Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 468 That's it, you still want to give me a perfunctory answer?

No wonder Horos felt something very familiar when he first looked at this data.

It turns out to be the gravitational data inside the black hole!

When the engineer civilization was powerful, some research was conducted on black holes and even other cosmic objects.

As an ancient civilization,

The Pioneers, Engineers, and Transformers all have records of it.

This is why database comparison can find similar data from these three worlds.

After hanging around in the universe for so long,

They are the overlords of the Milky Way, and they don’t even study black holes. What do you do for a living? !

"I didn't expect it to be black hole data."

In the laboratory, Horos raised his brows in surprise as he watched the "strings" unfolding in high-latitude space that were constantly being fluctuated.

"Yes, but the data needs to be more complete, just a little bit."

The scientists of this universe curled their lips, feeling a little pity.

Black holes can be said to be the most mysterious objects in the universe. Their huge mass makes the gravitational data at their center very strange.

There hasn’t been much research on black holes in this universe.

In this aspect, he mainly relied on the databases of various parallel universes. He originally thought that this data could finally be expanded.

But who would have thought,

Even so, the data is just a little more complicated and not comprehensive.

However, compared to the rapid calm that fell into the laboratory,

Outside the observation window, Fang Jing, who was sitting on the sofa and lying bored, looked confused, tilted his head, and fainted.

this time,

There wasn’t even a warning!

Only a few seconds after he fainted, Zhou Yuan, Sun Wang and others rushed over from the elevator with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Why did you faint suddenly? Check it quickly!"

Zhou Yuan carried a huge medical cabin, placed it on the ground, and gave urgent orders,

Sun Wang listened to the order and rushed up quickly. He quickly checked Fang Jing's basic condition with medical equipment and put him into the medical cabin.

"No danger, just like a normal fainting."

The result came out,

Zhou Yuan let out a heavy breath, and at the same time looked around in confusion and observed:

"What happened? Why did Fang Jing faint?"

Around you, in front of the soft sofa and on the coffee table, is there steaming tea?

What happened? I suddenly fainted!

The movement here also attracted the attention of scientists in the research room.

"Why did Fang Jing faint?"

"I don't know, I was fine just now!"

"Did you put sleeping pills in his tea?"

"Fuck off, I want him to stay longer, but I'm not a fool!"


During this, Horos did not speak. He just glanced at the isolation room in surprise. They unfolded and fit together, and the "strings" were played to expand the space.

He felt that compared to Lao Xing's careless way of adding sleeping pills to the tea,

Fang Jing is more likely to be affected by this thing!

"Only when Fang Jing gets close will Fragment No. 1 unfold in a low dimension. I know there must be some kind of connection between them!"

After thinking about it, this is the most likely possibility.

Horos can basically be sure,

After this time, the machine in Fang Jing's consciousness will definitely undergo some changes!

Fang Jing didn’t know what was going on.

He was stretching and yawning, his head tilted, his eyes darkened, and he suddenly entered the space of consciousness!

In a familiar place, at the end of the darkness, the familiar machine is still there.

Wrapped in the green light of the shadows,

The tall machine is now in the middle of the two branches,

The branches on the right are the main veins. All the worlds that this universe passes through today are born from the main veins; the silver-white branches on the right are the secondary veins, and the big dot that appears is now gray and disabled.

"Nothing has changed?"

Fang Jing observed carefully and couldn't find any difference in this space after looking at it for a long time.


You pulled me in out of nowhere, there must be a reason!

Even if it becomes a little brighter, it’s fine, but if nothing happens, it’s going to be a mess!

Just when Fang Jing kept complaining in his heart,

He glanced over unintentionally and focused his gaze on the center of the machine.

The originally hazy machine became much clearer in the center. Through the endless fog, Fang Jing saw the complex structure and...

An input port?

"An input port that looks like inputting numbers?!"

Fang Jing's eyes widened.

Looking at this machine, I suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

In the center of this mysterious machine, twelve dark green boxes of uniform size and shape appeared. They looked like the numeric keyboard for entering passwords in a bank ATM machine!

They can't be completely unrelated, they can only be said to be exactly the same!

"So, this is asking me to enter a certain string of numbers. What happens after I enter it?"

Fang Jing narrowed his eyes.

What about after input?

What will happen to the machine?

Just as he was thinking this, the surrounding consciousness space suddenly collapsed, and Fang Jing opened his eyes in reality.

He left the conscious space and woke up.

"That string of numbers must be the newly obtained black hole data!"

In the conference room, Horos's eyes were bright.

Not caring anymore, his body forced him to get up and ran over.

After Fang Jing woke up, he came to the expert group meeting room, explained his experience in detail, and derived his memory.

Seeing this memory, Horos insisted,

It must be the experiment on the fragments that caused these changes.

And the data input port must be input with the black hole data obtained!

"What a coincidence?"

Fang Jing raised his eyebrows and asked a question that really hurt Horos:

"Did you get all the black hole data?"

Is your data complete?


The echo kept echoing in Horos' ears.

This question was really heartbreaking!

That is to say, including the data this time, all their black hole gravity data are incomplete!

Black hole gravity data is difficult to obtain.

They basically simulated it with computers.

After all, you can't really drive a spaceship and rush into a black hole to collect data, right?

These data were pieced together bit by bit by engineers through long-term gravity manipulation!

And the biggest problem with the pieced-together data is that it will be distorted.

Even the error of 0.001,

in this order of magnitude, there will be a large error.

Reflected in the input machine,

error is error!

Moreover, even if the data brought by the second fragment is obviously not complete!

So, hearing Fang Jing's sharp question, Horos grinned.

Seeing Horos's expression,

Fang Jing understood.

"I'll try, but I guess incomplete data will not cause the machine to move abnormally."


Fang Jing said that things can't be that simple.

You want to perfunctorily deal with this machine with incomplete black hole gravity data?

Machine: That's it, your data is several thousand points short!

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