Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 546: The Creation Faction Reveals Its True Colors

This universe, Mars Node Island.

Zhou Yuan has been very annoyed recently, very annoying.

Do you know that feeling when you have a fly in your ear?

"Brother Zhou, why are you walking? It's so uncomfortable to walk!"

"Unlike me, floating in the sky, this feels so comfortable!"

"Hey, Brother Zhou, do you want me to help you get the documents?"


On the way to the training ground, Zhou Yuan was walking in front, and Fang Jing was floating next to him, spinning constantly, and his mouth was like a machine gun, popping.


Fang Jing was now like a fly, floating directly on the corridor, circling Zhou Yuan and Horos!

"Hey, Lao He, do you have any such technology there, the kind that looks particularly powerful?"

"……there is none left."

Horos now regrets it very much,

He didn't expect Fang Jing to be a fly. No, he could actually be more annoying than a fly!

"Oh, what a pity."

Fang Jing smacked his lips.

Feeling...increasingly excited about the two people's reactions.

"Okay, things have been settled on the Interstellar side. Fang Jing, are you ready?"

Horos breathed out, suppressed the mood of being funny with Fang Jing, and looked at him with unusually serious eyes.


They all know that with similar personalities to Fang Jing,

The talkative Fang Jing is actually just a cover-up for his nervousness!

"Huh, I'm ready. Isn't this an unknown new world? With my current strength, who am I afraid of!"

Facing Horos's inquiry, Fang Jing suppressed the smile on his face and exhaled heavily, his face full of seriousness.

He has already thought about it,

No matter what happens in the new world, if you want to threaten him,

With so many preparations from this universe, he is not a vegetarian!

"Okay, very energetic!"

Zhou Yuan raised his head and laughed twice, patted Fang Jing on the shoulder and said half-jokingly:

"It's okay. If you can't fight or if you get into any trouble, there's no shame in running away!"

"Go away, that's called following one's heart, that's called strategic retreat!"

Fang Jing's eyes widened.

Look what Brother Zhou said, what does running away mean?

How fucking unpleasant it sounds. That’s called strategic retreat, that’s called accumulating strength!

"Come on, hurry up and train those two-in-one control. Don't face the enemy when the time comes. If you can't use your methods, it will be funny."

Zhou Yuan waved his hand and rolled his eyes.

This method of yours is just for floating, what use can it be used for?

"Hoo ho ho!"

A strong gust of wind passed by,

Zhou Yuan was photographed on the wall of the corridor again. When he pulled himself down, you could even see the mark of close contact with the exhaust vent on the side of his face.

"Why did you fuck me all of a sudden?"

Zhou Yuan was a little unconvinced, hey, why is this person still making a sneak attack?

"Haha, friendly reminder, I can sense the thoughts in your head now!"

Glancing sideways at Zhou Yuan, Fang Jing blew his nose and glared.

Some people were just thinking about how to deal with him!

"Damn it, don't you need to activate this ability alone? Good guy, you are targeting me on purpose, right?"

"So what, just a little bit!"


Looking at the two people fighting again, Horos rolled his eyes.

He finally knew it,

If you want Fang Jing not to be nervous, then Zhou Yuan can do it with just one word of stabbing him!

Hey, Fang Jing promises to blow up his hair,


Then all the tension is gone!

"Dip, beep, beep -"

On Node Island, in a hidden underground space, in a cabin filled with solution, Chen Limin's head was covered with various pipelines. The pipelines continued to extend, extended out of the cabin, connected to the super fiber, and finally converged. Go to a small tree not far away!

This small tree is not very tall, only ten meters high, but its branches and leaves are extremely prosperous, and if you observe carefully, you will be shocked to find that those branches and leaves are hung with dense super fiber structures!

"Minister, Heavenly Spirit has sent word that comrades from the alien world have news to report."

"I have read the message and asked them to pay close attention."

Chen Liming, who had his eyes closed suddenly, opened them suddenly. His eyes were as deep as the stars in the sky.


The intelligence officer who came to report did not dare to look directly at him. The look in his eyes that seemed to see through everything made his heart tremble.

After reporting the data, he immediately left quickly.

Chen Limin, on the other hand, just sighed slightly and waved his hands.

After marking the message as confirmed, it was forwarded to the 237 Project Office.

"Engineer Creationist?"

Zhao Guangyao looked at the documents that Mr. Zhu brought to him, his brows raised.

"Yes, Xiao Chen has confirmed it."

Mr. Zhu was sure, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

"That's for sure. The secret agency led by Comrade Chen Limin, through research on cracking the structure of Aihua, has spread the roots of Tianling all over the planets where the eight world space gates are currently located. His intelligence sources are endless. There will be problems."

Zhao Guangyao took a breath, looked at Mr. Zhu, and asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Zhu, what should we do?"

"The Beretta Andromeda star system has an obvious Dyson sphere structure. Is it the work of the Engineer Creationists?"

Mr. Zhu stretched out his hand and rubbed his brow.

Engineer Civilization has given him a big problem!

"Let's observe and observe first. Don't disturb them. Our top priority is to deal with the problems in the new world."

He waved his hand,

Mr. Zhu decided to focus on surveillance for the time being.

Since they discovered each other first, it proves that things are still under control.

Now they are somewhat unable to spare any effort, so they can only put it aside for a while, and wait for the results of the new world to come out, and then take care of this creation sect!

"What about Dino and Horos from the Destruction Faction?"

Zhao Guangyao already had the answer in his mind, but he still needed Mr. Zhu’s approval.

"Don't tell me yet."

Mr. Zhu knocked on the table, setting the tone of the matter.


Zhao Guangyao nodded,

At the same time, the red indicator light flashed on the monitor in Mr. Zhu's office.

"Well, Xiao Chen just needs to handle the confidentiality work well. Get ready and go to the maintenance room!"

After giving instructions to the monitor, Mr. Zhu straightened his collar, stood up from his seat, and looked sideways at Zhao Guangyao:

"Fang Jing is leaving!"

"Well, everything is ready in the disinfection room. The level this time is the highest ever!"

Zhao Guangyao nodded, stepped aside and moved aside,

When Mr. Zhu took a step, he strode towards the maintenance room with him.

In disinfection room No. 9,

Fang Jing has arrived too!

However, when Fang Jing arrived, he was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

Sterilization Room No. 9 is very large, larger than other sterilization rooms, but the most eye-catching thing is the huge ray meter installed on the ceiling.

I know the scenery of this instrument.

When this thing is shot out, the space where it aims will collapse directly.

Any material entity will be instantly torn into pieces by the chaotic space flow!

Wait, that's a little inaccurate now.

It should be all material entities except the energy-oriented scenery!

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