Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 555: Flashing, what is this doing?

In the gravity drive source cabin of the New Territory,

Will Billy, who was floating on the coolant, never expected that a sudden attack would erupt from outside the spacecraft.

This beam of light directly penetrated the outer and inner walls of the spacecraft, and accurately bombarded the artificial gravity source instrument in the core module.

The entire spacecraft was penetrated instantly!

The swaying water curtain unfolds,

Suddenly burst!

At this moment of rupture, Fang Jing immediately felt that the control over his body was back!

"Ahhh, you ruined it, ruined it!"

Will was stunned for a second, and then let out a mixed roar with his mouth. He opened his eyelids and stared at Fang Jing with his eyeballless eyes, as if he wanted to eat him alive!

"I'm going to kill you!"

With a roar, he was about to fly towards Fang Jing.

This way,

Fang Jing, who regained control of his body, didn't even look at Will. Without any hesitation, he jumped up suddenly. The pulse engine behind the silver mimic armor immediately turned, and the blue tail flame suddenly erupted.

I just heard a wheeze sound,

Fang Jing followed the huge gap pierced by the light beam, returned the same way, and sped towards the outside of the strange spaceship.

The task has been completed,

There is no need for him to continue spending time here.

This place is not a good place, it’s better to leave first!

When Fang Jing came into contact with the mysterious power on the New Territory for the first time, he clearly realized that

Damn it, the protection against radio wave intrusion on the mimic armor is simply a sieve for the opponent!

The other party simply comes when they want and leaves when they want!

If the offline fort that had been left outside in advance had not launched an attack at the scheduled time, he might have actually succeeded!

But fortunately the result was good,

When Fang Jing completely left the New Territory, the chaotic demonic sounds that rang in his ears from time to time, and even the various images that interfered with his vision, all suddenly disappeared.

That's right,

The moment Fang Jing regained control over his body,

I chose yo-yo directly!

Will, who stayed in the broken spaceship, obviously did not expect this.

In his anger, he only saw a flash of light,

The intruder Fang Jing disappeared where he was!

After feeling it carefully, Hull gave his clear answer, and the intruder left!

"Damn it, I want you to die!"

Roared angrily,

Turning his head to look at the complete damage to the gravity-driven source instrument tattooed with eight-pointed stars and chaos patterns, Will let out a mournful cry.

This thing is ruined, it's all over!

A crack was finally torn from the subspace to the manifest universe, because the damage to the intermediary was rapidly healing!

The connection between "it" and the chaotic subspace is getting weaker and weaker!

"No, I still have a chance to use the remaining energy of the spacecraft to forcibly construct a passage!"

Although Will is controlled, he still has knowledge about "gravity drive source" and "subspace folding and traveling at the speed of light" in his brain.

Browsing through this knowledge, he immediately knew,

He has one more chance,

This is also the original design redundancy of the New Territory, using the spacecraft's own structure to complete an emergency jump!

"I will come back, find you, and destroy you!"

Will roared angrily,

All around him, the originally silent spacecraft bulkhead suddenly began to stretch like the skin folds of a worm.

This living spaceship suddenly began to "move"!

on the other side,

Although Fang Jing didn't know what Will was up to, he at least knew,

No matter what the other party is doing,

He can't even let the other party get what he wants!

"Adjust the parameters of the turret and set it to neutron beam stream mode, oscillation mode, strafing, 3600 rounds of continuous fire, without damaging the space."

Accurate instructions came from Fang Jing's mouth,

On the panel, he directly selected all the targets floating out from the New Territory. Even the fragments that had just been exploded were selected one by one, and he was ready to use a powerful neutron beam to greet them by name.

This scene is simply the scene to cure the phobia of lack of firepower!

"The target has been selected, the turret is arranged, the neutron star energy source is turned on, and the charging is successful."

Right next to Fang Jing,

The muzzles of several spherical turrets suddenly emitted a shining silver-white light.

This light,

Just like a lamp lit in a dark room, it instantly illuminates the surrounding area.

At this moment, a shining area suddenly appeared in the dark Neptune.

"No, neutron beam weapon, avoid!"

Miller and others on the Lewis and Clark spacecraft didn't even react. They ate a big melon and looked at the particle waves that suddenly lit up in the distance, and their expressions suddenly changed.

"The particle fluctuations are medium, fast, maneuverable and evasive, we can avoid it!"


There was a commotion in the spacecraft, but under Miller's organization, the rescue spacecraft immediately abandoned the gangway and dodged away from the distance regardless of it.

In the new field number,

Will, who was deploying the spaceship and preparing to use emergency mode to open the passage to subspace, also saw the shining silver-white light.

This light is completely different from high-energy weapons. The light is not sharp at all, but has a touch of softness and warmth.

But Will couldn't feel any warmth now, he only felt despair.

Because of the target the weapon is aimed at,

It is clearly "it"!

"No, no, you can't do this!"

With a shrill whistle, the silver-white light in front of him suddenly increased, filling him up.

Offline turret... started!

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

Next, there was only a continuous whistling sound,

explosion, explosion, and explosion again,

The entire New Domain was directly wrapped by the turbulence caused by the neutron beam weapon!

The high temperature reached tens of millions of degrees, instantly turning all the metals and materials on the New Domain into powder!

Thousands of neutron beams burst out wantonly, bursting out the most and most brilliant fireworks in the universe at this moment!

"Drip, drip, drip..."

In the surface world of the black hole, in the human scientific research base far away in the orbit of Jupiter, human scientists who had no idea what happened to Neptune stood in the data receiving room, and at this moment, everyone looked weird.

In front of him, the optical detector showed that,

on the half-dark side of Neptune perpendicular to the sun, it was as if someone had dropped a giant flashlight,

and what the hell,

this flashlight was in strobe mode!

It was flashing,

those who didn't know would think Neptune was holding an interstellar concert!

"What's going on there? Is our fleet there?"

"It looks like an explosion? But it's too dense, it's a little impossible. The optical detector showed that the number of strobes reached 3,000 times!"

"Contact the military to confirm the situation!"


Looking at the flashing side of Neptune in the optical detector, many scientists looked at each other in confusion.


what is going on there?

Fang Jing: What? Physical exorcism!

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