Quintessa abandoned her arms and surrendered.

Far away at the Earth Space Gate base, Fang Jing was dumbfounded when he saw Pang Hai's wretched tactics, saying that he had learned a lot.

I didn’t expect Omega’s ability to be used like this!

"Brother Zhou, did Captain Pang Hai play a little too...obscenely?"

Fang Jing asked weakly.

"What is obscene?"

Zhou Yuan rolled his eyes and said angrily:

"Captain Pang is called responsible. With this style of play, not a single soldier has been injured so far!"

What words, what words!

Captain Pang is mature and prudent, and he is steady!

The lives of soldiers are equally precious. The reason why Captain Pang is like this is that, except for Omega, he will fight with no one if he can. He would rather guard Quintasha than rush in. He just doesn't want to see any casualties among his soldiers.

This is called loving soldiers like...

Ahem, this is called caring for soldiers!

"Yes, at least the result is good. We captured Quintessa without spending a single soldier!"

The square nods,

Captain Pang Hai's steady Dafa and "Gou" spirit are worth learning from him.

Take notes, take notes!

"The next step is to control Quintessa. This is the key to the mission. In the original work, she has the ability to control her 'heart'!"

Zhou Yuan looked at the picture in the holographic projection with an unprecedented serious expression.

Next comes the critical moment!

The other party surrendered?

But do you really give up resistance?

Her ability to control people's hearts is the final change.

We must be cautious and cautious.

Cybertron, in the sacred mountain,

Quintessa dropped the scepter in her hand and stood there with a calm expression, waiting quietly.

on the spaceship,

Pang Hai squinted his eyes and opened the communication with his hand.

"Let Optimus Prime accept the surrender of the enemy and tell him what the plan is."

After careful consideration, Pang Hai decided to let Optimus Prime accept the prisoner.

He believed that Optimus Prime would definitely satisfy him.

Although in the original work, Optimus Prime, who met Quintasha, was bewitched in his heart and instead worked for her.


At this time, Optimus Prime was completely different.

His data brain balance has long been strengthened by the natural enemies and the sky fire.

Want to bewitch him,

It’s not easy!

Quintessa who surrenders will never be honest,

From now on, it’s all up to you!

"Buzz buzz-"

At the moment when the message could not be sent, Optimus Prime, who had already arrived near the Holy Mountain, looked over the mission content, glanced at the spaceship in the sky strangely, and immediately rushed to the Holy Mountain.

Arriving in front of Quintessa!

"I never thought it would be you, my child, who accepted me as a prisoner!"

Quintessa looked at Optimus Prime, and there was a kind of love in her eyes.

"You did create me, but at the same time you also brought never-ending war to Cybertron."

Optimus Prime quietly looked at the "Life God" in front of him, one of the "Creators" of the Cybertron Transformers.

Will the robot thank humans for creating him?

Optimus Prime is not a scientist in the alien world, exploring the "creator" engineer civilization. He has no so-called "reverence" for the so-called creator. The creator is not equal to the creation god.

They create Transformers for various purposes, and then they can stand high? Random trending yet?

"My child, this is a necessary sacrifice, because our enemy is sleeping underground on the earth. If we don't deal with him, we and the Transformers will all usher in the end. It is a terrible enemy, as terrible as a 'god' Both sides suffered a loss and fell into a deep sleep.”

Seeing that Optimus Prime did not restrain her directly, Quintessa thought her chance had come.

Her eyes suddenly changed color and glowed purple,

"I know the enemy you are talking about, but that is not the reason for draining the earth's energy without caring about the life of an intelligent species."

Optimus Prime's eyes also glowed purple,

This purple light is thrown into Optimus Prime's eyes, and the data flow enters his data brain, and continues to go deeper, and continues to go deeper, and finally touches the core of the Transformers' data brain!

So, it's not over yet, Data Flow is still preparing to hack into Optimus Prime's core.

"No, this is a necessary sacrifice. If the enemy is allowed to wake up, all intelligent creatures in the universe will fall into the rule of darkness and cruelty!"

Quintessa continued to induce her with words,

At the same time, the data stream exerted its power and began to decipher Optimus Prime's core data without anyone noticing.

Everything seems to be going very smoothly, is Optimus Prime going to be controlled...?

"But Cybertron, my hometown, is now under the rule of darkness and cruelty!"

Optimus Prime, whose eyes glowed purple, suddenly roared, and the abnormality in his eyes suddenly disappeared!

In the core of the data brain,

A huge data flow suddenly flowed out from the core of Optimus Prime's data brain, and violently collided with the data flow of Quintessa's invasion.

This data stream burst out from nowhere,

In an instant, all the tarsal data that Quintessa had carefully invaded was wiped out!

Such a situation made Quintasha feel the impact and let out a cry of pain.

"Cybertron was originally a beautiful planet, but you careerists have unleashed your unbridled ambitions on this planet, destroying its civilization and destroying our home!"

Optimus Prime waited for Quintessa, his tone filled with unprecedented anger:

"And now, you, Quintessa, the source of all this chaos, are hypocritically giving yourself the title of saving the universe's creatures. It's ridiculous and hypocritical!"


Optimus Prime saw Quintessa holding her head and feeling pain, and his eyes were filled with disgust.

"You are wrong, all this is to destroy our enemies!"

Quintessa suppressed the impact of the data flow, and a compassionate expression appeared on her face again.

"You are our enemy now!"

Optimus Prime shouted angrily, looking at this face, he felt nauseous for no reason, and immediately roared, shouting:

"Shameless old man, this world is no longer a playground for your ambitions!"

With this angry roar,

Optimus Prime no longer hesitated, raised his huge iron fist, and punched it down, hitting Quintessa's face directly.

This solid punch was hit hard,

and directly stunned Quintessa who was about to continue the mouth cannon.

"Old man, you are full of lies, shut up!"

Optimus Prime was so angry that he hit Quintessa with a hammer.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"


the clanging sound of iron hammering rang out on the sacred mountain, clear and ear-piercing.

Old man,

you had a good dream, and you even talked about great principles.

I am too lazy to talk about principles with you, I will just talk about physics with you!

After a few punches,

Quintessa was beaten so hard that an unknown liquid flowed out of her seven orifices, which was simply horrible!

She never expected that

Optimus Prime would just start fighting without saying anything!

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