Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 437 What comes towards us is... a stream of bullets!

In the dark void,

the hideous spaceship is constantly flying outside the solar system.

Inside the spaceship, intermittent communications sounded.

"... Creator... Optimus Prime has been captured and is on his way back to Cybertron..."

"I felt a fleeting stellar-level energy fluctuation in the solar system on Cybertron. Did I gain anything?"

"Creator, it's the destroyed stellar extractor, destroyed in the struggle between the Autobots and the Decepticons."

"Extractor? That can indeed produce fluctuations of this magnitude."

"Bring Optimus Prime back, the meaningless fight should end."


The short communication ended,

the confinement sitting in the main seat of the cockpit had a strange blue light in his eyes.

The entire cockpit of the spaceship was silent.

Even in a vacuum, the original spaceship, because of the vibration of the flight, at least had some strange noises through the solid,

but the spaceship at this time,

did not shake at all.

It is these slight details,

which show that this spaceship is completely different from the original one!

Although the shell is the same, the core has been replaced.

"The spaceship is opening the space bridge and preparing for transmission. Progress... 60%, 100%!"

"Transmission begins!"

The shell of the rough Transformers spaceship suddenly began to shake, and a huge space bubble began to expand from the bow of the spaceship, quickly wrapping the entire spaceship.

At the moment of complete wrapping,

the entire interior, the originally cold and stern metal structure, also began to become blurred and illusory.

"Transmission has begun, always pay attention to the situation of Cybertron!"

In the command room of the ground space gate,

everyone who came to observe had a solemn expression.

Success or failure depends on this one move!

If it can hide from Cybertron's "detection" and successfully allow this spaceship to sneak into the interior of the planet and destroy the opponent's technology to counter the space bridge,

the army of this universe can immediately catch up!

Therefore, at this moment, whether the spaceship will be attacked has become the key to the entire plan!

"Optimus Prime and other Autobots are in a reinforced inner cavity. There is a high-strength tearing space shield outside the inner cavity, which can offset most attacks. There is also a simple space bridge structure. When the entire spacecraft is attacked enough to be destroyed, the lives of Optimus Prime and other Autobots can still be guaranteed."

Optimus Prime and other Autobots are members of Project 237. They are carrying out infiltration missions, and everyone attaches great importance to safety issues.

So in addition to super-powerful weapons,

this universe has also made special preparations for the worst case scenario.

"Well, it's okay to ensure safety. Next, it depends on them. The signal receiver scans the full frequency band!"

Zhao Guangyao stood in the command room, nodded affirmatively, and immediately arranged the last step.

Once successful,

Optimus Prime and others will send a signal,

a super signal sent through the gravitational narrow tube, a real-time signal without delay!

"The receiver's full frequency band is open, just waiting for news from the front line!"

The military personnel responsible for guarding the receiver saluted and immediately began to stare at all the instrument screens meticulously.

"Brother Zhou, do you think this mission will go smoothly?"

Fang Jing was a little worried after glancing at the planet Cybertron in the star map.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem. Just confuse the opposite Quintessa!"

From the beginning of traveling through parallel universes to now,

there have been many cases of such people appearing to be awesome but ending up being stupid.

Cybertron is a civilization destroyed by war.

When facing the original earth civilization,

you can suspect that the other party will suddenly take out some high-tech and win with one blow.

But he is facing this universe!

This universe has the top technologies of several worlds!

There is no fear at all,

it's just that they want to pass the level without any damage, and the vigilance brought about by it has dragged them to now!



this steel planet, has interwoven steel trusses on the ground, and under the dim sky is the ruined earth after the war.

The hard ground is full of cracks,

and the whole world is full of desolation and defeat.

In the central valley of the planet,

Quintasa, who was small in size, about the size of a human, looked indifferently at the holographic projection in front of her.

This projection,

showed the request of Confinement to be transmitted to the star system through the space bridge after completing the mission.

"The mission was completed so quickly?"

Quintasa raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.

I didn't expect that there were still some capable people among the neutral Transformers. Calculating the time, the other party had only been on Earth for a short time.

The mission of bringing back Optimus Prime and the Autobots was completed so quickly,

which was really beyond her expectations.

"Okay, I can't wait to see you."

Quintasa narrowed her eyes and smiled contemptuously.

As for suspecting that there was something wrong with Confinement's spacecraft,


Quintasa has never had that.

Not afraid at all!

This is due to her confidence in her abilities and her confidence in her strength.


Life Lord, one of the creators of Transformers, dares to call herself the creator.

She is born with absolute arrogance towards all Transformers,

and doesn't care about non-Transformers, especially humans.

With Quintessa's permission,

On the broken planet of Cybertron, various sky-high supports burst out with dazzling light.

This is a design from the ancient Transformers on the planet Cybertron, which can disable the defense system of the forced teleportation space bridge.

Any enemy who wants to be forcibly teleported to the planet Cybertron,

They will eventually be wiped out in the void!

The dazzling light slowly faded away, and the space turbulence that was preparing to shock the entire star system paused.

The teleported space bubble successfully appeared in the sky above Cybertron.

The illusory scene ended, and the confined spaceship appeared in the void!

The spacecraft successfully passed the anti-space bridge system of the planet Cybertron and entered low-Earth orbit!

The proud Quintessa stood too high,

Her proud eyes couldn't notice the subtle differences in confinement!

"Confinement, bring Optimus Prime to see me immediately!"

In the cockpit of the spaceship, Quintasha's voice sounded for no reason and reached the confinement ears.

"Yes, the Creator...Lord!"

The confinement expression is respectful, one hand is folded across the chest, and the posture of surrender is maintained.


He stood up with a click, stepped to the command podium, and decisively... pressed the release button.

On the ferocious spaceship,

The originally huge support frame actually stretched out a huge gap.

A medium-energy neutron beam shot out, and it only took 0.5 seconds to hit the truss rising high on Cybertron, which was also the valley where Quintessa was hiding. hair.

The dazzling light passed by,


On the planet Cybertron, a bright spot lit up.

"Damn it, confinement, you're looking for death!"

Quintessa, who was waiting for Optimus Prime to be brought back from confinement, was instantly furious.

She never expected that,

What greeted her was not what she wanted,

But a damn neutron beam! ! !

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