Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 518 You can’t really let your own people starve, right?

Earth, a big country in the East, in a basin in the southwest.

The land of abundance, which originally had a humid climate, was in a very bad situation at the moment.

The sky was full of yellow sand, sweeping in from afar, and with the north wind that entered the pass, it was colliding wantonly, and there was a trend of growing stronger and forming a sandstorm, so the whole sky was reflected in a dim yellow.

On the ground plain,

In the endless paddy fields, the neatly planted rice had turned yellow, as if it was about to mature.

This was originally a sign worth rejoicing, but Yang Mingzhong, who was facing the blowing yellow sand, didn't think so.

He wore a straw hat, light blue clothes stained with dry mud, and rolled up the legs of his breathable pants. He stood in the paddy field, stretched out his dark arm and gently twisted the rice Huizi at hand.

Looking at the dry ash on the rice leaves, his expression was unusually solemn, as if he remembered something, and a line of clear tears left in his eyes.

"Old Yang, how is your family doing?!"

Not far away, a middle-aged man wearing the same clothes as Yang Mingzhong rode a bicycle and shouted at him anxiously.

"It's hopeless. Find someone to harvest the crops quickly. The more you can harvest, the better!"

"Fuck, the rice in my house is also infected. It won't survive until autumn. I'll go and notify the cooperative!"

Hearing Yang Mingzhong's words, the man on the bicycle immediately quickened his pace and rushed past him and headed far away.

Yang Mingzhong was left alone. Looking at the rice that was about to collapse, he couldn't stop the tears in his eyes.

"Wheat, potatoes, and sweet potatoes are all extinct, and rice will soon be extinct. Only beans and corn can be grown here in the future!"

Yang Mingzhong was just a farmer.

He couldn't understand why the crops in the field always withered for no reason more than 20 years ago, resulting in a total loss in the end.

This situation is not only here, I heard that it is the same in the whole country and even the whole world.

He remembered that according to the propaganda of scientists, it seemed to be caused by a wilt virus.

This virus caused the extinction of crops widely planted by humans. The unprecedented food crisis forced humans to continuously expand the cultivated area and find ways to solve the virus.

But everything is in vain, the results will not lie.

Now, the rice in the field has also begun to wither.

With the existing technology of mankind, the wilt virus cannot be solved at all!

The food crisis is about to occur again.

Famine, no, the war for famine is about to begin again!

Thinking of the famine and fighting that broke out a few years ago, Yang Mingzhong silently took off the straw hat on his head and let the yellow sand river hit his face.

He had no choice but to watch the rice in front of him slowly wither.


His legs suddenly knelt in the paddy field. Yang Mingzhong looked up at the dark sky, threw away his straw hat, stretched out his hands, and cried to the sky with a choked and hoarse voice:

"What can I do!"

"God, please save these grains!"



A silver-white shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, fell abruptly, and fell in front of Yang Mingzhong.

"This, this?!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Mingzhong opened his mouth wide and was stunned.

Is this God's miracle? !


In the General Administration of Grain in Sichuan Province,

Hu Weijian sat in the dispatching room, looking at the information reported by production cooperatives in various places with a headache.

Since the wilt virus exterminated wheat in 2026, the Eastern country has restored certain production methods in order to expand grain production and facilitate unified management.

"Director General Hu, there is news from several fields in the Mianyang Plain. The Academy of Sciences has also confirmed that the wilt virus has evolved into a variety that adapts to rice!"

The secretary ran in with sweat all over his head, his tone very panicked.

"Hurry up and organize the harvest!"

Hu Weijian was so scared when he heard the news that he stood up and gave an order immediately.

"But most of the rice has just grown..."

The secretary hesitated. If he harvested it now, it would be over next year!

"The more we can harvest, the better. It's better to grind it into powder before it's ripe. It's better than all of it dying!"

Hu Weijian waved his hands fiercely and said angrily:

"This damn wilt virus, as long as it evolves into an adaptive species, it will spread all over the world immediately!"

"Yes, I'll go and notify you right away!"

The secretary was trembling with anger and immediately ran out.

Hu Weijian was the only one left in the dispatch room.

He looked at the distribution map of crops in Sichuan Province taken by the satellite in front of him, and looked at the large area of ​​rice, and laughed bitterly.

"Rush to harvest, take 30% utilization rate, count the northern plains, next year's grain..."

"No! We must prepare early!"

Suddenly remembering something,

Hu Weijian returned to his office with messy steps, closed the doors and windows, drew the curtains, and then picked up a red landline receiver.

Slowly extending his index finger, he firmly pressed a string of numbers.

"Ding ding ding, transfer code..."

A cold machine sound came from the other side of the phone.


Hu Weijian answered directly without hesitation.

"Ding, transfer to manual... Someone answered, it starts with L, from the Food Administration, hello, Minister Hu, what's the matter?"

"Please transfer me to the office, Gan Lao."



After about ten seconds, the call was transferred again,

until he heard another "Ding" sound, Hu Weijian knew that the person he was waiting for had arrived!

"Xiao Hu, is there something wrong with the grain in Sichuan Province?"

An old voice with some anxiety sounded.

"That's right, Gan Lao, the specialized species of the wilt virus appeared on rice..."

Hu Weijian smiled bitterly, without hiding anything.

"...I knew this day would come, but it just came too soon. So why did you call?"

The old man on the other side of the phone sighed slightly and asked back.

"Gan Lao, I have made a preliminary calculation. If the rice in the north is also infected with the virus, plus corn, soybeans and other crops, we will have a hard time getting through next year...!"

Hu Weijian's tone was obscure, but the meaning was very clear.

They will not have enough food next year!

"We used to have rice, which was enough to keep our people from starving to death. Now..."

The old man on the other end of the phone sighed and paused before responding:

"I understand what you mean. You should organize the harvest immediately. I will contact Lao Mi."


Don't get me wrong. Contacting Lao Mi is not to ask for food.

The whole world is in a food crisis now. Even if Lao Mi's family is suitable for farming, the landlord has no surplus food.

If there is no surplus food, why contact Lao Mi?


The two most powerful of the five gangsters on earth contacted each other because they had no food.

Why do you think it was for?

Of course, it was to grab food!

It's impossible for them to really let their people starve to death!

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