Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 495 Your mouth stinks!

Listen to what this is called?

Is controllable nuclear fusion technology difficult?

Where do you think the title "Forever Fifty Years" came from!

It is really so difficult that human scientists have been studying it for decades, but they still can't figure it out.


What kind of totem card are you, who spent fifteen years to create it by relying on some kind of hot fluid on the seabed?

The key is, if you study steadily for fifteen years and master the relevant technology, Horos and Fang Jing won’t think anything of it.

However, in the past fifteen years, there have been fourteen special years where you were looking for thermal fluids, and there was another year when you were building a reactor.

That is to say,

Totem card man, it only took three steps to complete the controllable nuclear fusion.

The first step is to understand what controllable nuclear fusion is; the second step is to find the hot fluid on the seafloor; the third step is to build a container and shut it up as an energy source.


Is this a perfect gift from nature? !

"What, did I say something wrong again?"

Ibrahimovic felt that he was wronged and had to be careful with his words to avoid annoying these "aliens".

He is so difficult!

But should I say it or not?

This is their history. So what, they completed controllable nuclear fusion really smoothly, and because there are so many hot fluids in the three planets of Xingongxu, they can't use them all!

"It's nothing, it's good!"

Horos clenched his fists, frowned, and gave Ibrahimovic a ferocious smile.

Damn it, no wonder the Tona people want to take your territory,

So rich!

A certain country in the Middle East is "so rich that it flows with oil." The Totem Card people are so rich that it flows directly into controllable nuclear fusion!

To be honest, with such a unique blessing, let alone the Tona people, even if the human civilization lives next door, they will have to come over to catch the autumn wind.

It’s so outrageous!

If human civilization has a difficult time entering the interstellar age, in sharp contrast are the Totem Card people. When they enter the interstellar age, they just click and get it.

"No wonder they are still using smoothbore cannon weapons. I don't know where the technology tree is."

The corners of Horos' mouth twitched,

Envious, but not completely envious.


Fang Jing also nodded, because he relied too much on "natural gifts". The hot fluid was delivered at a click, and in large quantities, all the people who created the totem card were able to travel among the stars. As a result, they were still stuck in the gunpowder age in terms of weapons.

However, it is worth mentioning that

This is actually not because Totem Card people don’t know how to develop their brains.

But their environment is too comfortable,

Directly skipping the fuel age and entering the controllable atomic energy age, coupled with the inexhaustible thermal fluid and almost unlimited energy on the seabed, the Totemka people have almost formed a "utopia" within them, and their armaments are almost gone.

If it weren't for the invasion of the Tona people, their spaceship wouldn't have been equipped with weapons!

As a result, the Tona people were so poor that they could only use simple gunpowder weapons, and the Totemka people could only follow "competitive research and development."

"It's so outrageous, I don't know what to say for a moment."

Fang Jing slapped his face with his hands and couldn't bear to look directly.

Okay, okay,

Because it is too easy to obtain resources, it leads directly to the "Utopia" era, so there is no sense of vigilance against the outside world, right?

"It's time to give these two civilizations a little cosmic shock."

Horos nodded,

He was very unhappy with this boy Ibrahimovic!

It’s time to give you some cosmic shock!

"Let's go see the news about the Tona people and balance it out!"

Fang Jing shook his head.

What else is there to say about European Emperor Civilization?

If you keep talking, your defense will be broken!

Don’t forget, the captured Totem Card spacecraft uses an optical quantum computer!

Fang Jing no longer wanted to ask where this thing came from, the answer must be very fucked up.

"Add me one!"

Horos and Zhou Yuan immediately ran away,

Stay here, Ou Huang's dazzling light is dazzling all the time!

When they arrived at the Tona maintenance cabin next door, Fang Jing and the other two people instantly felt balanced.

Unlike the Totenka people who were born on the mine pile and were chased by nature to feed them, the Tona people next door are much more miserable.

I'm so miserable!

Just one sentence can tell how miserable they are.

When they used smoothbore cannons, they not only researched smoothbore cannons, but besides supplying the spacecraft with the materials inside their planet, they could only use smoothbore cannons!

Electromagnetic guns, missiles, etc.

It’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice!

Even the fuel on the spacecraft was only brought by the Tona people. If you want to go back, you have to grab it yourself!

One of the core reasons for this difficulty is

It was the Great Transformation that kept the Tona people's home planet in a state of "mass extinction."

By analogy,

It is probably equivalent to the earth repeating the "mass extinction of the dinosaurs" every day, and it is a globally upgraded, luxurious and enhanced version.

In which case,

No one can develop industry stably!

It can be said that it is a miracle in every sense that the Tona people can support the fleet that attacks the Totemka people!

"What a tragedy!"

Fang Jing smacked his lips,

Compared with the totem card man next door, this is simply a physical version of heaven and hell.

"It's miserable, but the Tona people are too intrusive. On the contrary, the Totemka people are more... bad."

Holos didn't even want to describe them as "easy-going".

It can be said that compared to the Tona people, the technology development of the Totemka people is really rotten. They develop whatever they can catch. They can reach this point now, all by luck.

This luck is really amazing!

"Yeah, it's a pity that they are too strong."

Fang Jing shook his head with Horus.

Although he also admired the Tona people's spirit of never giving up in adversity, as a human being, he had to consider more than that.

Compared to the Totemka people, the Tona people are too invasive.


Before he finished speaking,

a violent collision sounded in the maintenance cabin. Fang Jing turned his head and rolled his eyes slightly.

"Let me out, you bastards!"

In the cabin, a large creature with hard calcium armor, which looked like a sea scorpion, was madly hitting the glass of the maintenance cabin, cursing while hitting him, and his two jaws kept opening and closing, chattering non-stop.

"I will tear you apart alive, turn you into cold jellyfish, and slaughter you..."


Fang Jing expressionlessly opened the anti-touch baffle in front of him, extended his index finger towards a symbol with "lightning", and pressed it hard.


"Ah oh oh oh!!!"

The Tona man who was still cursing in the maintenance cabin shut up instantly, his whole body began to tremble, and he kept twitching. A faint white smoke rose from his head, and then he turned over and fainted on the spot.

His mouth stinks!

Fang Jing decided that it would be better to let him calm down physically!

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