the laboratory with the highest level of security.

at this time,

Physicists from many worlds gathered here.

"There is no doubt that this is a fragment of a higher dimension. However, it collapsed very seriously and we are simply unable to analyze it."

"Perhaps we can learn from Omega, use living organisms to remove this fragment, and then work backwards?"

"The enlightenment in Omega took tens of millions of years, and we don't have this time."


Got the pieces,

What is most difficult for these scholars to accept is that

They want to study it, but they have no way to start!

This is a completely new field. This thing even has only a small intersection with space.

That is to say,

The first thing scientists need to find is,

How to study this thing!

This makes it difficult for them,

I can only watch and cannot move. This is even more uncomfortable than not being able to get up again.

Just when these scientists are scratching their heads and don't know where to start,

Outside the laboratory,

Fang Jing, holding a sesame seed cake in his mouth, passed by the outdoor observation entrance.

"Hey, it should be this laboratory. Brother Zhou suggested that I come. Could it be that I have discovered something?"

Fang Jing went to Kyushu Union University to eat a bowl of wontons and a sesame seed pancake. He looked at the street signs and walked leisurely to the entrance of the research room.

Turning around, he saw fragments emitting a faint green light surrounding a space bubble.

Wait, green? !

Fang Jing swallowed the whole sesame seed cake in two mouthfuls, wiped his hands on his clothes, his eyes widened.

This thing is also green,

Why the hell does the world like this color recently?

Of course Fang Jing knew,

This thing cannot emit green light. It should reflect green light most efficiently, so what is seen by the naked eye is green.


He was really starting to panic with this green one.

Fortunately, he doesn't have a girlfriend yet, otherwise he would have a crisis of confidence now.

Curiously, he approached the observation window.

The moment he approached,

The green high-dimensional space fragments constrained in the space bubble burst out with green light instantly!

The fragment that was originally like a bolt of lightning suddenly began to expand.

"There's a situation!"

This situation was instantly discovered by scholars in the research room.

"The high-dimensional fragments are unfolding, immediately expanding the space bubble by a factor of 1 to avoid squeezing."

"The power is being adjusted, and the space bubble begins to expand simultaneously!"

"Why did the high-dimensional fragments suddenly start to unfold? What happened??"

"I don't know. This is an opportunity. Quick, make observations immediately!"

"It's so rare!"


The changes occurring in high-latitude space debris have excited many scholars.

The square scene began to unfold continuously, and high-dimensional fragments of square structures appeared inside, which was also shocking.

As if I thought of something,

He tentatively took a half step back.


The unfolding high-latitude space debris stopped unfolding.

Fang Jing's eyes widened, and he took two tentative steps back, exiting the laboratory observation area.

Immediately, the high-latitude space debris not only stopped unfolding, but also collapsed immediately!

Originally there were fragments of the prototype of space-time construction inside,

It slowly transformed back into the lightning-like fragment form.

"Why did you change back again?"

"The system only recorded a little bit of content, ahhh!"

"It's a pity. If this structure can be maintained forever, mastering the time and space corridors like Omega will not be a problem at all."

"Why did high-latitude space debris suddenly expand? Was it stimulated by something?"

"What stimulation can stimulate it? This is the world of Kyushu, not the world of Edge of Tomorrow."

"It should be something near the laboratory. We have been in the laboratory before and haven't seen any changes in it, so something must have come over."


The scholars in the laboratory were heartbroken as they looked at the re-collapsed high-dimensional space fragments.

A certain scholar who felt that something came over and stimulated the fragments to unfold them immediately turned around and looked around.

If you look to the left, there is nothing; if you look to the right, there is nothing.

Just when he wants to give up and look back disappointed,

He directly made eye contact with the astonished Fang Jing!

By chance,

Fang Jing also took a step forward in surprise, ready to make sure again.

This is a step forward,

Ushered in the scientists’ exclamations:

"The high-dimensional fragments have unfolded again!"

Fang Jing tried to retreat.

"It collapsed again!"

Fang Jing's eyes widened,

how so! !

The scholar who turned to stare at Fang Jing had his pupils trembled violently and exclaimed:

"That's him!"

The scholars who heard the exclamation all turned their heads.

Fang Jing looked at those captivating eyes,

Instantly, he felt the feeling of those strange life forms that had been captured in the past.

The hairs on your body stand on end!

The eyes of these scholars are glowing green! ! !

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