Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 491 I move the universe with one move!

Wang Shi never expected that,

Looking at such a ferocious steel fortress, the O-type battleship that looks like a donut, is actually firing "artillery"?

And it is indeed some kind of chemical energy artillery.

Or some kind of rifled gun?

The threads in the muzzle were clearly visible under the lens of the unmanned detector.

On board the Xingxiu,

Wang Shi raised his eyebrows, looked sideways at the intelligence adjutant with a surprised look on his face, and said softly:

"It seems like our universe has been too cautious this time?"

The power of this artillery burst feels somewhat similar to the battleships of World War II.

Good guy, the battleships eliminated by humans have been developed in the interstellar era of alien star fields, right? !

"Ahem, be careful!"

The intelligence adjutant coughed twice.

He actually felt that it was okay. Facing the unknown, it was always right to sail the ship with caution.

"Yes, but now that you see their weapons, let's take action."

Wang Shi waved his hand,

With the firepower on the other side, there's no need to worry at all!

"By the way, inform those destroyers not to target the two star systems of Xinggong!"

"I'll send the message right now!"

The intelligence adjutant nodded immediately,

He also didn't forget that while they were advancing the search, there were still sixteen destroyer ships behind them with their guns aimed at them!

A total of sixteen ships!

The intelligence adjutant did not dare to think that if they opened fire together,

It is estimated that this place will have to be blasted out of space to cause turbulence!

The stern of the Xingxiu ship,

A tiny ray of light shot straight out, passed through the gravitational tube, and landed directly on a meteorite ten light years away.

"Information has been received and is being processed!"

"The password is verified correctly, the key is verified correctly, and the command has been issued."

The communication relay disguised as a meteorite immediately distributed the secret key. In an instant, the destroyer lurking nearby slowly closed its gun muzzle.

News came from the frontline troops,

The crisis has been resolved,

The opponent's methods are not enough to cause a devastating blow to this universe!

In this universe, Mars, Node Island, temporary combat command center,

After receiving the news, Mr. Zhu and the military personnel next to him also let out a heavy sigh.

"The images came back from the front line. For some special reason, the other party should have focused all their technology on the power source, but the speed of light of 4% to 7% is simply not enough in front of us, let alone the ridiculous World War II Rifled gun."

The military personnel leaned back relaxedly, with comfortable smiles on their faces.

Good news, really good news. The technology tree of the discovered alien civilization is still crooked!

Flying at 7% of the speed of light, firing the smoothbore cannon of World War II,

This is so... interesting!

"In this case, let Wang Shi attack directly."

After carefully looking at the image sent back by Wang Shi, Mr. Zhu also relaxed.

I'm not nervous anymore, I'm not nervous at all,

He even wanted to laugh a little!

I was lucky enough to meet a civilization that was still relatively backward.

However, seriously speaking, at least people can fight in space.

If this universe didn’t have this adventure like Fang Jing,

This technology is really not as good as others!

The star palace is outside the star system,

After a quarter of an hour of flight, the Tona people's cannonballs rushed towards the Totemka people's spaceship at extremely fast speeds.

Since there is no gas in the universe, the speed of the launched projectiles will accumulate and become faster and faster.

Therefore, even a small bullet can become the culprit that penetrates the spacecraft at such a long distance.

Ibrahimovic did not dare to slack off at all,

He had already commanded the fleet to avoid the opponent's artillery shells.

Fortunately, the opponent's shells had no guidance ability, so they were easily dodged.

However, the price was that they had to maneuver to slow down and turn, and the Tona people closed the distance.

This is also how the Tona people fight,

Due to resource and technology limitations, the Tona people can only use cannons to fire cannonballs, and the accuracy is therefore very low.

But their fighting style is fierce. Once they are bitten to death, they will pour their firepower on the Totemka people's spaceship at all costs, causing huge losses!

"We must not let them catch up!"

Ibrahimovic roared in his heart and kept controlling the spacecraft to avoid the next cannonballs from the Tona people.


This is all useless,

Their fleet was so badly damaged that they could only keep dodging cannonballs.

But even in this avoidance,

The Tona ship is getting closer, getting closer,

Until, their spaceship entered the distance of a salvo from the enemy.

"We're fucked!"

Ibrahimovic trembled, knowing that it was impossible for them to return to the base.

After a few seconds of silence, he angrily called the entire fleet:

"Prepare your weapons, and even if you die, you will take away a few Tona ships..."

The order has not been issued yet.

I saw a strange ship suddenly appeared in the detector.

This was a ship with an unusually smooth appearance. It shot out like a sharp sword and slowly lay between them and the Tona people. A layer of silver light instantly enveloped the entire spacecraft, making it look like it was made of pure silver. General, mysterious and luxurious.

Moreover, the sides of this ship do not have rough steel structures like the Totenka and Tona ships. Compared with their ships, this ship is more like a work of art in the leader's mansion, exquisite. It doesn't look like a battleship at all!

"What's this?"

The blue light on Ibrahimovic froze in shock along with his thoughts.


All the detectors and instruments in front of him failed, and he could not even perceive the outside world. "My vision went black," and he suddenly began to spin crazily.


It's like being stuffed into a drum washing machine!

What's happening? !

The same goes for the Tona spacecraft.

They are clamoring and roaring to tear the Totemka people's spaceship into pieces. They will leave their resource-poor home planet and occupy the fertile land they dream of!

However, after the extremely exquisite spaceship appeared, they only felt that the whole world went dark, and then their faces hit the steel wall and were constantly thrown around.


His head hit the pillar, and a clear sound sounded,

A Tona man fainted on the spot!

Of course it was Xingxiu who took action!

After testing the strength of both parties, Wang Shi attacked decisively.

The spaceship directly crossed the battlefield between the two sides domineeringly, and then activated the gravitational interferometer, forcibly forming a huge everted space nearby.

The moment this space was formed,

The spaceships on both sides were like clothes in a drum washing machine, being stirred crazily!


The entire space was wrapped in a space bubble and disappeared instantly.

This place has returned to its original silence, as if no one has ever been there.

That's right,

Xingxianhao doesn’t know any Totemka people or Tona people.

I don’t care who you are,

With one move, the world can be moved drastically.

Pack them all up for me and take them away!

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