The new world is really weird,

The opening gave Fang Jing a mental deterrent.

Weird signals, screams, and confusing content,

Especially what the detector detected,

"Save yourself...from hell."

What the hell is this?

Fang Jing frowned, stretched out his hand to look at the metal recording disk wrapped on the inside of his arm protection, and felt a little hesitant.

This time through,

For security reasons, no movie information from this universe is stored in any electronic database.

Only this metal recording disk, which cannot be remotely hacked, has a backup!

The situation he was facing now made him a little confused.

So he was hesitating whether to read the tape and see which world this was.

At this critical moment,

The detector, which made Fang Jing anxious, sent back the detection data.

"The detection results show that you are currently in the solar system, Neptune!"


Fang Jing's memory was suddenly recalled, and a chilling feeling rose from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing Neptune, combined with the series of inexplicable signals,

he realized,

This must be the key information to determine the new world!

Moreover, he must have seen this new world before, and it must have left a bad impression on him!

"Read the tape, read the tape now!"

With this information, Fang Jing no longer hesitated at this moment, but placed his left hand on the metal dial on his right arm.

The intelligent assistant's mechanical disk reading begins!

"Key words, Neptune, signal, save yourself..."

Regarding the metal engraving plate, Fang Jing is not worried about being cracked.

Because there are no strings of text on the entire dial, there are only countless keywords and algorithms formed by these key phrases.

Based on the keyword algorithm, the intelligent system will delineate the most likely movie title.

That's right,

There is only one movie title!

According to the name of the movie, Fang Jing's sealed movie information was carefully activated and recalled by him.

Things are so complicated,

This is to prevent information from being leaked and causing irreversible consequences.

"Let me see, what kind of ghost is this world near Neptune!"

Fang Jing, who maintains balance, is waiting quietly.

It is also when reading,

The detector suddenly received another strange signal.

This time the signal...

Does it look like the directions are sent from the earth? !

"New domain number, new domain number, please reply if you receive it, please reply if you receive it?"

The signal is an open signal and does not even require a smart assistant,

Fang Jing himself relied on the knowledge Zhou Yuan taught him to understand the above content.

"New Domain Number?"

He raised his eyebrows,

This is another key signal.

Sure enough, after getting this information, the assistant who had hesitated in several worlds immediately gave the result.

"The Surface of a Black Hole"!

""Black Hole Surface"!"

Fang Jing's face turned green when he saw the four characters given by the smart assistant.

It’s really a sci-fi thriller!


Is he now on Neptune, where the action takes place? !

Not far away from the ship that fell into subspace and gave birth to life?

Scenes from the movie about the surface of the black hole appeared in Fang Jing's mind, and he recalled the plot of the movie in detail. To be honest, Fang Jing was a little panicked.

"No, before I come into contact with that ship, I'll go back first and make a long-term plan!"

Gritting his teeth,

After confirming the outlook of the new world, I felt a little panicked.

without hesitation,

The machine that he directly communicated with in his consciousness disappeared in a flash.

In Neptune’s endless storm,

A "ten"-shaped spacecraft with a long corridor structure is suspended quietly in the atmosphere. The entire spacecraft has no lights, and the sunlight is already very weak when it reaches Neptune.

From a distance, this spaceship looks like a giant beast lurking in the dark wind!

The glass of the observation cabin is like a pair of fierce eyes, watching everything around it. Anyone who dares to enter will become "its" prey!

Overall, this spaceship is very strange.

It's so weird that just looking at it makes people shiver.


The swift wind blew,

The spacecraft seemed to have sensed something. The pulse engine at the rear of the spacecraft suddenly started and continued to move towards the deep darkness.

at the same time,

After Fang Jing left, another signal wave came from the direction of the earth.

"New Territory, please answer if you hear it, please answer if you hear it... Well, whether you can hear it or not, we have sent a rescue team. I hope there are still people alive on the ship. You have all disappeared for seven years... "

Communication was short and somewhat intermittent due to the long distance.

But obviously,

After receiving this signal,

The pulse engine at the tail of the huge spaceship that was traveling in the darkness was firing even harder.

It's like,

It's as if the spaceship suddenly became happy and expectant because of this news?


A spaceship, pleasure and anticipation?


In Neptune, with the wild storm, a thunder roared, and the thunder light reflected on the strange spaceship in the shape of a "cross", making the originally strange spacecraft even appear a little weird!

Through the thunderous light,

You can even clearly see the bright red blood in the cockpit of the spacecraft!

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this spaceship is not simple and has big problems!

But it's a pity,

The crew of the Lewis and Clark spacecraft about to reach Neptune did not know these things.

In the large dressing room,

A row of meniscus-shaped gravity chambers are filled with liquid. These liquids maintain the crew inside from the threat of 30 gravity units and ensure their safety.

Under this pressure, if ordinary people leave the gravity chamber, their bones will be liquefied instantly.

It is now the 56th day since they left the earth.

In the empty and quiet gravity cabin,

A long female voice came out of nowhere.



Hearing this familiar call, Billy, who was sleeping in the gravity chamber, suddenly opened his eyes in horror. It was as if he had seen something terrifying. His eyes were full of panic and fear, so much so that the first thing he saw when he woke up was The thing is not to drain the liquid in the tank,

Instead, he kept waving his fists and feet and slapping the gravity hatch cover in the solution...

Then someone didn't pay attention,

He choked on the amount of solution!

This scene made Captain Miller wake up and the doctor Peters who was on board the ship rush over immediately, press the switch to drain the liquid, and rescue the doctor who almost choked to death in the solution.

"Doctor, move slowly. You will be a little dizzy after sleeping for 56 days. Do you understand?"

Holding Dr. Weir's chin, Captain Miller comforted him with a few words.

"We've arrived at Neptune, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, I'm okay!"

Dr. Will Billy was helped up, coughed several times, and finally took a deep breath.


He almost became the first person in history to be choked to death by a gravity chamber.

How funny is this way to die?

Among the Ig Nobel Prizes, they are all extremely explosive!


He came to life,

Come to life...

Standing in the gravity chamber, Dr. Will Billy's ear suddenly moved.

He seemed to hear some kind of whisper, like a devil!

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