Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 521 Five minutes to let you say the fuck

In a base in Sichuan Province,

Mr. Qian sat on his desk and carefully read the content sent by Fang Jing.

After reading it, after a long time, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Parallel universe? That's amazing!"

He had already watched the surveillance video in advance and had already finished being shocked. But when he saw the document handed over by Fang Jing himself, he still couldn't help being shocked.

Fang Jing said nothing and looked at the old man in front of him with a smile.

He had seen too many similar scenes in front of him, and he was a little bit used to them.

"In our world, is it best to rely on that wormhole to escape?"

Especially when he looked at the introduction of their world in the document, Mr. Qian let out a long sigh.

"The original story should be like this, but here we are!"

"Everything is going to change for this!"

Fang Jing curled his lips, and while speaking, he took out a few seeds from the machine's storage, spread them out in his hands and showed them to the two people in front of him.

"Is this a wheat seed?"

Hu Weijian frowned.

He took a closer look and was a little unsure of what kind of seeds Fang Jing took out.


Elder Qian obviously realized something, his eyes widened and he stared at Fang Jing, his breathing quickened.

"Yes, Seeds, this is our gift to you!"

Fang Jing nodded and whispered,

He has used smart devices to understand the world,

So I took out this seed right away!

This is the most useful and urgent gift for the great Eastern countries in the interstellar world!

"Can this kind of seed withstand the blight virus?"

After Fang Jing confirms,

Hu Weijian immediately asked excitedly.

"No, we don't know about the blight virus yet. We prepared this seed in advance and it should be effective on you."

Facing Hu Weijian and Gan Lao, Fang Jing told the truth.

This universe does not understand the blight virus, so he is naturally not 100% sure that these seeds can resist it.

"Is there something special about it?"

Qian Lao immediately heard something else from Fang Jing's mouth.

"Yes, you should have an experimental field here, right? Plant it and try it!"

Fang Dingding nodded,

After seeing the magic of this gift, he believed that Mr. Qian and others would no longer have any doubts about cooperation!

"This is the south. It takes at least five months for wheat to mature. Even in the laboratory, it takes four months. Can we plant it now?"

Hu Weijian was a little puzzled.

Plant now, the hair will be useful!

"It's okay, there is a laboratory here, let's go to the laboratory!"

I don't even know what's so magical about this kind of seed.

But he believes,

The things coming from this universe, which is already an interstellar civilization and come from a parallel universe, will definitely not be simple!

Just this is enough!

Their crisis is getting worse and worse,

Any hope now is worth their efforts and no matter what!

not to mention,

Is it a parallel world with a great Eastern country that has the same language and race as them?

Qian Lao has already made a decision in his heart.

They have nothing to lose,

Nothing could be worse!

Regardless of the situation of this seed, the cooperation mentioned in the document must be carried out!

Fang Jing followed Hu Weijian and Gan Lao directly to the laboratory of the Food Administration.

After several killings, Hu Weijian and Mr. Qian put on protective clothing familiarly, and then turned their heads to look at Fang Jing.

"Oh, it's okay, my armor is aerospace grade, I just need to disinfect it!"

Seeing the two people's worries, Fang Jing smiled slightly and put on his mask.

In response, the two of them just nodded.

He silently ordered five more sprays of disinfectant.

at this time,

In the laboratory, a group of people were standing in front of the samples with sad faces.

Seeing Mr. Qian and Hu Weijian coming,

The researchers immediately lowered their heads, looking a little embarrassed.

However, although they lowered their heads, their curious eyes were still glancing at Fang Jing who was following behind.

"Old Wang, get an empty planting cabin, one that is suitable for growing wheat. We have something to verify!"

Hu Weijian was extremely familiar with this place and immediately gave the order.

"Okay, Minister, the E7 cultivation cabin can be used directly, and the electron microscope tunnel has also been opened, so you can observe crop growth in real time!"

Among the researchers, the team leader was curious, but he immediately followed the instructions.

In less than half a minute, a nursery with a suitable temperature and sufficient nutrients was vacated.

However, Fang Jing was not very satisfied with this, and he quickly said:

"I can feed you three times the amount of food, and water and light are also provided in excess of 65%. I'm a glutton for this!"


The team leader of the research institute frowned and asked Hu Weijian and Gan Lao.

"Just do it!"

Hu Weijian waved his hand.


Since the people above said so, the team leader had no choice but to comply.

Many researchers on the side looked at Iron Man Fang Jing with curious faces.

"This thing is talking. Is it a human?"

"It should be, maybe some kind of armor."

"Three times the nutrients, what is this for?"

"Seed breeding experiments, those are wheat seeds. No, improved wheat varieties have also become diseased. There are only disease-free seeds stored in major research institutes, but there is no point in planting them!"


A group of researchers looked curiously and kept muttering in their hearts.

What are the people brought by Minister Hu doing?

"All kinds of nutrients are ready, three times more, and the intensity of sunlight and moisture are 65% higher than usual!"

The team leader exits from the console.

"very good!"

Fang Jing smiled slightly,

The stage has been set, and now it’s time to let people in this world experience real biotechnology!

Take out a seed,

Fang Jing carefully placed it in the transfer cabin, and then used the clinker operating machinery to transfer the seeds to the soil in the cultivation cabin.

The moment the seeds are planted in the soil,

Hu Weijian, Gan Lao, the team leader, and all the researchers in the laboratory all cast curious glances.


Then, a scene that shocked them extremely happened.

I saw only the seeds that were planted just a few seconds ago,

In the blink of an eye, sprouts sprouted!


This is not the end yet!

The scene that happened next left these people completely stunned.

After the fast-growing wheat sprouts and rhizomes sprouted, it was out of control. It only took about three minutes to quickly reach 70 centimeters, and the originally bright green turned into a pleasant golden yellow in the blink of an eye. .

"It took a total of five minutes, but this wheat is already cooked?!"

"What the hell!"

Hu Weijian was stunned for a few seconds.

Then he rushed out like a crazy arrow, rushed to the cultivation cabin, turned the safety lock fifteen times, opened the small door, scooped up the mature wheat, and twirled the ears with his fingers. .

"Hahaha, it's true, this is actually true!!"

Then, Hu Weijian sounded somewhat relieved.

The scene in front of me was actually real. It took only five minutes!

"This fast-growing species has no side effects and will not harm the land. It is a product of our biotechnology and can be planted on a large scale with confidence."

At this time, Fang Jing smiled slightly and added the last question.

Shocked, right?

Boy, biotech!

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