Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 535 Black hole, charge!

"Crazy, these two people are really crazy, that's a black hole!"

On the landing module of the InSight,

Amelia looked at Fang Jing and Cooper who were checking the equipment and kept mumbling.

In her opinion,

These two people must be crazy!

If you take this shuttle, you will be ready to hit the black hole directly.

That's a black hole that can tear apart stars and swallow them up, not a wormhole!

They will die if they do this!

"After we set off, Emilia, you can try to contact explorers on other planets, but remember!"

Fang Jing took advantage of the time when the intelligent system was checking the shuttle, turned his head and looked at Emilia solemnly, and said seriously:

"This spacecraft can only wander in space. No matter what signal the explorer sends, you cannot make an emergency landing on the planet!"


Emilia gritted her teeth and nodded affirmatively.

Fang Jing gave a few instructions and saw her nodding, so he said no more.

In fact, he was also testing Emilia,

From the moment this universe was connected, she could only be drawn into Project 237. From now on, as an ordinary researcher,

And will he impulsively control the spacecraft to do irrational things?

It is also part of the assessment.

And what happens if the other party is really impulsive?

Fang Jing’s answer is,

No problem,

The spaceship is controlled by an intelligent system, and nothing can happen to Emilia alone!

All this is within the calculation of this universe!

"I'm ready, let's go!"

Cooper took a deep breath and put on the power armor. There was only excitement and anticipation in his heart at this moment!

Hang out with the big guys,

At least he won't die!

"Okay, get on the shuttle and we'll go straight to Gargantua!"

Fang Jing laughed and led Cooper into the cockpit of the shuttle.

The shuttle used at this time,

It is an enlarged version of this universe. It has been revised based on Gargantua's basic data, and its rigid body strength has reached the peak of this universe!

Zhu Laozhen found someone to do experiments.

If a shuttle is used to collide with a planet,

Even if the space shield is not activated, the strength of the shuttle can ensure that nothing will happen to the passengers in the cockpit!

So it can be seen that

The strength of this shuttle has reached an incredible level.

"Wish you good luck!"

Seeing that Fang Jing was determined to take Cooper into a black hole, Amelia took a deep breath, looked at Cooper and thought to herself,

Brother, feel free to go!

if you die,

I will take good care of your lovely daughter!


When Cooper said goodbye to the crew, he always felt that Emilia looked at him very strangely.

And somehow,

In the dark, he always felt,

Someone seems to be trying to steal his home!

The shuttle left the InSight and sailed in the empty universe.

The star system controlled by Gargantua is very large and empty.

While Cooper was familiar with the control of the shuttle, he asked Fang Jing curiously and said:

"What are we impacting on the black hole for?"

“Singularity Data for Black Holes.”

Now that they have reached this point, Fang Jing no longer hides anything.

"Can we read the singularity data?"

Cooper's eyes widened. That thing had to touch the core of the black hole, right?

This small shuttle is so powerful that it can actually withstand the gravitational pull of a black hole!

Cooper immediately looked at the small boat he was sitting on with admiration.

I can’t tell. Although the boat is small, it is quite durable!

"Someone will help us."

When Fang Jing said this, he turned into the Riddler again.

This sentence made Cooper's mind explode.

Could it be that there are remnants of powerful alien civilizations in black holes?

Or maybe You Fangjing was originally a four-dimensional creature, but was accidentally thrown into the three-dimensional world. He wanted to go back through the singularity, and there happened to be a tribe at that singularity ready to help him?

At this moment,

Cooper immediately came up with a brainstorm!


It didn't last long before he had to pause,


Gargantua has arrived!

Through the porthole, Cooper clearly saw the huge black hole that covered the sky, no, the sky and the sun.

There is a shining halo of event horizon surrounding the black hole. The halo is constantly circling around a pitch-black eternal darkness. Time and space seem to have stagnated due to the huge gravity here!

"It is said that on the habitable planet closest to Gargantua, due to the slow clock effect, one hour on the planet is equivalent to 60 years on Earth!"

Cooper looked at the black hole in front of him that filled his entire field of vision, feeling so oppressive that he wanted to suffocate.

What's more, thinking about the magical effects of being close to a black hole,

The fear of time welled up from the bottom of his heart and occupied his heart.

"That's right, so we won't waste time on those planets, and you don't want to land once. When you go back, your daughter will be over seventy years old, right?"

Fang Jing shrugged.

It's best not to touch those planets,

An hour inside, several years outside, or decades at worst.


When they come out, what a waste of time!


Cooper didn't feel anything just now, but after listening to Fang Jing's words,

Thinking that his daughter would be over seventy when he went back, his body suddenly trembled.

He couldn't even imagine that scene!

"So, let's go straight to Gargantua!"

Fang Jing pointed to the huge black hole in the center of the star map.

The mysterious branches on the machine in his consciousness, the data on the black hole singularity, and the high-latitude space fragments mysteriously controlled by the Zerg Queen, he had a strong premonition that all these doubts would be revealed here!

"Huh, I hope you can get what you want as you wish!"

Cooper also talked to Professor Brand,

One of his formulas requires black hole singularity data in the end.


This impact on the black hole is, to a certain extent, an inevitable mission.


Fang Jing smiled confidently,

Because the protagonist Cooper is by his side!

And even if it doesn’t succeed,

The shuttle they are riding on will also use its final strength to tear apart Gargantua's gravity and send them out of danger.

"Captain, we have reached the edge of Gargantua's field of view and are entering at an angle, preparing to withstand the impact!"

While the two were talking,

The shuttle has arrived with two people!


Gargantua, whose space was torn apart by spiral ripples by the huge gravity, just stared at Fang Jing and Cooper quietly.

"Looking for a stable area in space, we are going to rush!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Fang Jing took a deep breath,

"I'm ready!"

Cooper looked nervous as he put on a few more seat belts on his seat.

"Don't worry, I won't faint. When you wake up, we will be swimming in the black hole."

By this time, Fang Jing was no longer nervous, and he was grinning wildly.

After training for so long,

This mere impact,

Don't even think about knocking him down!

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