Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 448 He smiled, he smiled!

Grimlock is a very original Transformer,

You don’t even need to call him a Transformer, because he can’t transform at all.

He is the original Cybertronian who maintained the form of a robot. While he was sleeping, Cybertron's transformation technology revolution broke out.

But even though he won't be able to transform,

But he and the current Transformers are also very interesting to talk about.

Because before he fell asleep,

The energy of the planet Cybertron has fallen into a downward trend.

At that time, the Thirteen King Kongs were still there, and the Fallen King Kong began to propose directly absorbing the energy of the sun and the earth not far away to replenish Cybertron.

And Grimlock,

At that time, he belonged to the faction of Fallen King Kong!

But later,

The other King Kong suppressed the Fallen King Kong, and he had to fall into a deep sleep, waiting for "his" "leader" the Fallen King Kong to turn defeat into victory, and then wake up in a prosperous Cybertron with restored energy to build their great civilization.

It's just that things are unpredictable,

When I woke up again, Cybertron was actually attacked by the intelligent species on Earth that they wanted to destroy!

While he was sleeping, the intelligent species on Earth were still chasing their prey with wooden spears!

What happened in between!

When he woke up again, he opened his eyes and saw a huge indoor space. The entire space was filled with bright white light. Under the white light, the rows of assembly-line-like production workshops were particularly eye-catching. .

Wait, blinked,

Grimlock saw clearly;

This is not a production workshop at all, this is a large disassembly factory.

It was their Transformers that were demolished!

On the rows of beds were all kinds of "dead" Transformers.

He is the only one alive!

Wait, no, the one next to him is also alive, and the source of fire still has breath.


Grimlock looked sideways and saw that the ancient Transformer lying next to him was his "leader", the Fallen King Kong?

Damn it,

My boss was also arrested? !

Just lie next to me!

Grimlock no longer had any doubts about human strength.

Even the Fallen King Kong, one of the Thirteen King Kongs, was captured.

"Are you...Grimlock?"

While Grimlock was struggling, Fallen King Kong, who was tied next door, was awakened.

He looked sideways and saw the timid robot, his eyes widened and his tone was shocked.

"You were arrested too?!"


Grimlock looked at his former leader, now his prisoner, and felt like crying.

Humans are so cruel!


The airlock door of the room was opened, and a group of scientists wearing chemical protective suits walked in and came to Grimlock.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Seeing these people coming in, Grimlock shrank immediately as his shadow was cast by electricity.

"Grimlock, right?"

The leading scientist glanced at the timid Grimlock and checked the information in his hand.

"Yes, I surrender, I have surrendered!"

Grimlock felt a chill behind him,

He has surrendered. These humans won't attack him again, right?

"Come with us, Mr. Zhu wants to see you!"

The scientific researchers glanced at the fallen King Kong and waved their hands.

A group of soldiers walked in from outside, pushed Grimlock's bed and walked out.

Steel Lock took a look,

Even through protective clothing, he felt that among the human soldiers staring at him,

The one with the head,

The one who ordered him to be electrocuted! !

Where is he taking me, what is he going to do?

Grimlock, who felt that his future was bleak, tilted his head and actually passed out.

"Are you...scared?"

The scientist looked at the data graph and saw that he was not dead, just fainted.

"No, it's the sequelae of the robot's dormancy, coupled with being electrocuted and being frightened."

How could Transformers be so fragile?

It must be pretending,

Just wait and recharge later!

The Kyushu soldier who led the team thought so with malice in his heart.


The headlight hit Grimlock's face, causing his mechanical electronic eyes to feel a bit of discomfort and he had to squint.


After he got used to the bright light,

Seeing the two people sitting in front of him, their expressions suddenly changed.

In front of him were a short robot and a human who glared at him.

That human being had dark skin and was obviously on the field frequently. He was wearing a combat uniform and had a fierce look in his eyes.

This look made Grimlock tremble in his heart.

This is the person who shocked him!

"Ahem, Grimlock, right? I heard that you are a technician from Cybertron?"

On the side, Mr. Zhu, the robot, spoke first.

"That's right, I fell asleep just because..."

Grimlock glanced at the fierce-looking human, paused, and said weakly:

"In order to restore Cybertron's original glory after restoring its energy."

As for how to restore energy,

Who dares to mention it!

His body is still tingling!

"Good, now you have two choices."

Mr. Zhu nodded, glanced at the soldier beside him, stretched out two fingers, and said slowly:

"First, it is to follow other prisoners of war and dig mines in other places for a lifetime, which is considered as atonement; second,..."

Mr. Zhu hasn’t finished speaking yet.

Grimlock on the other side didn't hesitate at all and spoke directly with a firm look in his eyes:

"I choose two, I choose two!"

Ask him to go mining,

It’s better to just let him die!

"...Well, take a good look at this contract."

Mr. Zhu smiled slightly, took out a document he carried with him, and handed it to Grimlock.

In front of Grimlock,

A small mechanical arm started immediately, grabbed the document, and kept raising it until it stopped in front of Grimlock's head, and then began to slowly read through it.

"As a prisoner of war, join the scientific research department of Project 237... From now on, you are not allowed to withdraw..."

Grimlock stared after reading it,

Isn't this a contract to sell one's body?

A contract of sale, not even a dog...

With this thought in his mind, Grimlock glanced sideways, and the human with ferocious eyes on the opposite side immediately glared over.

This glare,

Grimlock's heart trembled as he stared.


Although I can't leave,

But at least I can still do scientific research, and I still have a certain degree of freedom.


Gritting his teeth,

Grimlock surrendered!

In an instant, his mechanical electronic eye shot out a glimmer of light, and the glimmer of light hit the document,

On this bilingual document full of Cybertronian and Chinese,

He signed his name.

The contract officially comes into effect!

Project 237 welcomes an ancient Transformers researcher who has been sleeping since ancient times!

This is a surprising thing,

It can be seen from Mr. Zhu’s cheerful smile!

The scientific research power of this universe is greatly enhanced!

Until I saw a smile on Mr. Zhu’s face,

Grimlock's nervous expression was relieved slightly.

Look, he smiled,

I should be fine!

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